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Adobe AIR Released for Android Platform

Image via Wikipedia We heard about the Adobe AIR earlier this year. The cross-platform application was slated to release in Q4. But having done with a series of demos it has finally got released on the Android platform. If you are still confused about the function of Adobe AIR, let me shed some light over it. Adobe AIR enables developers to use HTML, JavaScript , Adobe Flash software and ActionScript to build web applications that run as standalone client without help of a browser. It opens up new ways for designers and developers by providing them a flexible development environment through which they can deliver applications across platforms and devices. The Adobe AIR unfurls an altogether new way for apps to be ported to Android. No needs of coding, provided the application is built on the AIR platform. Moreover, the AIR apps run on Mac, Windows, Linux, Android and iOS of both iPod Touch and iPad .

Google TV brings net to sets

Google's look and feel on TV will be similar to its style online. Photograph: Alamy Google has launched a "smart TV" service, in conjunction with partners including Sony , that will allow viewers to search the web while watching programmes. The service, called Google TV, will theoretically work with any TV set. However, the first products to incorporate the search capability will be developed by Sony and arrive on the US market from the autumn. Google TV-enabled sets, which will feature an on-screen search box similar to the company's look and feel on the web, will allow people to search for web content and download applications as well as programming from across the internet.

Steve Jobs Juga Sebut Adobe Pemalas

Selain memprotes Google dengan menyebutnya pembohong, CEO Apple Steve Jobs juga menyebut Adobe sebagai pemalas. Hal tersebut dikatakannya dalam pertemuan dengan para karyawannya di markas Apple di Cupertino, California, AS, sehari setelah meluncurkan iPad. Komentar Jobs terhadap Adobe terkait teknologi Flash yang sering bermasalah di produk-produk Apple. Seperti diketahui, iPad yang baru diluncurkan juga belum bisa menjalankan konten Flash meskipun Adobe langsung mengeluarkan pernyataan akan segera mendukungnya.

Google’s ‘Don’t Be Evil’ Mantra is ‘Bullshit’

After a big public announcement of the sort Apple had this week for the iPad CEO Steve Jobs often takes time in the day or two afterwards to have a Town Hall at One Infinite Loop, making himself available for questions from employees bold enough to stand up and take one right between the eyes.

Google Rilis Chrome 5

Google telah meng-update browser Chrome versi 5 untuk system Windows dan Mac. Google akan merlis Chrome versi 5 sebelum bulan Februari 2010. Tidak seperti versi 4.x, developer Google membangun Chrom 5.x memiliki penampilan yang berbeda. Beberapa theme tidak tampil secara full, dan terdapat fitur berbeda di samping tombol toolbar, sebuah tab halaman baru, dan icon menu halaman telah digantikan dengan icon menu Tools. Tampaknya user akan melihat problem lain dalam browser tersebut hingga Google membuat penyempurnaannya. Browser Chrome 5.x ini juga dilengkapi perbaikan bug dan beberapa fitur. Jendela Content Settings di menu Options memiliki banyak aturan cookies, images, JavaScript, plug-ins, dan pop-ups. Fitur tersebut memudahkan user untuk memblokir situs. Selain itu, juga terdapat link non-functional yang digunakan untuk mengkustomisasi Adobe Flash Player.

Microsoft Urges Windows XP Users to Ditch Old Flash Version

Microsoft has had it with old versions of Adobe Flash and has issued Security Advisory (979267) to urge users to either uninstall old versions, or upgrade to the latest. More specifically, the software giant is asking users ditch Flash Player 6.0 as the multimedia player plugin contains multiple bugs.

Adobe To Surpass Microsoft As Hacker Target

Adobe Reader and Flash will surpass Microsoft Office applications as favorite targets of cybercriminals, a security vendor predicted Tuesday. In unveiling its 2010 Threat Predictions report, McAfee said the growing popularity of the Adobe products has attracted the attention of cybercriminals, who have been increasingly targeting the applications. Adobe Reader and Flash are two of the most widely deployed applications in the world. As a result of Adobe's success in client software, McAfee Labs believes "Adobe product exploitation will likely surpass that of Microsoft Office applications in 2010."