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Nilai Merek Apple Geser Google

Image via CrunchBase Apple kini menjadi merek yang paling berharga di dunia alias  most valuable brand . Nilainya bahkan menggeser raksasa situs mesin pencari Google. Berdasarkan riset WPP Plc. unit Millward Brown, nilai merek Apple meroket 84 persen tahun lalu menjadi 153,3 miliar dollar AS. Sedangkan, nilai merek Google tergelincir 2 persen menjadi 111,5 miliar dollar AS. Sementara, untuk posisi ketiga ada IBM (International Business Machines) yang naik 17 persen. IBM melangkahi posisi ketiga sebelumnya yakni McDonald's. "Jadi sudah jelas bahwa setiap pekerja Apple dari Steve Jobs dan Tim Cook mendatangi magang musim panas untuk melindungi dan memelihara merek mereka sebagai prioritas utama," kata Direktur Utama WPP Millward Brown, Eileen Campbell dalam laporannya, Senin (9/5/2011).

Pangsa Pasar Android Naik 7 Persen Selama November-Februari

Image via CrunchBase Sistem operasi Android terus mendominasi pasar ponsel cerdas. Satu dari tiga ponsel di AS menggunakan sistem operasi itu, menurut MSNBC. Riset pasar comScore menunjukkan bahwa Android terus meningkat, seperti yang terjadi selama dua tahun terakhir.  Dari bulan November sampai Februari, pangsa pasar Android melompat 7 persen, membuat sistem operasi dari Google itu digunakan 33 persen pemilik ponsel cerdas. Pangsa pasar Apple dengan iPhone hanya meningkat 0,2 persen pada periode yang sama. iPhone Verizon merupakan ponsel yang paling banyak dibeli selama Februari, namun penjualan satu bulan itu tidak dapat banyak mendorong peningkatan pangsa pasarnya.

iPhone Bisa Deteksi Kanker Kulit

Image by Getty Images via @daylife Terobosan terbaru dalam teknologi memungkinkan sebuah alat komunikasi canggih membantu diagnosis penyakit kanker. Dengan tambahan sejenis perangkat yang disebut Handyscope, iPhone kini dapat difungsikan untuk membantu para dokter mendeteksi kanker kulit. Selain Handyscope yang disambungkan, iPhone juga harus ditambahkan aplikasi sehingga  gadget  ini berfungsi sebagai dermataskop, alat yang biasa digunakan dokter untuk mendeteksi melanoma. Alat yang diproduksi oleh FotFinder, perusahaan asal Jerman, menggunakan cahaya polarisasi untuk mendeteksi apakah sebuah tahi lalat bersifat kanker. Alat ini kemudian mengambil gambar dan mengirimkannya ke dokter untuk pemeriksaan.

Android Kalahkan Symbian, Terpopuler di Dunia

Image via CrunchBase Selamat tinggal Symbian!!! Sistem operasi Google Android sukses mencopot mahkota Nokia Symbian sebagai pemimpin sistem operasi smartphone di dunia. Perubahan itu mengakhiri masa kejayaan Nokia yang telah berkuasa sejak dekade lalu, berdasarkan angka yang dirilis analis Canalys. Secara total, ponsel Android telah terjual 32,9 juta di seluruh dunia selama kuartal terakhir pada 2010, tujuh kali lebih banyak dibanding 2009. Hasil itu jauh dibandingkan dengan penjualan Symbian yang 31 juta.

Cara Rahasia Menghemat Baterai iPhone

Image via CrunchBase Kehabisan baterai ponsel saat dalam perjalanan memang menyebalkan. Begitu pun dengan iPhone yang banyak fitur multimedianya. Sebenarnya, ada beberapa trik agar baterai iPhone bisa lebih tahan lama. Untuk mengulur habisnya baterai pada iPhone, PC Mag yang menawarkan cara rahasia menghemat baterai iPhone sebagai berikut: 1. Matikan fitur push notification Fitur ini menjadi ‘pembunuh’ terbesar baterai pada iPhone. Untuk beberapa alasan, pengembang aplikasi biasanya mengaktifkan fitur ini. Namun, banyak juga yang tidak. Untuk menonaktifkannya, masuk ke setting. 2. Matikan push email iPhone tidak secanggih BlackBerry untuk urusan push email. Berdasar pengalaman detikINET, baterai iPhone hanya bertahan selama dua jam saja jika fitur ini diaktifkan. Buka email pada saat tertentu saja. Ini cukup membantu menghemat baterai ponsel.

