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What is AppleScript?

AppleScript is a scripting language that is very much based on English. That means that AppleScript is astonishingly easy to pick up. You can use AppleScript to manipulate files in the Finder, and to interact with and control many applications that support AppleScript. You can even manipulate the same file with a series of applications via AppleScript. If you are hesitant about learning AppleScript, you can use Automator. Automator enables you to create simple tasks that are performed by dragging and dropping pre-made scripts called Actions into a particular order. A collection of Actions creates an Automator Workflow. Once you've create a Workflow, you can name it, save it, and reuse it whenever you want. You can even attach a Workflow to a folder and then process whatever you drop into that folder with the Workflow, automatically. Or you can associate an Automator Workflow with a function key, and invoke it from the keyboard. Automator, AppleScript, and AppleScript Editor are all...

Ramalan Isu Kejahatan Dunia Maya

Kejahatan dunia maya di tahun 2010 akan terjadi pergeseran jenis-jenis serangan terhadap pengguna. Kalau sebelumnya serangan melalui situs web dan aplikasi akan bergeser ke serangan yang berasal dari jaringan file sharing. Demikian ramalan isu kejahatan yang diramu Kaspersky Lab tentang isu kejahatan dunia maya di 2010. Dalam siaran pers yang diterima, Rabu (16/12), pada tahun 2008, analis perusahaan memperkirakan kenaikan jumlah epidemi global. Ramalan tersebut terbukti akurat. Tahun 2009 didominasi oleh program-program jahat yang canggih dengan fungsi rootkit, worm Kido (yang dikenal juga sebagai Conficker), serangan web dan botnets, SMS penipuan dan serangan pada jaringan sosial.

6 Peristiwa Terbesar Dalam Dunia IT

1. Yahoo Melewatkan Facebook Tahukah Anda kalau Mark Zuckerberg pernah nyaris menjual hak kepemilikan Facebook kepada Yahoo? Tahun 2006, Yahoo melihat potensi Facebook cukup besar untuk dijadikan lawan MySpace. Mereka sempat menawarkan uang sebesar US$ 1 miliar kepada Mark. Namun saat akuisisi nyaris terjadi, tiba-tiba Yahoo mengalami penurunan saham sampai 22 persen. Reaksi Yahoo? Bernegosiasi menurunkan tawaran harga kepada Mark menjadi US$ 800 juta saja. Jelas dirinya menolak dan akhirnya memutuskan untuk membesarkan Facebook sendirian.

2010 Predictions: The Year Ahead in Tech

Well, it's that time of the year again. Time to enjoy the glow of a nice LED backlit display and huddle with the warmth that only an overclocked PC can produce. Yep, it's time to take a look at what's going to happen in technology in 2009. Here are my five predictions for the new year. This is the year of Vista - I mean Windows 7 - Yes, it's real and it's coming in 2009. Don't expect to hear a lot of Vista cheerleading going forward, other than Microsoft telling you how much better Windows 7 will be. Between Microsoft and all its partners, close to a billion dollars will be spent on beating the Windows 7 drum and trying to get the market beyond Vista and back to Windows at the same time. The good news for IT departments is that there won't be much of end-user demand for the new operating system, so they can take their time to deploy.

Mozilla Firefox 3.6 Beta 5 Released

Mozilla has released Beta 5 of its upcoming web browser Firefox 3.6. This beta version is built on the Gecko 1.9.2 web rendering engine, containing many improvements for web developers, Add-on developers, and users. This 5th revision of the Beta of Firefox 3.6 / Gecko 1.9.2 introduces several new features: [NEW] Made some changes to how Mozilla allows third party software to integrate with Firefox in order to prevent crashes. [NEW] This beta is available in more than 70 languages - get your local version. More than 100 bug fixes from the last beta to improve performance, stability, security and features. The ability to run scripts asynchronously to speed up page load times. Users can now change their browser's appearance with a single click, with built in support for Personas. Firefox 3.6 will alert users about out of date plugins to keep them safe. Open, native video can now be displayed full screen, and supports poster frames. Support for the WOFF font format. Improve...

Tab-Modality and You

Years ago, I remember watching a webcast of the introduction of the Aqua user interface when Mac OS X Public Beta was first demoed. The part I distinctly remember was realizing the brilliance of sheets. Like many great innovations, they were simple in retrospect and solved a problem you didn't realize you had: the modality problem — the fact that dialog boxes blocked interacting with the whole application even though only one window needed the information that you, as the user, had to provide. I watched in wonder as a save dialog blocked only the one window that needed saving, leaving all the other windows free. Finally, a solution to limit the modality. Because modality sucks. Back in 2000, sheets worked well because the smallest unit of user interaction with an application was a window. Soon after, though, things started to change. Web browsers in particular were among the first to start using tabs to put more than one document in a window.