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Inilah Cara Memperbaiki Reputasi di Dunia Maya

Image by Luc Van Braekel via Flickr Banyak kemudahan yang bisa diperoleh dengan begitu banyaknya pengguna jejaring sosial dan internet. Meskipun begitu, timbul kekhawatiran privasi individu tercoreng di dunia maya. Dalam tulisan di Facebook , Twitter , blog dan situs jejaring sosial lainnya, data seperti pandangan politik, masalah kantor, kualitas kesehatan seseorang dapat dengan mudah bocor di masyarakat. Banyak ahli privasi khawatir data yang tidak sengaja tersebar di dunia maya itu dapat digunakan untuk tidak kejahatan serta dimanfaatkan perusahaan untuk menganalisis data pegawai. Pihak asuransi juga dikhawatirkan menolak atau menyangkal tanggungan asuransi berdasarkan informasi di jejaring sosial. “Agregasi online atas data pribadi Anda merupakan panggung kehidupan, sama seperti keberadaan Wikileaks saat ini,” ujar Michael Fertik , CEO, sebelumnya dikenal dengan nama ReputationDefender , perusahaan yang menarik keuntungan dari pihak-pihak yang ingin mengatur citra...

Pencipta Internet Kritik Facebook

Image via CrunchBase Pencipta world wide web atau www, Tim Berners-Lee mengkritik situs jejaring sosial Facebook karena dinilai membatasi keterbukaan website. Dalam tulisan berjudul Long Live the Web: A Call for Continued Open Standards and Neutrality yang dimuat dalam jurnal Scientific American , Berners-Lee kembali mengingatkan pengguna internet tentang kekuatan website ada pada keterbukaan dan demokratis. "Web berkembang menjadi alat yang kuat karena dibangun pada prinsip-prinsip egaliter," tulis Berners-Lee seperti dikutip Telegraph, hari ini. Setiap orang maupun kelompok, lanjut dia, bisa menggunakan website, baik yang mengatasnamakan individu, universitas maupun perusahaan.

Top Ten Facebook Alternatives That Keep Up Your Privacy

With the rise to top spot in social networking world, Facebook's taking advantage of its monopoly. The social networking ace is eager on controlling online identity of its members and reconfiguring the world’s privacy norms. Lately Facebook has been accused of taking advantage of users privacy. In such a situation you must be looking for Facebook Alternatives. If you are looking for alternatives, you have many but those that upkeep your privacy and offer similar features and apps as Facebook are numbered. We made an effort to queue up the 10 Facebook alternatives that doesn't compromise your privacy. 1. Friendster It is already quite popular in Asia but has also grown in popularity in the United States. The network offers quite a few features to customize your profile, offering quite a few features to customize. This is the ultimate point of a social network through. You can stay updated on people's shared information  Friendster’s privacy is stricter than what we find w...

The Reign Of Facebook: Will It Ever End?

Facebook can be called an internet phenomenon. Its rapid growth since it was introduced as a service made exclusively for Harvard students in 2004 is a spectacular example of a successful social media project. While its closest competitor, MySpace, is stagnating and struggling to sustain its user base, Facebook continues to attract new users. In this article, we’ll try to look to the reasons behind the tremendous success of Facebook. Brief history: Facebook was founded in February 2004, by Mark Zuckerberg and his roommates – Dustin Moskovitz and Chris Hughes. It received its first large investments 2005, while Facebook was still not available for the whole public. Facebook was opened to anyone aged 13 and above only in late 2006. It is currently valued somewhere between $1.3 and $10 billion and is the leading social network in the world with more than 200 million registered users.

Facebook Drives 44 Percent Of Social Sharing On The Web

Will People Leave Facebook for Buzz? Fat Chance

Let's say you'd constituted a drinking game for the aftermath of Tuesday's unveiling of Google Buzz , the odd new mishmash of status messages, geolocation, and social-media aggregation: Take a drink every time some pundit says Google is trying to "kill" Facebook, Twitter, or any number of the "geo" start-ups out there. You'd have been totally blitzed. The cries of "It's a Facebook killer!" and "It's going to kill Twitter!" are tedious, but completely understandable considering that this is one of the first big pushes from Google, which has never been able to get a good grip on social networking , to make inroads in the space. And Buzz is indeed a product that's reactionary as opposed to trailblazing. It's Google's biggest acknowledgment of the fact that people dig these short real-time messages and social-media sharing . It aims to take the reasons why people use Facebook, why people use Twitter, and w...

Jejaring Sosial di Mata Seorang Tukang Becak

Mungkin bukan sebuah pilihan yang membanggakan bagi sebagian besar masyarakat kita. Namun, keputusan menjadi tukang becak adalah yang paling mungkin bagi saya waktu itu, selain cepat bisa memberikan hasil, pekerjaan itu tidak perlu syarat macam-macam seperti halnya mencari pekerjaan yang lain. Apalagi dengan hanya berbekal ijazah SMA dan tidak punya bekal keterampilan apa-apa akan sangat sulit untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan dengan cepat. Selain itu, sebelum tahun 1990-an di kota Yogyakarta profesi tukang becak masih cukup lumayan menghasilkan uang untuk membantu menghidupi keluarga.

Pingdom: Facebook is killing it on page views

Facebook is completely dominating the rest of the social-media world when it comes to page views, according to these numbers. (Credit: Pingdom/Google Ad Planner)

What is Gowalla

Gowalla is a location based web app that lets your friends know where you are checking in. It focuses on ranking locations based on how many people check in and check out -- which helps you find a good place to eat, shop or play. Also it mostly requires that you have your iPhone handy so you can check in to get coffee or grab some milk. Have you used Foursquare? Lets pretend Foursquare is Facebook and Gowalla is Twitter. Why did you start using Twitter? Because it is simple, it does one thing very well, maybe better than the competition. Its light and fast. Same with Gowalla, it takes what you use already, simplifies it and then makes it function better, look better, and feel better.  

Relearning Trust in a Web 2.0 World

Web 2.0 has spawned a new generation of Internet scams -- let's call them "Cons 2.0." It's not as easy to dupe users as it used to be, but increasingly sophisticated social engineering strategies -- coupled with a growing acceptance of loss of control over one's personal data -- has made the Web a more dangerous neighborhood than ever. Still, there are steps you can take to protect yourself. Social networking sites such as Facebook and MySpace rely on the trusted nature of the relationship between friends, colleagues, associates and followers. Unfortunately, the level of trust that end-users invest in each other is also being applied to the makers of applications and is perhaps a little over-optimistic. Increasingly, cybercriminals are being drawn by the possibilities opened up by application development on popular Web 2.0 Web sites with the promise of more money, which results in more infections and more potential for something to go horribly wrong with comput...