Top Ten: Anak Muda Terkaya di Internet Dibawah 30 tahun

Siapa yang menjadi kaya raya sebelum berumur 30 tahun. Era teknologi membuat banyak pemuda pintar mendadak populer dan sangat kaya. Boleh dibilang menjadi kaya karena internet, atau anak muda yang kaya karena adanya teknologi internet. Siapa saja yang berhasil mendapatkan posisi tertinggi. Data dari Complex mengumpulkan 10 anak muda mampu berhasil sebelum berumur 30 tahun. Aodhan Cullen, 27 tahun, Statcounter, perkiraan 18 juta dollar. Dia banyak amal dengan membuat website statisik untuk mencatat pengunjung. Memiliki 1.5 juta member. Matt Mullenweg, 26 tahun, Wordpress, 40 juta dollar Matt keluar dari Gig di Cnet, membuat situs untuk blogger dan paling ramai sedunia. Sean Belnick, 23 tahun, Bizchair, 42 juta dollar. Apa yang dikerjakan ketika berumur 14 tahun. Dia adalah anak muda yang memiliki toko furniture di internet. Tidak itu saja, dia bekerja di kamar untuk mengatur 100 karyawannya.

2015, 50% Pengguna di Asia Pakai Smartphone

Menurut lembaga riset dan konsultasi Frost and Sullivan, smartphone akan menguasai lebih dari setengah pasar di Asia pada tahun 2015 dengan estimasi penjualan mencapai 477 juta unit. Diperkirakan Frost and Sullivan, pangsa pasar smartphone di Asia Pasific akan terus bertumbuh pesat hingga 54 persen pada lima tahun mendatang, dibandingkan lima persen per tahun 2009. Tajamnya pertumbuhan penjualan smartphone akan mampu mendongkrak pendapatan para operator telekomunikasi. Karena, semakin meluasnya pasar smartphone, semakin besar pula permintaan pasar terhadap layanan data. Seperti diketahui, smartphone (ponsel pintar) saat ini dikenal sebagai perangkat bergerak kelas atas yang dapat menyuguhkan akses data lebih cepat, seperti e-mail dan browsing, dibandingkan ponsel-ponsel biasa dengan fitur sama.

Steve Jobs Orang Terpintar Dalam Teknologi

Fortune, media terkemuka berskala global, merilis daftar 50 orang paling pintar di bidang teknologi. Siapa yang dipilih di urutan nomor wahid? Ternyata dia adalah CEO Apple Steve Jobs. Jobs dinilai berhasil membawa Apple bangkit dari masa kehancuran yang mendera perusahaannya pada akhir 1990 lalu dengan memperkenalkan gagdet seperti iMac dan iPod. Setelah berhasil bangkit dari keterpurukan, Jobs kemudian menggebrak dunia teknologi dengan merilis iPhone dan yang terbaru, tablet PC iPad. "Dia adalah seorang yang visioner, micromanager, dan aktor andal di balik produk revolusioner. Dia juga eksekutif yang menjadi ikon budaya pop, tidak seperti eksekutif bisnis lainnya," puji Fortune dalam laporannya yang dilansir Cnet dan dikutip detikINET, Senin (12/7/2010). Di urutan nomor satu kategori perancang desain teknologi, Fortune menempatkan Jon Ive, si perancang iPhone. "Steve Jobs memimpikan sebuah iPhone dan Jonathan Ive mewujudkan desainnya," tulis Fortune.

Our Gigantic Impulse Control Disorder

Ignore the message on the screen. Ignore the message... A couple of weeks ago, blogger Chris Brogan asked: “Are we addicted?” He wasn’t talking about narcotics, coffee, cigarettes or Twilight merchandise. He meant the Internet. Let’s ignore for the moment that the question was posed by a man who seemingly lives on the web 24/7 (and some would argue is made of pixels rather than flesh and blood) and dive into the question more deeply. I think addiction is the wrong word to describe our Internet compulsions and behaviors. Perhaps we should called it our collective “impulse control disorder.” But no matter how we label it, there’s little doubt that many individuals find themselves unable to resist the lure of the Internet. It clouds their judgment, disrupts productivity and leads to impolite behavior. The following scenerios are becoming quite common in corporate environments. Has any of the following signs of Internet addiction happened to you?

