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Menampilkan postingan dengan label Faceboo Zero

Face trademarked by Facebook

It seems that the word Face has been targeted by Facebook , they want it trademarked and incredibly, the US Patent Office has granted the social networking site a Notice of Allowance. This basically means that the word Face is effectively now the trademark in the US of Facebook.

Facebook Buka Selubung Facebook Zero

Situs jejaring sosial terbesar di dunia Facebook meluncurkan detail versi situs mobilenya yang sudah dikurangi fitur-fiturnya dan disebut Facebook Zero. Situs rendah bandwidth itu ditujukan untuk orang-orang yang melihat Facebook melalui ponsel mereka dan akan diluncurkan pada pekan depan. Situs jejaring sosial tersebut baru-baru ini mengatakan lebih dari 100 juta orang mengakses Facebook dari ponselnya.

Facebook’s Zero: A Forthcoming Lightweight Mobile Web Site

As more and more people use Facebook from locations around the world with poor internet and mobile data connections, the company has been trying to customize its products to better reach them. The latest move is a not-yet-launched mobile site called Zero, that Facebook plans to fully introduce in the coming weeks. Facebook executive Chamath Palihapitiya mentioned a little about it at the Mobile World Congress happening now in Barcelona, Spain. While he didn’t provide many details, TechCrunch’s Robin Wauters gleaned a few, and took the top screenshot: “it’s basically a text-only version of the Facebook service that carriers can offer to their subscribers at no charge. If a user then decides to switch from text-only to multimedia (e.g. view photos from their friends), mobile operators can start charging them for ‘premium’ data service.”