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Video: Hey Remember Me?

I can't say too much about this video without spoiling it so just watch it. I must say it caught me by surprise. Hey Remember Me? I can't say too much about this video without spoiling it so just watch it. I must say it caught me by surprise.

How to Alert Connections of a Social Network Hack

Twitter has rapidly become one of the most popular social media and microblogging services on the internet. Unfortunately, in the Web world, popularity often leads to increased security concerns. Twitter has also become a popular tool with cyber criminals, who are increasingly using it as a vessel to spread malware. This past weekend, Twitter users were hit with a phishing scam that caught many off guard. (Attacks on social networks tripled in 2009, read more here)The innocuous sounding message included a link that, if clicked, led to a spoofed Twitter login page. Anyone who logged in via that page would have had their Twitter account credentials stolen. Those victims then had the same message tweeted out to their contacts, thus causing exponential spread of the phishing attack. The messages sent were similar to the following: Lol , this is funny Lol. this is me?? Lol. this you??

Foto: Lucu-lucuan Cuma Ada di China

Negara dengan penduduk terbesar (1,5 milyar jiwa) di dunia ini memang menarik untuk terus dikaji. Bayangkan dengan kekayaan budaya yang telah tumbuh subur semenjak 5 ribu tahun yang lalu, Cina atau Tiongkok pasti punya banyak sisi-sisi menarik di mata orang asing, tak terkecuali kita. Yang kita tahu dari saudara tua ini sayangnya terbatas pada pola-pola stereotip yang sempit sehingga kita cenderung memberi stempel yang cenderung hitam putih pada bangsa besar ini. Kini dengan prestasi ekonominya sebagai kekuatan ekonomi nomer dua dunia, segala aspek tentang Cina sebenarnya patut kita kaji. Banyak pakar sepakat abad ini milik Asia, dan salah satu budaya dominan yang akan banyak mewarnainya adalah budaya Cina. Namun menariknya, karena Cina belum lama beranjak dari statusnya sebagai negara berkembang, banyak hal yang bisa kita temui di Cina rasa-rasanya juga kerap kita dapati di Indonesia. pengiritan ekstremm ipod terbaru form cina go to gaza melawan israel menantang maut ...

Seorang Ibu Mengacuhkan Bayinya Setelah Melahirkan

Facebook sebenarnya bermanfaat bagi yang menggunakannya secara proporsional. Namun, jika sebaliknya, facebook berdampak jelek bagi penggunanya. Contohnya, seorang ibu pada gambar berikut yang malah online di facebook, sementara bayinya dipegang oleh suster.  

Picture: Webpage Not Found, Error 404!

Top 13 Motivational Posters

Picture: Membedakan Orang Normal dan Mabuk

Normal = Mabok

Why Google Won't Give Twitter or Facebook a Buzz Cut Tomorrow

OK, I’ve given you the reasons why Google will be successful this time, but why won’t what they announce tomorrow give Twitter or Facebook a buzz cut? Funny aside, I found this photo of Matt Mullenweg (the entrepreneur behind Wordpress) getting a buzz cut by using Google’s Social Circles search.

Foto: Kalau Bonek Naik Pesawat

Photo: It’s been an odd Australian Open

I think its fair to say its been a strange Australian Open thus far. We’ve had player/fan fights , arrests, F-bombs , and of course underwear-gate. So although we’re only in Day 4, here is a photo essay of some of the weird, odd, and perhaps voyeuristic scenes from this year’s Australian Open. Are there slits in that thing to breathe?

7 Facebook Fan Pages That Shouldn't Exist