iPhone 4 Sold Out Within a Day

iPhone 4 sold out n Tuesday was disrupted o as Apple out of stock in less than 24 hours. In case you pre order an iPhone 4 now it will reach by July 2, it is a already a week after the launch. With Apple's online store server overstuffed there are several issues at the AT&T customers that have access to user data of other users. The Reuters reports about the AT&T order system failing. It's hard to say how many iPhone 4 phones Apple have been already sold. It could be already close to 1 million iPhone 4 devices. A year ago Apple sold 1 million iPhone 3GS over the launch weekend. Apple definitely wants to break this record. How about this headline Apple pre-sold 1 million iPhone 4 on June 15th world wide. The number of iPhone 4 Apple already sold is hard to predict. According to AT&T, with the ever-growing iPhone 4 craze they had the busiest online sales day in AT&T history. The customers who pre-ordered iPhone 4 on Tuesday afternoon will receive their devi...

Facebook Accepts Government’s Friend Request

Got a beef with the USDA? Want to send a message to the U.S. Postal Service? Do you “like” the National Nuclear Security Administration? Now you can let them (and all of your digital friends) know how you feel. The popular social networking site Facebook launched its “Congress on Facebook” page Thursday, which they bill as a one stop shop for members’ official pages. A “Facebook and Government” page connects citizens to the official pages of state, local, and federal agencies. The pages bill themselves as a source for sharing ways that the government can best use Facebook to communicate. More and more lawmakers and government agencies are using the popular site to reach constituents. And as an unintended bonus for journalists, we’ll now be able to disguise our non-work Facebook browsing with the click of a button. Thanks Facebook!

Obama Hates the iPad

President Obama has apparently had a moment of epiphany and realized that new media and new technology can cleave young people from the truth and render them addicted to gadgets and entertainment. He said as much — attacking the iPod and iPad — at a speech to graduates of a college in Virginia last week. The president is doubly correct. First of all, he is right (as I have written a number of times) that the Internet, Facebook and, yes, the new iPad and many other devices can interfere with people becoming wise and knowledgeable, rather than simply deluged with facts. They can also become estranged from real relationships and from themselves as they become obsessed with pretending to be stars on YouTube or worthy of “followers” on Twitter or popular with thousands of “friends” on Facebook. Second, Obama is correct because his own ascension to power is a product of those very forces. He used celebrity and star power and the anonymous, pervasive reach of the Web to win his election. ...

Apple iPhone OS 4.0 Developer Preview Hands On

We’ve been playing with iPhone OS 4 for a while now and here’s what we’ve learned: * It’s pretty stable, especially compared to other developer editions of the iPhone OS we’ve messed around with. We haven’t had any crashes so far, and things seem mostly to be working. Find My iPhone doesn’t work, and iTunes 9.1 doesn’t know about folders and will delete any you’ve set up, but nothing major is broken, at least as far as we can tell. * The multitasking system works as described, but without any apps that support it it’s hard to test — we’ll see if we can cajole a copy of Pandora or TomTom to play with. Steve might say task managers are a sign of failure, but you can certainly delete icons from the switcher — just long press on them and a minus arrow pops up. * Bluetooth keyboards are going to be the next greatiPhone accessory gold rush. Been jonesing for a million-dollar idea? Here you go: slider keyboard case with built-in extended battery.

iPad: A gadget for rich, thirty-something males?

Are you wealthy, male and aged 35-44? If so, you are the average iPad user according to some interesting stats released by Yahoo. Using data from anyone who signed in to any of its networks via an iPad, Yahoo revealed that men outnumbered women by almost two to one, and that in the 35-44 age category the population composition was 36 per cent higher than its usual user. It seems there aren't many kids out there with iPads yet - population composition was 39 per cent down on the Yahoo norm in the under 20 age group.

Top Ten Reasons To Hate Apple iPad

There are loud talks in this Grammy - Stephen Colbert has an iPad. Does it make any difference to his talent. The political satirist had a point to contemplate, when he said what kind of pocket did that come out of. This sounded like a chaffing on the Cupertino men who had always boasted about their near-perfect creations. But this time they landed on the wrong Foot. Apple's iPad could do what Vista did for Microsoft. With an unprecedented hype and rumors, Apple's tabled seemed to be something close to the gadget of the millennium.  But, then you don't need to buy a gadget only because it has Steve Jobs associated with it.  We decided to pick out the top 10 reasons to hate Apple iPad. 1. Based on the OS of iPhone At the first glimpse it appears that iPad is a stretched version of iPhone.  However, the OS and interface is the same. What's the big deal in using the same phone features in a bigger device. What irks most is that you have drag-and-drop feature. 2. No multi...

