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Menampilkan postingan dengan label Sourceforge

Top Ten Best Most Popular Open-Source Social Networking Software

Social Networking is what’s really hot and happening and why shouldn’t it be? You can interact, manage and be in touch with all your contacts at one single place that also sitting on your couch having your cup of coffee with a cookie may be. Among the youth social networking is the mass media, for than television and the radio. Take a look around and you will well figure out that the much famed social networking sites like Twitter, Facebook , Orkut , MySpace and LinkedIn are keeping internet users on their toes in various activities on their own site which incorporates profile, blogs, notifications, groups, files sharing (photo and video), messaging, forum discussion, search option, comments, social bookmarking and others exciting feature of social networking. But then when it comes to social networking as a mean of marketing strategy or relationship management gateway then you have to pay in some extra attention. To manage the huge contact database you need a residential software t...

82% Software Open Source Kompatibel dengan Windows

Sekira 82 persen software open source (OSS) yang ada saat ini diketahui kompatibel dengan sistem Operasi Windows. Padahal, pada tahun 2005 hanya 72 persen software open source yang mendukung windows. Hal itu didasarkan pada data statistik yang dikeluarkan Geeknet Network seperti dilansir Softpedia, Sabtu (13/3/2010). “Peningkatan jumlah ini merupakan sebuah kabar baik, dengan demikian sekira 350 ribu OSS kompatibel dengan windows, saat ini hampir terdapat sekira 433 ribu proyek pengembangan OSS,” ujar Scott Collison, Senior Director of Platform Strategy Microsoft. Selain itu, Collison mengatakan yang lebih menarik ialah fakta bahwa Windows merupakan sistem operasi yang mampu digunakan untuk 10 unduhan teratas di SourceForge. Kesepuluh OSS yang sering diunduh via SourceForge diantaranya, eMule, Azureus/Vuze, Ares Gallery, 7-Zip, Filezilla, GTK+ and Gimp Installer for Windows, Audacity, Portable Software/USB, DC++, and BitTorent.