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Ponsel Android Terbaru Dilengakapi Satelit Navigasi

Google Maps pada ponsel Android terbaru kini memiliki fitur satelit navigasi. Raksasa mesin pencarian tersebut merilis update layanan mapping untuk ponsel Android sehingga memudahkan penggunanya menemukan sebuah lokasi. Layanan yang masih dalam versi beta tersebut, untuk saat ini bisa didapatkan secara gratis. Versi terbaru Google Maps ini kompatibel dengan semua ponsel yang dijalankan dengan OS Android versi 1.6 ke atas seperti Motorola Milestone, HTC Desire atau Nexus One. Menurut Telegraph, ketika pengguna mencari arah yang ditujunya, opsi 'Navigate' kini muncul pada layar ponsel. Jika diterima, ponsel kemudian mengunduh semua rute jalan. Ini berarti penerima data atau sinyal tidak penting untuk keseluruhan durasi. Double-tap pada layar juga memperbesar gambar Street View Google jika sinyal data tersedia.

Kalau Suka Porno, Silakan Pakai Android

CEO Apple Steve Jobs saat memperkenalkan iPhoen OS 4. - AFP PHOTO/JUSTIN SULLIVAN CEO Apple Steve Jobs terkenal sering melontarkan kalimat pedas buat para pesaing bisnisnya. Kali ini Google yang kena sasarannya dengan mengomentari soal Android. Saat ditanya soal kebijakan Apple dalam menentukan aplikasi apa saja yang bisa muncul di App Store, Steve Jobs menyebut adanya tanggung jawab moral yang diterapkan Apple. Jobs menegaskan bahwa Apple tidak akan membolehkan konten porno di layanannya itu. "Orang yang kepengin pornografi silakan beli ponsel Android saja," ujar Steve Jobs dalam e-mail yang dilansir situs Tech Crunch , Senin (19/4/2010).

Samsung Galaxy: Another Android Blasts Off

  IT'S getting harder and harder to keep up with all the latest Android mobile phone launches. They are like buses. You wait ages for one, and then about six come along at once. Hot on the heels of the Sony Ericsson X10, LG's first in the GW620, HTC and its Legend and Desire plus Samsung's own Galaxy Portal now comes this beauty. Again it's a Samsung. Again it's a Galaxy but this is codenamed the S and we've no idea why. It's hardly catchy.

Top 10 Ways to Disinfect And Save Your Windows 7 After Virus Infection

Virus infection has always been an onus with Microsoft's Windows operating systems . Microsoft's "highly secured" Windows 7 is no exception either. Given the unsuccessful trails like Live OneCare and anti-malware Morro , Microsoft is yet to device a successful anti-virus . Having said that, Windows 7 has incurred a number of security enhancements that we had sited in our Windows 7 Security: A Comprehensive Guide . Now what if your newly adopted OS, Windows 7, suffers a virus attack. Just installing a compatible anti-virus and updating on time doesn't mean a virus free system. There is much to cover once your computer is under infected by virus. We decide to provide you a comprehensive overview of what you can do disinfect and save Windows 7 after it is infected. 1. Complete Virus Scan Once you realize Windows 7 is infected with virus snap the networks and the Internet to ensure that the bug is not spread to others.  Now run  the anti-virus software until your...

What Is The Newest Hot Technology + Video

The iPad Tablet is a small flat computer that is in tablet form. It has a touch screen operating system and is used much in the same way as the iPhone. It is a much bigger system, about the span of an open book. This is convenient because one of its main uses is as an eBook device, which allows users to download text onto the screen and read it like a book. It is much like the Kindle product made by Amazon.

Shutdown Windows With a Text Message, Thunderbird Edition

We've already shown you how to shutdown Windows via SMS with Outlook and how to do the same on a Mac using , but a user on the Hak5 forums demonstrates how to setup a similar SMS shutdown using the venerable Thunderbird email client. The method requires the Mailbox Alert extension and a little configuration, but once you're done you can save some power with a quick text message next time you forget to shutdown your computer. The tutorial is Windows-specific, but I'm guessing you could mesh the method with this one and accomplish the same thing for OS X.

Is Bill Gates’ New Website Really Running On Linux?

Sometimes tips come in that seem too good to be true. Take today, for example. I got a tip that Bill Gates’ new site, The Gates Notes, was running on a Linux-powered server. This would be ironic since Gates is of course the founder of Microsoft, which is Linux’s biggest competitor in the server market. It would be the equivalent of catching Gates or CEO Steve Ballmer being caught using (and not just signing) a MacBook at a conference. So is it true? A quick search on Netcraft shows that sure enough looks to be running on the Linux OS. But wait. The results also say that web server is Microsoft-IIS/7.0. That doesn’t sound right, so what gives? Well, it turns out that because Gates is using Akamai to mirror his sites’ content in the event of massive traffic (or more specifically, something like a DDoS attack), this data is being filtered through there. Akamai uses Linux for its servers, so that’s what OS is being passed back to Netcraft. But at the same time, to make...

Apple "Tablet" Pakai Sistem Operasi iPhone

Hampir bisa dipastikan bahwa Apple akan meluncurkan perangkat tablet, Rabu (27/1/2010) ini di San Francisco, AS. Hal tersebut tersirat dari pernyataan Terry McGraw, CEO McGraw-Hill, salah satu penerbit buku terkemuka di Negeri Paman Sam. Dalam sebuah wawancara televisi CNBC, Selasa (26/1/2010), McGraw mengatakan kalau Apple akan meluncurkan tablet hari ini. Entah pernyataan tersebut tanpa sengaja atau memang didesain sebagai salah satu strategi marketing McGraw-Hill dan Apple. "Dan tablet tersebut bakal menggunakan sistem operasi seperti iPhone sehingga bisa saling transfer," ujarnya saat menjawab pertanyaan presenter Erin Brunett. Sebelumnya, salah satu rumor yang beredar memang sempat memprediksi bahwa tablet buatan Apple mirip iPod Touch atau iPhone dengan ukuran lebih besar.

Google Is Now Apple’s Greatest Enemy: Here’s Why

Let’s take a trip back in time. The year is 1994, and two tech giants are going to war over copyright. They are Microsoft and Apple, and they are fighting over a copyright claim by Apple over Microsoft and HP’s use of graphical user interface elements from the Macintosh OS. The resulting court case, Apple Computer, Inc. v. Microsoft Corporation , ended with a ruling in Microsoft’s favor, mostly due to a contractual license agreement between the two.

Benarkah Keyboard QWERTY Standar Internasional?

Pernahkah agan bertanya, mengapa susunan huruf dalam keyboard mesin ketik, komputer, hingga PDA kita berupa “QWERTYUIOP” dan seterusnya? Mengapa tidak dibuat saja berurutan seperti “ABCDEFGH” dan seterusnya? Mungkin sebagian dari agan sudah tahu ceritanya, tetapi kalau-kalau agan belum tahu ane copas di sini.

Can Google's Chrome Banner Change the Course of the Browser Wars?

Google has an ad banner in their search home page for their Chrome browser. Can it eventually change the course of the browser wars? And what can happen if it does?