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Kenapa Ngeblog bisa Eksis?

Membayangkan kata eksis, seperti di bawa ke atas awan terus naik lumba-lumba dan melihat status kita dibanjiri begitu banyak komentar dari teman atau juga follower fans , eh!. Kini lahirnya berbagai jejaring sosial tentu menjadi lahan basah bagi orang untuk tampil eksis, ditambah lagi adanya situs video sekelas YouTube bikin tambah-tambah eksis tentunya. Namun jangan salah, dibalik keeksisan itu tersimpan beragam kesan. Misalnya saja bagi blogger pada umumnya, eksis itu buka karena suka memposting foto layaknya di Facebook, melainkan lewat berbagai tulisan yang tulisnya dengan gaya dan cara tersendiri.

Facebook Top Status Trends Include iPad, iPhone 4

Image via CrunchBase Apple's iPad and iPhone 4 took the No. 4 spot in Facebook's 2010 Memology, joining the Google Zeitgeist and Twitter top trends in popularity this year. The iPad earned something of a sweep in 2010, as the tablet computer made its way into the top trend lists of leading Internet powers Google, Twitter and Facebook. Facebook Dec. 14 revealed 2010 Memology, list of top trends culled from analyzing status updates published by the social network's 500 million-plus users across 236 countries.

Twitter dan FIFA Bikin Halaman Khusus Piala Dunia

TWITTER JAKARTA, - Demam Piala Dunia 2010 diperkirakan bakal memuncak mulai Jumat (11/6/2010) malam nanti begitu ajang kompetisi sepakbola terakbar ini dibuka. Twitter pun telah mengantisipasi euforia pengguna layanan mikroblogingnya selama Piala Dunia 2010 nanti dengan mempersiapkan halaman khusus bersama FIFA.

"Penyihir" Muda dari Keluarga Yahudi

Di tengah gempuran soal tuntutan perbaikan privasi pengguna, Facebook siap menggelar pesta besar-besaran beberapa pekan mendatang. Jika tak ada aral melintang, kemungkinan 25 Juni 2010, Facebook akan mengumumkan berita besar: "Jumlah pengguna tembus 500 juta orang." Itu berarti populasi Facebook lebih besar dari penduduk Indonesia sebanyak 230 juta orang atau penduduk Amerika Serikat 300 juta orang. Bahkan, pengguna Facebook adalah terbesar ketiga di dunia, setelah penduduk China yang berjumlah 1,6 miliar orang dan India 1,1 miliar orang. "Kami seringkali menahan pengumuman pertumbuhan Facebook dan menyatukannya dengan pengumuman penting lain seperti misalnya peluncuran produk," demikian pernyataan Facebook Kepada situs Search Engine Land, 19 Mei 2010. "Jadi, jumlah pengguna Facebook sebenarnya, seringkali lebih besar daripada yang kami umumkan saat itu." Sungguh luar biasa. Hanya dalam tempo enam tahun sejak didirikan, Facebook telah masuk jajaran w...

Facebook's Privacy Fixes Can't Cure Stupid

Facebook deserves plenty of blame for messing too much with its privacy settings, but no amount of fixing will stop people from embarrassing themselves on the Internet. An interesting thing happened in the time since Facebook's privacy fiasco began: The debate moved away from the most recent changes to Facebook's privacy -- allowing select Web sites to automatically tell your Facebook friends what you've been doing on those sites -- and now focuses on changes that are almost six months old . Suddenly, it seems, users are upset that Facebook wants status updates and friends lists shared with the world. By default, new Facebook users' profiles are set to "everyone," making life on the Internet an open book. Enter, well, Openbook , the site that exposes just how much people expose on Facebook. PCWorld has covered this site before , making note of the too-much-information that (I hope) users think was kept private. NPR played a different trick...

Is the Death of Facebook Imminent?

Recently, there is attack on Facebook from different angle. There are security concerns and there are unhappy blog posts that talks about Facebook's lack of interest in giving explanations for its complicated and constantly changing security policies. There is so much panic all over that it looks like that people are going to fund in an attempt to build another social media site. Although, Facebook is on the news for different wrong reasons, anti Facebook lobby is not strong enough to venture out for an alternative social media site because of lack of competitiveness. Say, for example, Orkut, despite of their best effort, could not establish their base in a significant way worldwide. The other communities do not have the strong potential to project themselves as a threat to Facebook. However, it is quite difficult to take over Facebook for the following reasons:

Obama Hates the iPad

President Obama has apparently had a moment of epiphany and realized that new media and new technology can cleave young people from the truth and render them addicted to gadgets and entertainment. He said as much — attacking the iPod and iPad — at a speech to graduates of a college in Virginia last week. The president is doubly correct. First of all, he is right (as I have written a number of times) that the Internet, Facebook and, yes, the new iPad and many other devices can interfere with people becoming wise and knowledgeable, rather than simply deluged with facts. They can also become estranged from real relationships and from themselves as they become obsessed with pretending to be stars on YouTube or worthy of “followers” on Twitter or popular with thousands of “friends” on Facebook. Second, Obama is correct because his own ascension to power is a product of those very forces. He used celebrity and star power and the anonymous, pervasive reach of the Web to win his election. ...

