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Facebook can cause asthma attacks

Facebook and its famous strip of “friends” can cause asthma attacks by photos interposed in subjects vulnerable, according to a study by Italian doctors.
Five physicians, including Gennaro D’Amato, a hospital practitioner in Naples, describe a young man of 18, suffering from asthma in winter, which suddenly faced with crises in the summer, in a letter published Friday in the journal The Lancet.

Worried, his mother and learns that he questioned depressed after breaking up with his girlfriend who was removed from its list of “friends”, replacing it with several other young people.

Taking a new nickname, the young man managed to become her “friend” on Facebook and regain access to her photos on her profile.

Intrigued, doctors ask the young man wearing a mask measuring the respiratory flow every time he goes on Facebook. They note that while the tidal volume plunges 6baissant-up over 20% 6 – when it connects.
On the advice of a psychologist, the boy decided not to go on Facebook and asthma attacks were stopped.
The doctors felt it was the stress of the connection that caused asthma attacks, the young man choking at the thought of seeing his ex-girlfriend and communicate with her.

For them, this case may be emblematic and help explain cases of respiratory problems in young patients, for whom relations on social networks on the internet end up having as much impact as those in real life.
“Facebook and social networks in general can be a new source of psychological stress and aggravate asthma depressed people”, say the doctors.

source :

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