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Julian Assange's celebrity supporters stake reputations on case

Image via Wikipedia The already curious case of Julian Assange took another bizarre twist yesterday when the court learned that a raggle-taggle of "household names" were prepared to stake their reputation in his case, offering sureties to the court with a total value of £180,000. Despite claiming not to know Assange, the film-maker Ken Loach and the socialite and charity fundraiser Jemima Khan stood before Westminster magistrates and offered big sums towards Assange's bail, though bail was later refused. Offering £20,000, Loach said he did not know Assange other than by reputation, but added: "I think the work he has done has been a public service. I think we are entitled to know the dealings of those that govern us."

Cara Memblokir Konten Berbau Negatif

Sistem pengelolaan database terpusat pada server DNS memundahkan pengontrolan situs negatif. Server ini hadir untuk mengurangi kecemasan orang tua pada anak-anak mereka atas maraknya video tak senonoh yang melibatkan artis-artis papan atas. Sejak merebaknya kasus itu, banyak orang termasuk anak-anak dan remaja dibuat penasaran. Warnet-warnet dikabarkan penuh dengan pengunjung yang mencari situs yang menyediakan unduhan film itu. Untuk menyaring konten-konten yang tak senonoh, pengguna internet bisa memanfaatkan tools Nawala Project (DNS Nawala) besutan Asosiasi Warung Internet Indonesia (Awari), yang bebas digunakan oleh siapa saja. Bahkan baru-baru ini pengurus Awari (asosiasi warung internet Indonesia) juga menghimbau para pemilik warnet untuk memanfaatkan tool ini. Menyadari sepenuhnya bahwa rekaman video negatif yang marak diberikan seminggu terakhir ini adalah satu bentuk kandungan negatif internet yang terlarang untuk diakses melalu warnet (warung internet). Atas kesadaran ...

Pakistan blocks YouTube over unIslamic content

The Pakistani government blocked access to YouTube on Thursday because of "sacrilegious" content on the video-sharing website, signaling a growing Internet crackdown against sites deemed offensive to the country's majority Muslim population. The move against YouTube came a day after the government blocked access to Facebook amid anger over a page on the social networking site that encourages users to post images of Islam's Prophet Muhammad. The page sparked criticism because Islam prohibits any images of the prophet. The Pakistan Telecommunications Authority did not point to specific material on YouTube that prompted it to block the site, only citing "growing sacrilegious contents." The government took action against both Facebook and YouTube after it failed to persuade the websites to remove the "derogatory material," the regulatory body said in a statement.

Demonoid site Down again in April 2010

It's a catastrophe for the regular users of as they found their favorite torrent site server down today. Many people are incessantly trying to get the torrent for their favorite MP3s, videos, movies or software updates from Demonoid, but could not find. is undoubtedly one of the best torrent websites, you can rely upon. The website provides a good interface that is less prone to offer you with malicious content. Only one out of hundred torrents might be a virus. This accounts for the immense popularity of the site among other torrent providers. Today the dedicated users of Demonoid stumbled upon The first time users who found the site through a search engine, didn't bother much at the server down, whereas those who have libraries ofsoftware on the site and collect data every day from it, found it devastating.

Facebook Hires Google Data Center Exec

Facebook announced today that Ken Patchett will be the manager of the company’s new data center in Prineville, Oregon. Patchett previously worked at Google, where he supervised the data center campus in The Dalles, Oregon. Patchett previously worked at Compag and the network operations team at Microsoft. “The people of Prineville have been so welcoming to Facebook and I look forward to working with the community going forward,” said Patchett. “With my previous experience in The Dalles, I have seen what the presence of a data center can do for a community and we look to have similar results here in Prineville. We have a lot to do to bring our energy efficient data center online early next year, and continue to be committed to hiring as many local people as possible to build and operate the facility.”