Twitter Hack Lets You Force People To Follow You

Gizmodo stumbled onto an amazing hole in Twitter that allowed you to have anyone you want following you. It looks like Twitter has shut this down after word of the hole spread across...Twitter. Here's how it worked. Log in to Twitter. Type "accept 'username'" Hit "Tweet" In "username" put in who you want. We went with Conan O'Brien because he said over the weekend, " If it ever says I’m following more than one person, I’ve been hacked. I’m a completely monogamous Twitterer—I only follow Sarah Killen." And Boom! It worked for us. Apparently it also worked for 379 other people! Conan is following 380 people now. While we were writing this post it seems Twitter closed the hole. As a result of what Twitter is doing, it knocked the number of followers and following to 0 for all users. You still get the Tweets from people that are following you though.

Ibnu Rachal Farhansyah Kemakan Status Facebook

sumber :

Reuters Tells Journos: Don’t Break News on Twitter! Rate This Quantcast

Reuters is in a bit of a bind. To protect its bread-and-butter wire service, it’s telling its journalists not to “scoop the wire” by breaking news stories on Twitter. According to the latest guidelines issued to staff: As with blogging within Reuters News, you should make sure that if you have hard news content that it is broken first via the wire. Don’t scoop the wire. NB this does not apply if you are ‘retweeting’ (re-publishing) someone else’s scoop. “Scooping the wire” must have been a difficult discussion internally. Just a year ago, Dean Wright, the agency’s global editor for ethics and innovation (interesting to see that Reuters has paired ethics and innovation in the same position) wrote in a blog:

10 Guidelines of Using Google Buzz for Business

Since Google Buzz was enabled on Gmail accounts last month, I’ve observed quite a bit, and experimented a little on my own, and have been seeking feedback about what Marketers think about Google Buzz .  Thanks to those of you who took time to either comment here, or respond on Twitter or Buzz.  Thinking further last week I did my best to create an illustration of where Google Buzz fits in (graphic designers be forewarned with my web communications, I ran across an interesting Buzz Stream exposing a plagiarist and this week looked at an SEO Consideration of Google Buzz vs. Twitter . This post will round out Buzz talk for a while here as I share a 10 Guidelines of using Google’s latest social service. I think there is potential with Buzz, and it needs to be a part of your social marketing plan, finding the balance can be tricky.  Here are some things I’m considering to make the most of Buzz for marketing purposes.

Toby Young Feels The Bite As Twitter Users Attack

The attack dogs of Twitter are on the rampage once again, and this time they have Daily Telegraph columnist Toby Young in their sights. He has been savaged by users of the social networking site for a third time in two weeks for having the temerity to write an article in the Spectator in which he takes umbrage at his previous 'flamings' (orchestrated attacks by users). Young's initial crime was to write a piece for the Telegraph after the death of Alexander McQueen in which he questioned the fashion designer's "genius", given how flippantly the word is used in fashion circles, and talked about the "cult of personality" that had grown up around McQueen., The New Facebook for Burglars

A new satirical website,, is making the point that it might not be the best idea to tell the world, via the internet, every time your home is left empty. The site is jokingly aimed at the web-savvy burglar, with its mission statement: “Listing all those empty homes out there”. But anybody who makes the list has only themselves to blame: it is drawn entirely from Twitter and Facebook updates posted by users of Foursquare is a social network that makes use of the GPS technology many people now carry in their mobile phones. When users are out and about, and arrive at a new location – a bar, a shop, a friend’s house - they ‘check in’ with Foursquare, which publishes their exact location with a short message. The site can be configured to put the same message out via users’ Facebook and Twitter feeds. The point of Foursquare, which only works in certain cities, is to connect with other users visiting the same places as you – and to build up ‘points’ by vi...

