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Islam Has a Branding Problem: Millatfacebook CEO

I was curious about what’s going on in the mind of the men who launched Millatfacebook — a Facebook-wannabe for Muslims. So, I contacted Lahore-based Omer Zaheer Meer, the CEO of Global IT Vision (Pvt) Ltd, the company that launched Millatfacebook. But even after more than a dozen telephone calls, emails and one story later , I can’ say with confidence whether I’ve understood the man or his motives. All of 25, Meer comes across as a sincere, open and passionate person, aggrieved by what he calls an onslaught on Islam. In this first interview to the media, he speaks passionately about the motivation behind this website — to ward off attacks on Islam. I asked him why is Islam perceived as a violent religion? His answer: “Put simply, branding problem.” Meer (left) discussing a page with his technical manager Arslan Chaudhary Why did you launch Millatfacebook? In protest of the blasphemous, anti-social and hypocritical events of ridiculing Prophet Muhammad which were supported by...

Umat Islam Pakistan Punya Facebook Sendiri

Aksi pemblokiran terhadap Facebook oleh Pemerintah Pakistan mendorong para ahli IT untuk mengembangkan jejaring sosial dalam negeri. Setelah, muncul fan page 'Everybody Draw Mohammed Day!, Pemerintah Pakistan langsung memblokir Facebook, karena hal itu dianggap melecehkan umat Muslim. Enam orang ahli IT asal Lahore, Pakistan mengembangkan Facebook berbasis Islam yang beralamat di . Demikian dilansir StraitsTimes, Jumat (28/5/2010). Salah satu pendiri MillatFacebook, Omar Zaheer Meer, mengatakan situs itu telah diluncurkan Rabu lalu dan telah menarik 8.000 pengguna. Tujuannya, kata Meer, adalah untuk menyatakan sikap tidak setuju pengguna terhadap gambar Nabi Muhammad. Diharapkan jejaring sosial tersebut dapat menggaet sekira 1,6 miliar umat muslim pengguna internet. Para pendiri Millatfacebook mengatakan, situs tersebut bakal menandingi situs jejaring yang didirikan Mark Zuckerberg. "Millatfacebook adalah situs jejaring sosial pertama Pakistan. S...