Fungsi dan Keandalan Dari Proxy

Image via Wikipedia Sebagai istilah menyarankan, kata proxy itu sendiri artinya menjadi atas nama orang lain. Fungsi proxy juga dengan demikian sama. Mereka mengunjungi semua situs atas nama anda dan membuka jalan bagi spekulasi Anda. Semua proxy adalah substitusi untuk pengguna aktual dan server . Pengguna dan server disimpan anonim dan swasta. Semua proxy bertindak sebagai satu meter evaluasi untuk permintaan yang sedang dilakukan oleh klien dan server. Tujuan dari proxy adalah untuk membangun kembali semua permintaan dievaluasi di sisi outbound ke internet. Sebagai server dan pengguna merasa bahwa mereka berada di kontak, pada kenyataannya proxy adalah loop menghubungkan antara mereka. Fungsi proxy dalam jaringan komputer adalah untuk menyediakan layanan sesuai permintaan klien atau surfer. Ada banyak jenis situs yang diblokir berdiri di jalan bagi non-intervensi. Namun setelah Anda membuat permintaan ke situs ini dapat memungkinkan anda untuk menjadi bagian dari itu. Tujuan dari...

Wikipedia Down: Affects Millions Worldwide

Today millions of people need to access the World Wide Web on a daily basis and the email and search related services are required by them every now and then. That explains why the breakdown of such services can put a stop to their workflow and activities. Yesterday, the wiki users got a taste of the service breakdown and the Wikipedia site problem took the users by surprise. The Wiki site is accessed by millions of users for various purposes and they saw red when the site could not be accessed. It took them a while to understand what was going on. Later, the confusion was clear and the users got to know that the breakdown was triggered by a server overheating problem. The Wikipedia European Data center got overheated and a number of Wiki servers closed down the service to stop damage to the data bank. This problem resulted in a DNS resolution failure which thwarted the attempts of the Wiki team that was trying to divert the traffic to other running servers. The users who got a '...

Google China Redirects to, Impact and Consequences

Yesterday I have informed you about the Chinese government's stand point regarding Google. Google was asked either to maintain Chinese laws and regulations, or retreat. Some Chinese media even went on accusing Google of being linked to US intelligence agencies. Today Google has taken a massive step towards closing its business in China. It has shut down it's Chinese search site at and redirecting visitors to (Google Hong Kong) It is still unknown whether Google will still be operating in China with its R&D office and sales office. Loads of complains are reported from both the Chinese and American users, unhappy with the change being made. There are people in China, who want to access Google, but are also redirected to Users in Hong Kong will continue to receive their existing access to

Needle in a Haystack: Efficient Storage of Billions of Photos

The Photos application is one of Facebook’s most popular features. Up to date, users have uploaded over 15 billion photos which makes Facebook the biggest photo sharing website. For each uploaded photo, Facebook generates and stores four images of different sizes, which translates to a total of 60 billion images and 1.5PB of storage. The current growth rate is 220 million new photos per week, which translates to 25TB of additional storage consumed weekly. At the peak there are 550,000 images served per second. These numbers pose a significant challenge for the Facebook photo storage infrastructure. NFS photo infrastructure The old photo infrastructure consisted of several tiers: Upload tier receives users’ photo uploads, scales the original images and saves them on the NFS storage tier. Photo serving tier receives HTTP requests for photo images and serves them from the NFS storage tier. NFS storage tier built on top of commercial storage appliances. Since each image is stored in i...