Apple Screwed Up Handling iPhone Gizmo-gate

It appears the saga of the lost (or stolen) iPhone prototype is drawing to a close. Tech blog Gizmodo, which paid $5000 for an unreleased, next-gen iPhone and then posted a detailed preview of the handset, now reports it has returned the device to Apple. Since Cupertino's legal sharks requested in writing that Gizmodo return the iPhone, there's little doubt the handset is the real deal. The result? Well, the world won't top spinning, but Apple may decide to make Gizmodo's life miserable with some sort of nasty legal action. Perhaps more importantly for Apple, the big reveal may curtail the media hype that will accompany the new iPhone's summer launch. In fact, the next-gen iPhone has already lost much of its mystery, if not its allure. Thanks to Gizmodo's scoop--ethically questionable or not--we already know what the new iPhone will look like, even though many of its finer attributes remain unknown.

Kalau Suka Porno, Silakan Pakai Android

CEO Apple Steve Jobs saat memperkenalkan iPhoen OS 4. - AFP PHOTO/JUSTIN SULLIVAN CEO Apple Steve Jobs terkenal sering melontarkan kalimat pedas buat para pesaing bisnisnya. Kali ini Google yang kena sasarannya dengan mengomentari soal Android. Saat ditanya soal kebijakan Apple dalam menentukan aplikasi apa saja yang bisa muncul di App Store, Steve Jobs menyebut adanya tanggung jawab moral yang diterapkan Apple. Jobs menegaskan bahwa Apple tidak akan membolehkan konten porno di layanannya itu. "Orang yang kepengin pornografi silakan beli ponsel Android saja," ujar Steve Jobs dalam e-mail yang dilansir situs Tech Crunch , Senin (19/4/2010).

Differences of Google Nexus One and Apple iPhone

Which should I buy Google Nexus One or Apple iPhone ? This is a common question to the readers. Below I share some of my experiences on Nexus One vs. iPhone after using both of them for the past few days. I feels iPhone's back swipe much more intuitive than pressing the back icon of Nexus One Do you want to know the biggest difference of Nexus One vs. iPhone ? I need a manual to use Nexus One but with iPhone I never did and I am a hardcore techie. My personal experience is that with UI & usability improvements Nexus One can challenge iPhone, however it is not there yet. Sometimes small things make the biggest difference. Nexus One should focus more resources on making it more intuitive. Even the way to slide to unlock is not clear unlike iPhone.

8 Things that Netbook can Learn From iPad

Video is one of the important features for any portable computer. Netbook doesn't handle Video that good. Netbook works pretty well with downloaded video files–but for Flash-based video like YouTube or Hulu, there is an issue for full screen HD. iPad doesn't support Flash. But, Netflix apps are loaded very quickly on iPad and the pic is crystal clear. 2. Netbook is not that portable like iPad. iPad is very thin and weighs half of the 10″ Netbook. The power adapter of Netbook looks awkward, but, the power chord of iPad is just like smartphone. 3. You can turn your iPad ON instantaneously without rebooting. But, Netbook has boot time similar to Laptops. 4. Netbooks can't play most of the games. The 3D engine on an iPhone plays games better than most Netbooks, but the gaming experience gets better with ipad. Apple's App Store makes sure that all games are compatible.

PCs are Going to be Touch Screen by the Year 2015

As per the recent report by Gartner, although, touch screen devices started to come in the market in 2010, but, its adoption in Enterprise Market is still very slow. Nevertheless, the research firm predicted that 50 p.c. PCs will be touchscreen by the end of the year 2015. "What we're going to see is the younger generation beginning to use touchscreen computers ahead of enterprises. We expect more than 50 per cent of PCs purchased for users under the age of 15 to have touchscreens, up from fewer than 2 per cent in 2009," said Leslie Fiering, research vice president at Gartner. At the same time, she predicted that less than 10 per cent of PCs sold to enterprises in 2015 are going to have touchscreen. The release of smartphone like Apple iPhone and the very recent launch of iPad made touch screen based devices very popular across the users worldwide. Gartner further predicts that the smartphone users will want to extend their touch based experience in their PCs too. Ma...