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10 Tips To Increase Google AdSense Earnings

Over the years, Google AdSense has emerged as a lucrative source of revenue for those willing work up their brains. Most people creating websites or blog with the intentions of generating  AdSense revenue are under the impression that they can strike gold with impressive content and  ads on the header. Their dreams are shattered long before reaching the break even. This is quite frustrating and sometime people quit. However, the game of converting the visits into clicks, requires much more than just attractive layout and engaging content. The key is optimize your site for Google AdSense using the features and tools to your advantage. You need not be reminded - if you are earning Google is also earning. We made an effort to filter out some unique tips for increasing your Google AdSense earnings. 1. Use keywords to get Google AdSense clicks Using appropriate keywords can generate handsome Google AdSense earnings. For higher paying keyword you can search the Google Keyword Tool ...

Facebook's $1B Revenues: Now Keep It Up

Facebook may pull in an excess of $1 billion in revenues, according to estimates and poking around on behalf of industry blog Inside Facebook . That's an increase from the same publication's estimate of $700 million last year. Facebook board member Marc Andreessen said last year that he projected the company would break $500 million revenue in 2009 , and that it had the potential to be a billion-dollar company already, but that it was acting conservatively. (Naturally, Facebook says that as a privately held company it doesn't disclose its financials.) What can Facebook credit this big jump in revenue to? It's all about the Social Ads program. Facebook ditched banner ads altogether earlier this year when its longstanding ad partnership with Microsoft ran out and has chosen to focus on its edgier " engagement ads " program instead--and often these are sold by encouraging brands to promote their presence on Facebook with ad space.

Can Google's Chrome Banner Change the Course of the Browser Wars?

Google has an ad banner in their search home page for their Chrome browser. Can it eventually change the course of the browser wars? And what can happen if it does?