Mengintip Server Raksasa Milik Facebook

Jumlah pengguna facebook semakin menggurita. Lebih dari 225 juta orang menjadi warga setia facebook hingga Mei 2009. Pertumbuhan tersebut terutama ditopang pesatnya pengguna dari luar Amerika Serikat. Di Chili dan Turki, facebook bahkan sangat digdaya. Sebanyak 76 persen dan 66 persen pengguna internet di kedua negara adalah warga “republik” facebook. Bagaimana di negara kita? Sebanyak 17,78 persen (2,3 juta) dari total pengguna internet juga tergila-gila dengan situs ciptaan Mark Zuckerberg itu. Jumlah pengguna yang besar tentu saja menjadi berkah buat facebook. Sejumlah analis menghitung, di atas kertas nilai facebook adalah 6-15 miliar dollar AS. Tapi di balik angka fantastis itu, facebook juga harus mengeluarkan ongkos sangat besar untuk melayani hasrat narsis jutaan orang. Setiap hari jutaan foto diunggah orang dari seluruh pelosok dunia ke jejaring sosial itu. Akibatnya, facebook juga dilaporkan “ngos-ngosan” membiayai infrastrukturnya. Pada 2007 facebook berutang 30 juta dol...

Facebook’s Insatiable Hunger for Hardware

Facebook these days is doing everything in its power to imitate Google, recruiting the search giant’s sales people, poaching its senior executives and — most importantly — using infrastructure as a competitive advantage. Like Google, Facebook has figured out that the right web infrastructure is the difference between user delight and dismay. And like Google, Facebook is finding out that it isn’t cheap. I’ve been trying to get a handle on Facebook’s infrastructure for some time, but so far have been unable to get the company to open up. The last time I reached out to them, back in January, I was hearing that they had between 1,200 and 1,500 servers, along with storage and switches from EMC Corp. and Force 10 Networks respectively. As it turns out, those server numbers weren’t even close to the total servers used by them. The company is running around 10,000 servers, according to Data Center Knowledge , citing comments made by Facebook VP of technology, Jeff Rothschild, at a re...

Facebook Server Infrastructure

Om Malik reported on : The company is running around 10,000 servers , according to Data Center Knowledge , citing comments made by Facebook VP of technology, Jeff Rothschild, at a recent MySQL user conference. ( See video of the panel .) Of the 10,000 servers, 1,800 are from MySQL and around 805 of them are memcached servers . In order to house its sprawling infrastructure, Facebook has leased data center space from DuPont Fabros in Ashburn, Va., and Digital Realty Trust in Santa Clara, Calif., DCK reports. How much is Facebook spending on its infrastructure? The company isn’t going to tell us, but there are clues. Server and storage company Rackable today reported first-quarter 2008 sales of around $69 million. Facebook is one of its largest customers, accounting for around 10 percent of Rackable’s sales (that number could be higher, but we’ll have to wait for Rackable’s 10-Q to get a clearer picture), so some quick, back-of-the-envelope math reveals $7 million in ...

Jumlah Server Facebook Menembus Angka 30.000 Server

Tahukah Anda berapa banyak jumlah server yang di miliki oleh jejaring sosial Facebook sekarang ini? beberapa ada yang berpendapat Facebook mempunyai 10.000 server pada April 2008 Dengan jumlah Server tersebut bisa menangani hampir 300 juta pengguna Facebook, namun akhir-akhir ini vice president Facebook Jeff Rothschild mengatakan bahwa Facebook sekarang ini menggunakan 30.000 server agar Facebook dapat berjalan normal. Rothschild mengatakan akan tetap terus menambah server facebook bilamana pengguna Facebook terus bertambah setiap harinya, ia juga mengatakan jumlah server Facebook masih jauh dibandingkan dengan Rackspace , 1&1 Internet dan OVH yang jumlah servernya mencapai 50.000 server.

Waspada, Serbuan Program Jahat ke Facebook dan Twitter

Perusahaan keamanan internet Kaspersky Lab memperingatkan adanya gelombang serangan Koobface, sebuah worm yang sangat produktif menginfeksi situs jejaring sosial. Sasaran program jahat ini adalah situs-situs seperti Facebook dan Twitter. Program-program jahat tersebut juga menggunakan website sah yang dikompromikan sebagai perwakilan untuk komando dan kontrol utama server. Selama dua minggu terakhir ini, para tim peneliti Kaspersky Lab telah mengamati server Koobface live C&C dimatikan atau dibersihkan rata-rata tiga kali per hari. Jumlahnya terus menurun, dari 107 pada tanggal 25 Februari, ke level 71 pada tanggal 8 Maret. Kemudian, hanya dalam 48 jam jumlah tersebut berkembang dari 71 menjadi 142, menaikkan jumlah totalnya tepat dua kali lipat, dimana semua komputer yang terinfeksi Koobface mendapatkan perintah dan update dari jarak jauh.

