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Why 10% of Your Friends on Twitter and Facebook Will Be Nonhuman in Five Years

Image by Eneas via Flickr That's not to say we'll be tweeting with zombies or playing FarmVille with ET. Gartner predicts the coming of "social bots"-- automated tools used by brands and organizations to engage consumers. "Efforts to systematize and automate social engagement will result in the rise of social bots--automated software agents that can handle, to varying degrees, interaction with communities of users in a manner personalized to each individual," the report reads. Gartner says that bots will become so common that an estimated 10% of our friends may be nonhuman. According to AllFacebook, the average user could soon have as many as 500 friends online--which means around 50 of them will not actually exist if Gartner's estimate is correct.

Facebook can cause asthma attacks

Facebook and its famous strip of “friends” can cause asthma attacks by photos interposed in subjects vulnerable, according to a study by Italian doctors. Five physicians, including Gennaro D’Amato, a hospital practitioner in Naples, describe a young man of 18, suffering from asthma in winter, which suddenly faced with crises in the summer, in a letter published Friday in the journal The Lancet.

Twitter Helps You Find More Friends With a New “People” Tab

Twitter is testing a new People tab, positioned next to the Home, Profile and Messages tabs on the home page. The new feature suggests friends for you, lets you browse Twitter users through interests, or find new Twitter buddies through other services such as Gmail , Yahoo , LinkedIn , Hotmail and Messenger. It also shows the accounts you’ve recently followed and viewed, with the ability to quickly browse accounts that are similar to those you’ve followed. One of the main problems Twitter users are facing is a meaningful way to find new people to follow. There’s a large number of third-party tools and services out there that let you discover new friends, but until now, Twitter itself wasn’t really helpful with this regard. Now, it has finally consolidated all of its friend-finding features under one tab, which will definitely be helpful, especially to new users. Interestingly enough, it seems that Twitter is currently testing several slightly different versions ...

Facebook Accepts Government’s Friend Request

Got a beef with the USDA? Want to send a message to the U.S. Postal Service? Do you “like” the National Nuclear Security Administration? Now you can let them (and all of your digital friends) know how you feel. The popular social networking site Facebook launched its “Congress on Facebook” page Thursday, which they bill as a one stop shop for members’ official pages. A “Facebook and Government” page connects citizens to the official pages of state, local, and federal agencies. The pages bill themselves as a source for sharing ways that the government can best use Facebook to communicate. More and more lawmakers and government agencies are using the popular site to reach constituents. And as an unintended bonus for journalists, we’ll now be able to disguise our non-work Facebook browsing with the click of a button. Thanks Facebook!

Facebook Affair Behind Killings

Heartless ... Andrew Copland A SECRET affair begun on Facebook could have pushed a jealous ex-partner into blowing away a mum and their daughter, an inquest heard. Crazed Andrew Copland shot Julie Harrison in the back of the head before her terrified daughter Maisie, four, was blasted with the same World War 2 pistol.  Suicidal Copland, 56, then turned the Beretta used by the Italian military on himself. A coroner was told that Julie - who had moved out Copland's house four weeks earlier - had taken their daughter round to visit her dad for a custody visit after Christmas last year.  But it was feared he shot them both after discovering his ex-partner was having a secret relationship with an old school friend and decided to kill them both and then take his own life.  An eye witness told how Julie must have realised Copland had a gun after he locked the front door.  The worried neighbour dialled 999 after seeing her hand hammering on the window ...

Facebook Antivirus

Does a Facebook-specific antivirus application sound like a good idea? Maybe not. One of our analysts saw this particular application claiming to be an antivirus wreak havoc on his Friends list. Of course, there is no such thing. Once installed on one Friend's account, this application tags 20 Friend into a picture such as the one below:

On Line Rivalry Led 15 Year Old to Stab his Classmates

A 16 year old high school student can land up in Laguna Beach jail for a Facebook row with his ex classmates. Michael Jason Wilson stabbed his ex classmate, 17 yr old Julian C at his stomach and hit two of Julian's friend with a knife. Julian C., drove to the house of Wilson with two 16-year-old (Nicholas L. and Sam S.) and a fourth friend. Wilson had previously attended the same high school as the four visitors.While three friends waited in the car, Wilson went to see Julian C. outside the house and a fight broke out, according to the OCDA,(Orange County District Attorney's Office). Wilson pulled out a carving knife with a 12-inch blade and stabbed Julian C. in the stomach.The other two friends went out of the car to help their injured friend and disarm Wilson. However, Wilson slashed the hands and arms of Nicholas L. and Sam S. during the fight. The fourth friend was not physically injured.

Your Next Facebook Friend may be An FBI Agent

  According to the revelation by Electronic Frontier Foundation last week, an FBI or Federal Agent can make friendship with you at Twitter or Facebook to gather more information about crime investigations. The report further described that fed agents pose as "friends" and get connected with ordinary citizens on Facebook and other sites in order to gather background information for crime investigation. This will help them find out suspects on the run. Now, the question arises about the legality of this type of activities. As per AP news stories, the middle aged lady Lori Drew posed as a teen boy on MySpace and harassed a 13-year-old neighborhood girl who later committed suicide. She was arrested for violating MySpace's terms of service to pose as someone that she is not and convicted in L.A. before a higher-court judge overturned the ruling. Fed prosecutors are making similar type of violation. Facebook has terms and conditions that makes it illegal if the user gives f...

Facebook Fed Friends Go Undercover to Keep America Safe

From Wired.Com The next time someone tries to “friend” you on Facebook, it may turn out to be an undercover fed looking to examine your private messages and photos, or surveil your friends and family. The Electronic Frontier Foundation has obtained an internal Justice Department document that describes what law enforcement is doing on social networking sites.

