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Facebook Software Sexual Predators

Facebook believes 'under the radar' checks developed by its engineers are more important for keeping its site safe than public deterrents such as a Ceops 'panic button'. Photograph: Linda Nylind Facebook has developed sophisticated algorithms to monitor its users and detect inappropriate and predatory behaviour, bolstering its latest raft of initiatives to improve the safety of its users. Having launched an education campaign, an improved reporting procedure and a 24/7 police hotline on Monday, Facebook told the Guardian that it has introduced a number of algorithms that track the behaviour of its users and flag up suspicious activity, including members with a significant number of declined friend requests and those with a high proportion of contacts of one gender. Another filter, common on web publishing sites, scans photo uploads for skin tones and blocks problem images – the "no nipples" filter that caused pictures of b...

Predator Seks Israel Rayu 1.000 Anak via Internet

Seorang predator seks di Israel menebar rayuan maut pada sekitar 1.000 anak via internet. Sebagian korban berusia antara 8 sampai 15 tahun diajak cybersex atau bertemu di dunia nyata untuk melakukan hubungan terlarang. Polisi di Tel Aviv telah membekuk tersangka bernama Avinoam Braverman yang dituding melakukan seks virtual via webcam serta memaksa sebagian bocah mengiriminya foto bugil. Tak hanya itu, tiga gadis juga jadi mangsa Braverman saat mereka bertemu di dunia nyata. Mereka diperkosa dan disodomi oleh tersangka.