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Needle in a Haystack: Efficient Storage of Billions of Photos

The Photos application is one of Facebook’s most popular features. Up to date, users have uploaded over 15 billion photos which makes Facebook the biggest photo sharing website. For each uploaded photo, Facebook generates and stores four images of different sizes, which translates to a total of 60 billion images and 1.5PB of storage. The current growth rate is 220 million new photos per week, which translates to 25TB of additional storage consumed weekly. At the peak there are 550,000 images served per second. These numbers pose a significant challenge for the Facebook photo storage infrastructure. NFS photo infrastructure The old photo infrastructure consisted of several tiers: Upload tier receives users’ photo uploads, scales the original images and saves them on the NFS storage tier. Photo serving tier receives HTTP requests for photo images and serves them from the NFS storage tier. NFS storage tier built on top of commercial storage appliances. Since each image is stored in i...

Mengintip Server Raksasa Milik Facebook

Jumlah pengguna facebook semakin menggurita. Lebih dari 225 juta orang menjadi warga setia facebook hingga Mei 2009. Pertumbuhan tersebut terutama ditopang pesatnya pengguna dari luar Amerika Serikat. Di Chili dan Turki, facebook bahkan sangat digdaya. Sebanyak 76 persen dan 66 persen pengguna internet di kedua negara adalah warga “republik” facebook. Bagaimana di negara kita? Sebanyak 17,78 persen (2,3 juta) dari total pengguna internet juga tergila-gila dengan situs ciptaan Mark Zuckerberg itu. Jumlah pengguna yang besar tentu saja menjadi berkah buat facebook. Sejumlah analis menghitung, di atas kertas nilai facebook adalah 6-15 miliar dollar AS. Tapi di balik angka fantastis itu, facebook juga harus mengeluarkan ongkos sangat besar untuk melayani hasrat narsis jutaan orang. Setiap hari jutaan foto diunggah orang dari seluruh pelosok dunia ke jejaring sosial itu. Akibatnya, facebook juga dilaporkan “ngos-ngosan” membiayai infrastrukturnya. Pada 2007 facebook berutang 30 juta dol...

Facebook Server Infrastructure

Om Malik reported on : The company is running around 10,000 servers , according to Data Center Knowledge , citing comments made by Facebook VP of technology, Jeff Rothschild, at a recent MySQL user conference. ( See video of the panel .) Of the 10,000 servers, 1,800 are from MySQL and around 805 of them are memcached servers . In order to house its sprawling infrastructure, Facebook has leased data center space from DuPont Fabros in Ashburn, Va., and Digital Realty Trust in Santa Clara, Calif., DCK reports. How much is Facebook spending on its infrastructure? The company isn’t going to tell us, but there are clues. Server and storage company Rackable today reported first-quarter 2008 sales of around $69 million. Facebook is one of its largest customers, accounting for around 10 percent of Rackable’s sales (that number could be higher, but we’ll have to wait for Rackable’s 10-Q to get a clearer picture), so some quick, back-of-the-envelope math reveals $7 million in ...