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Cucu Tewas, Mandela Batal Hadiri Acara Pembukaan

Nelson Mandela dipastikan tidak akan menghadiri acara pembukaan putaran final Piala Dunia 2010. Kepastian ini didapat setelah mantan Presiden Afrika Selatan itu kehilangan seorang cucunya yang tewas dalam kecelakaan mobil. Kepastian tidak hadirnya Mandela ini diumumkan Yayasan Nelson Mandela, Jumat (11/6). Mandela, tokoh dibalik suksesnya Afrika Selatan mendapat kepercayaan FIFA menjadi tuan rumah, tidak menghadiri acara pembukaan karena berduka menyusul tewasnya Zenani Mandela. "Tidak sepantasnya bagi Mandela untuk hadir dalam acara pembukaan," jelas Yayasan Nelson Mandela. Rakyat Afrika Selatan sebelumnya berharap tokoh demokrasi ini bisa hadir walau kondisi kesehatannya tidak bagus. Zenani Mandela, tewas hari ini, dua hari setelah ulang tahunnya yang ke-13. Ia tewas dalam kecelakaan mobil saat pulang seusai menyaksikan konser musik yang digelar untuk memeriahkan Piala Dunia di Soweto.

Apple Reveals Many Apps for iPad

You can see different iPad apps at Apple iTune store before the release of the Tablet PC on this Saturday. According to Steve Jobs, you can take a quick preview of the iPad apps and learn how to use them. The listing of thousand apps belong to different categories ranging from entertainment and education to news and sports. iTune store has already many apps that is compatible with iPhone and iTouch type of devices. The prices of the apps range from 99 cents and $9.99 for different programs like Thesaurus XL, Hanoi Street Maps, Aki Mahjong, Stickies, Sex Offenders Search and ESPN Pinball.The popular apps such as USA Today, AP and NPR, Netflix, ebay, and Yellow Pages are still free. The other expensive apps includes The Lonely Planet Publications' 1,000 Ultimate Experiences that costs $19.99, MLB At Bat which is priced at $14.99 and the diagramming program OmniGraffle that costs at $49.99. Jobs further added that the 1.5 lbs. tablet PC is half-inch thick, it has a 1 GHz processor...

Men Be Like This And Women Be Like This

Women and Men are completely different. At their most basic level they couldn’t be more dissimilar. The differences stem, at their origin, from the fact that women evolved from dinosaurs, and men evolved from primates. This isn’t to say either gender is better than the other, dinosaurs and primates both had many distinct benefits and drawbacks. A major drawback of primates, for example, is their tendency to be warlike and solve problems with violence. A major drawback of dinosaurs, on the other hand, is that they were terrible drivers because they thought they could put on lipstick and concentrate on the freeway at the same time.

Photo: It’s been an odd Australian Open

I think its fair to say its been a strange Australian Open thus far. We’ve had player/fan fights , arrests, F-bombs , and of course underwear-gate. So although we’re only in Day 4, here is a photo essay of some of the weird, odd, and perhaps voyeuristic scenes from this year’s Australian Open. Are there slits in that thing to breathe?

The Best Sports Photographs of 2009