List of Best 10 Facebook Hacks

In my last previous post How to hack facebook password ,I told you a method to hack a facebook password, i now though to continue the series of facebook hacks. As you know Facebook has become very famous in last 1 year. Orkut which was considered to be the best Social networking website has been sidetracked by emerging Social Networking Websites like Facebook and Twitter. Considering the popularity of Facebook we have collected the Most Essential Hacks of Facebook and presented them to you.

10 Alasan Akun Facebook di Blokir

Ada 10 alasan yang mendasar kenapa akun facebook dapat diblokir, yaitu : 1. Tidak menggunakan nama asli. Jangan pernah menggunakan nama julukan karena Facebook bisa mengetahuinya. 2. Bergabung dengan Group terlalu banyak. Facebook hanya membatasi setiap user bergabung dengan 200 group saja. 3. Terlalu banyak mengirim pesan atau Wall di sebuah Group. Buat pengalaman aja aku pernah diblokir Facebook 3 kali karena sering melakukan ini.hehe.

Google Changes Buzz Privacy Settings--again

Perhaps you, like me, have a friend who is always fond of the obvious. Perhaps that friend doesn't work at Google. Having launched its new Buzz service last week, melding some mimicry of Twitter and Facebook, Google seemed to take a page straight from the latter's Beacon of customer service by creating start-up settings that were anything other than comfortable, anything other than private. This seemed obvious to many. Now, having been buzzed by feedback from annoyed users and commentators, Google announced on its blog Saturday that it will make radical changes to the Buzz start-up experience over the next few days. In a post by Gmail and Google Buzz Product Manager Todd Jackson, Google says that it has been listening "loud and clear."

Facebook Deletes 30 UK Inmates' Pages After Taunts

Facebook has deleted the pages of 30 U.K. prisoners at the request of the British government, the justice minister announced Thursday, after several incidents in which inmates reportedly used the Internet to plot with criminals and intimidate victims. Justice Minister Jack Straw said the convicts' pages had been removed within 48 hours of the government demand but he's working with the popular social networking site to remove objectionable pages even faster. "What we've got to is set up a better system with Facebook so that if they get a notice from us that this site is improper than all they have to is not make a judgment about it but press the delete button," he told the BBC in an interview Thursday.

Why Google Won't Give Twitter or Facebook a Buzz Cut Tomorrow

OK, I’ve given you the reasons why Google will be successful this time, but why won’t what they announce tomorrow give Twitter or Facebook a buzz cut? Funny aside, I found this photo of Matt Mullenweg (the entrepreneur behind Wordpress) getting a buzz cut by using Google’s Social Circles search.

Mencicipi Desain Anyar Facebook

Facebook kembali melakukan perubahan. Kali ini terjadi pada bagian homepage (halaman utama). Apa saja perubahannya? Pada desain anyarnya, Facebook memindahkan elemen navigasi yang sebelumnya berada di menu “Application” menjadi ke bagian sidebar sebelah kiri halaman. Selain itu, daftar teman online yang sebelumnya berada di bagian bawah sebelah kanan, kini menjadi berpindah ke sidebar sebelah kiri (persis di bawah Application). Bagian peringatan (alert) jika ada request friends, dsb yang biasanya muncul di bagian kanan, kini berpindah menjadi menjadi pop-up di bagian kiri atas. Pada desain yang baru ini, Facebook juga menambah pengalaman bagi pengguna, seperti kemapuan mengirim pesan langsung dari Homepage menggunakan jendela pop-up. Hal ini tentu menghemat waktu daripada harus menggunakan halaman yang terpisah. Untuk bagian Search yang sebelumnya ada di sebelah pojok akan atas, kini berada di sebelah kiri agak ke tengah dengan field yang lebih besar.

Facebook Friends Are Virtual, Finds Oxford University Study

People who claim to have thousands of Facebook friends are really kidding themselves Photo: BLOOMBERG NEWS

Riset: Otak Facebooker Hanya Sanggup Berteman 150 Orang

Warga Facebook alias facebooker sering 'menimbun' jumlah teman, kadang sampai ribuan banyaknya. Namun menurut seorang peneliti, manusia sesungguhnya tidak mampu mengingat atau mengendalikan hubungan sosial dengan lebih dari 150 orang saja. Adalah Robin Dunbar, profesor Evolutionary Anthropology di Oxford University yang mencetuskan klaim itu. Sang profesor pernah mengembangkan teori bernama 'Dunbar's number' yang jadi basis pernyataannya tersebut. Teori itu mengklaim bahwa ukuran neocortex--bagian otak untuk berpikir sadar dan berbahasa--membatasi manusia untuk mengurus lingkungan sosial hanya dengan sekitar 150 teman, tak peduli betapapun besar sikap sosial seseorang.

Facebook Retweets As Twitterfication Continues

This evening Facebook began testing what appears to be their version of Twitter’s retweet feature: “via”. On any article shared by your friend, you can click on “Share” and when you post the article to your profile, Facebook will now automatically say who the article came from. While the “via” content only currently works on shared articles, I’d assume that this feature would be extended to other stream stories if initial user testing proves successful. We’ve written extensively about the Twitterfication of Facebook , and this appears to be one more step in that process.

What is Gowalla

Gowalla is a location based web app that lets your friends know where you are checking in. It focuses on ranking locations based on how many people check in and check out -- which helps you find a good place to eat, shop or play. Also it mostly requires that you have your iPhone handy so you can check in to get coffee or grab some milk. Have you used Foursquare? Lets pretend Foursquare is Facebook and Gowalla is Twitter. Why did you start using Twitter? Because it is simple, it does one thing very well, maybe better than the competition. Its light and fast. Same with Gowalla, it takes what you use already, simplifies it and then makes it function better, look better, and feel better.