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Google Earth Temukan Situs Purbakala Arab

Seorang arkeolog mengidentifikasi sedikitnya ada 2.000 tempat potensial dan sangat penting di Arab Saudi . Situs purbakala ini ditemukan tanpa mengunjungi negara tersebut secara langsung, melainkan lewat Google Earth . David Kennedy arkeolog dari University of Western Australia itu awalnya memanfaatkan pemetaan satelit Google Earth untuk menentukan 1.977 situs arkeologi potensial, termasuk diantaranya 1.082 batu berbentuk tetesan air mata. "Saya belum pernah pergi ke Arab Saudi. Itu adalah negara yang sulit ditembus," ujar Kennedy seperti dikutip detikINET  dari   Telegraph,  Minggu (6/2/2011). Kennedy menyebutkan, dirinya telah memverifikasi gambar-gambar yang ditemukannya dengan meminta temannya yang bekerja di negara kerajaan itu untuk mengambil gambar lokasi yang dimaksud. Sayangnya, hanya beberapa arkeolog saja yang bisa mendapat akses masuk ke Arab Saudi, yang dikenal kurang bersahabat dengan disiplin ilmu tersebut.

Google Maps Qibla Locator

sumber: I’ve been working on a little project utilizing the google maps api to make a Qibla direction locator. It works almost exactly like google maps except that it displays an overlay pointing towards the Qibla . The direction in degrees from true North is also given at the bottom of the page. Another nifty feature is a map-in-map view much like pic-in-pic view found on most new TV sets. As this is pretty much a work in progress, I’m sure you’ll notice many bugs. Please do let me know.

Before and After Earthquake Haiti Available on Google Earth

Track Santa Online With Google Earth

It's that time of year again: the Northern  American Aerospace Defense Command  (NORAD) is partnering with  Google  to track Santa, so all the world's good boys and girls can follow along online. This is not just an opportunity for you and your kids to see how close Santa is to your house, but it's also a chance to teach your children a little something about the world. Use the  Google Earth  Browser Plug-in Santa began his annual journey at 2 a.m. ET on Thursday, and Google and NORAD have developed many different ways to keep tabs on the jolly old elf this season. One of the best ways to do so is through the  Google Earth Web browser plug-in  available for Windows and  Mac OS X  users. On Windows, the plug-in works with Google Chrome,  Internet Explorer 6  or higher, Firefox 2.0 or higher, and Flock. Mac users can use the plug-in with Safari and Firefox 3.0 or higher and some Chromium builds. Google Chrome for Mac does not...