Riset AVG: 40 Persen Situs Jahat Dunia dari AS

AVG Technologies mengumumkan hasil penelitian yang menemukan bahwa sebagian besar situs web dengan muatan kejahatan di-host atau dipusatkan di server-server Amerika Serikat, bukan negara-negara lain seperti China. Temuan ini jauh dari perkiraan selama ini. Penelitian AVG ini berdasarkan analisis dari ancaman yang dilaporkan dalam periode enam bulan terakhir dari 110 juta pemakai produk keamanan web LinkScanner AVG di seluruh dunia. Penelitian ini mengindikasikan adanya peningkatan jumlah situs web kejahatan yang menjadikan para pengguna sebagai sasarannya, yang biasanya berfokus pada pencurian data perbankan online, informasi kartu kredit, identitas pribadi, dan kata sandi situs sosial. Deteksi dan analisis dari ancaman itu berbasis pada metode crowd-source unik AVG untuk menganalisis konten web untuk mencari niat jahat atau berbahaya yang telah dilaporkan dari jaringan luas instalasi LinkScanner AVG di seluruh dunia. Penelitian AVG menemukan bahwa kode jahat bukan hanya permasalah...

Selecting A Web Hosting Provider – Things To Remember

Before selecting a web hosting provider is very important that you understand the different types of accommodation options you have. Each website has different needs and meet the needs of your site will help to produce a satisfactory outcome. Hosing services available to you are probably one of the following categories: Free Web Hosting Free web hosting is definitely the cheapest option. Free hosting services are best for small websites that are not intended to do much more to share some information with a small group of friends. Shared Web Hosting In case of shared web hosting your web site shares server (computer) with other web sites. If your website requires heavy resource allocation you are likely to need to look in another housing option. Reseller Web Hosting This is a less common form of acceptance, but allows clients to become web hosts. Typical examples of this can be the web design companies that host websites for their clients. Indeed, the only difference between...

Foto: Server Opera Mini

Tak ayal lagi, opera mini merupakan mobile browser terbanyak yang dipakai para surfer mobile di Indonesia (didunia mungkin). Tapi taukah anda bahwa semua yang anda browsing berasal dari sini? Ya, server opera mini tentunya. Sebenarnya banyak server opera mini yang tersebar ke segala penjuru dunia, namun yang server utama cuma satu. Server ini letaknya di oslo (tempat lahir opera mini sendiri..... :D) makanya setiap pengunjung yang browsing lewat opera mini selalu diidentifikasi berasal dari oslo, norwegia. Berikut beberapa cuplikan foto-foto server opera mini beserta fakta-faktanya:

Kumpulan Server Opera Mini

Foto: Server Rapishare

Google Siapkan Komputer Kuantum Masa Depan

Saat ini mesin pencarian Google bisa dibilang yang terbaik di dunia. Namun, sebenarnya komputer-komputer server yang digunakan sama saja dengan perusahaan lainnya. Kira-kira bagaimana kalau Google menggunakan komputer masa depan yang jauh lebih hebat dari teknologi komputer saat ini? Seperti ditulis dalam blog, kepala tim pengenalan citra Google, Harmut Neven, mengungkap teknologi komputer kuantum yang sedang dikembangkan Google. Diam-diam Google sudah melakukannya dalam tiga tahun terakhir bersama D-Wave, sebuah perusahaan Kanada yang telah mengembangkan cip kuantum bernama Chimera.