Hubungan Romantis Via Internet

  “Nt, seorang gadis ABG yang dilaporkan hilang sejak Sabtu (6/2/2010) malam hingga Senin malam ini, belum juga ditemukan… Ia diduga dibawa pergi salah satu teman pria yang dikenalnya melalui jejaring sosial Facebook…”

Seorang Ibu Mengacuhkan Bayinya Setelah Melahirkan

Facebook sebenarnya bermanfaat bagi yang menggunakannya secara proporsional. Namun, jika sebaliknya, facebook berdampak jelek bagi penggunanya. Contohnya, seorang ibu pada gambar berikut yang malah online di facebook, sementara bayinya dipegang oleh suster.  

Australia, Negara Penggila Situs Jejaring Sosial

Australia mungkin boleh kalah untuk urusan jumlah pengguna situs jejaring sosial seperti Facebook atau Twitter. Tapi, berdasarkan riset Nielsen, pengguna jejaring sosial negeri Kangguru tersebut dinilai sebagai penggila jejaring sosial. Pasalnya, pengguna jejaring sosial di Australia rata-rata menghabiskan waktu sekira tujuh jam dalam sebulan untuk mengurusi akunnya, seperti mengupdate status, mengunggah foto. Jumlah tersebut mengalahkan jumlah rata-rata waktu yang dihabiskan pengguna di Amerika Serikat, Inggris atau Jepang untuk mengurusi situsnya. Rata-rata pengguna jejaring sosial secara global hanya menghabiskan waktu jika ditotal hanya lima hingga lima setengah jam dalam sebulan.

Rahasia Perempuan Ketika Bermain Facebook

Facebook memang sudah menjadi fenomena tersendiri bagi masyarakat dunia. Dengan jumlah pengguna mencapai 132 juta orang, Facebook telah menjado way of life sekaligus sihir teknologi yang mematikan. Bagaimana tidak? Dengan Facebook seseorang akan dengan mudah mengetahui seluk beluk orang lainnya. Hal-hal gila pun terkadang dilakukan saat bermain Facebook, terutama perempuan sebagai pengguna mayoritas Facebook. Berikut adalah hal-hal gila yang diakui oleh para wanita dilakukan saat mereka berselancar di Facebook. Stalking Inilah peringkat pertama yang dilakukan para wanita di Facebook. Stalking atau ‘memata-matai’ facebook orang lain memang merupakan kegiatan yang mengasyikan bagi sebagian besar perempuan. Biasanya, mereka mencari-cari informasi seputar pria yang disukainya mulai dari melihat profile, wall-to-wall, sampai postingan lama pun mereka buka satu per satu dengan sabar. Memang kaum perempuan untuk urusan mencari informasi seputar pria idamannya boleh dikatakan yang paling ul...

Google Buzz Vs Google Wave

When Google announced Google Buzz, its new social sharing feature for Gmail, company representatives admitted Buzz was inspired by a similar product: Google Wave. In fact, some of the features of Buzz and Wave are so similar you might be wondering why there are two different products in the first place? Both services are supposed to help you create conversations and give you a richer experience around Web-based media like videos, images ,and regular text. But while Buzz and Wave have a lot in common, there also some key differences that set each service apart. Wave and Buzz? What the heck are you talking about?

Jejaring Sosial di Mata Seorang Tukang Becak

Mungkin bukan sebuah pilihan yang membanggakan bagi sebagian besar masyarakat kita. Namun, keputusan menjadi tukang becak adalah yang paling mungkin bagi saya waktu itu, selain cepat bisa memberikan hasil, pekerjaan itu tidak perlu syarat macam-macam seperti halnya mencari pekerjaan yang lain. Apalagi dengan hanya berbekal ijazah SMA dan tidak punya bekal keterampilan apa-apa akan sangat sulit untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan dengan cepat. Selain itu, sebelum tahun 1990-an di kota Yogyakarta profesi tukang becak masih cukup lumayan menghasilkan uang untuk membantu menghidupi keluarga.

Marietta Nova Triani Hilang Karena Rayuan Facebook

Kedua orang tua Marietta Nova Triani atau Nova (14) bersyukur putrinya yang hilang sejak 6 Februari 2010 lalu telah ditemukan. Nova ditemukan bersama Ari, pria yang diduga kekasihnya. "Kita bersyukur sebagai orang tua, anak telah kembali lagi. Untuk urusan ketemunya di mana silakan tanya ke polisi," ujar ayah Nova, Heri Kristiono saat tiba di Ditreskrimum Polda Metro Jaya, Jl Jenderal Sudirman, Jakarta, Selasa (9/2/2010) pukul 02.10 WIB. Heri mengenakan kaos biru ditemani istrinya yang mengenakan kaos putih.