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New password from Facebook? Beware widely spread malware attack

Malicious hackers have spammed out an attack that pretends to be an email from Facebook support saying that your password has been changed. The messages, which have a variety of subject lines including "Facebook Service. A new password is sent you", "Facebook Support. Your password has been changed" and "Facebook Service. Your account is blocked", have a ZIP file attached which carries a Trojan horse.

News Corp. On MySpace: "Current Losses Are Not Acceptable"

To be clear: we don't mean to spread rumors or alarm anyone.  But MySpace employees might want to consider setting aside some extra money and updating their LinkedIn profiles, as one News Corp. exec hinted during an earnings call that a drastic cost-cutting action of sorts may occur. A large round (or two) of layoffs is one possibility.  A sale or even shutdown of MySpace doesn't seem to be out of the question, either.  News Corp. COO Chase Carey made the situation sound quite serious. As reported by the AFP , News Corp. COO Chase Carey told investors late yesterday, "We've been clear that Myspace has been a problem." Then Carey continued, "The current losses are not acceptable or sustainable.  Our current management did not create these losses but they know we have to address them."

One Laptop Per Child Pushes XO Innovation to New Heights