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33 Ways to Use LinkedIn for Business

Is your  LinkedIn  account mostly sitting idle? You can do so much more with it than simply look up contacts: find gigs, sell products, expand your networks, grow your business and gain free publicity. Here are 33 ways to use LinkedIn more effectively. Fill out your profile completely to earn trust. Use  widgets  to integrate other tools, such as importing your blog entries or Twitter stream into your profile. Do market research and gain knowledge with Polls. Share survey and poll results with your contacts. Answer questions in  Questions and Answers : show expertise without a hint of self-promotion.

Pencipta Internet Kritik Facebook

Image via CrunchBase Pencipta world wide web atau www, Tim Berners-Lee mengkritik situs jejaring sosial Facebook karena dinilai membatasi keterbukaan website. Dalam tulisan berjudul Long Live the Web: A Call for Continued Open Standards and Neutrality yang dimuat dalam jurnal Scientific American , Berners-Lee kembali mengingatkan pengguna internet tentang kekuatan website ada pada keterbukaan dan demokratis. "Web berkembang menjadi alat yang kuat karena dibangun pada prinsip-prinsip egaliter," tulis Berners-Lee seperti dikutip Telegraph, hari ini. Setiap orang maupun kelompok, lanjut dia, bisa menggunakan website, baik yang mengatasnamakan individu, universitas maupun perusahaan.

Social Networks That Have Failed Under New Owners

AOL’s struggle to make Bebo profitable is not the first time that a social network has brought trouble to its new owners. Both the purchase of MySpace by News Corporation and of Friends Reunited by ITV has coincided with those networks losing huge amounts of value: Rupert Murdoch paid £364 million for MySpace, while ITV paid £175 million for Friends Reunited. MySpace is now valued for “next to nothing” according to former Merrill Lynch analyst Henry Blodget, and ITV sold Friends Reunited for £25 million last year.

FBI Using Phony Profiles on Social Networks to Track Criminals Online

The FBI and other federal agencies are going undercover on Facebook, LinkedIn, MySpace and other social networks with phony profiles to gather information and communicate with suspects, according to an internal Justice Department document. FBI agents, for example, have used Facebook to determine the whereabouts of a fugitive. Other investigators can check alibis by comparing stories a suspect tells police with their tweets sent at the same time . A civil liberties group, The Electronic Frontier Foundation, obtained the 33-page document after suing the Justice Department. It makes the document public today on its website. Specifically, the 33-page confidential document says undercover operations are helpful for communicating with suspects and targets of crime, gaining access to private information, and mapping social networks. However, the presentation expresses concern that undercover use may be complicated by the court’s decision in the trial of Lori Drew, who was acquitted o...

The Age of Social Networks

Social networks share a common ingredient in design and intent, the connection of people and the facilitation of conversations, sharing, and discovery. What they do not share however, are culture, behavior, and prevailing demographics . Each network is unique in its genetic and cultural composition and it is for that reason that we benefit by becoming digital anthropologists in addition to new media marketers. Demographics are distributed within all social networks, but only concentrated within a select few. Where specific demographics materialize varies from network to network and as such, the more effective social strategies and tactics are designed to reach target audiences where, when and how they engage . Over the years, I’ve relied on Google Ad Planner to surface the critical demographics in order to construct meaningful and targeted social programming. Pingdom recently examined the data and packaged the results in a visually rich presentation worthy of sharing.

Facebook Fed Friends Go Undercover to Keep America Safe

From Wired.Com The next time someone tries to “friend” you on Facebook, it may turn out to be an undercover fed looking to examine your private messages and photos, or surveil your friends and family. The Electronic Frontier Foundation has obtained an internal Justice Department document that describes what law enforcement is doing on social networking sites.

Securing Your Social Networking Brand

Social networking sites as innocent as LinkedIn and as provocative as Twitter (have you seen my stream?) have now become a personal branding vehicle many professionals. Some of us have had the unfortunate experience of losing a job we barely had thanks to social networking. Others have seen it as the boost to their career they have been wanting for years. Let’s talk about security in the context of the latter. When I moved my blog to a setup I administered, I made two commitments to myself. The first is that I would make frequent backups because there has yet to be a flawless content management system introduced to the market and I could only assume I would have some kind of security problem along the way. The second was that I would pay money to wrap my entire blog inside an SSL stream. My primary goal with forcing all of the traffic through and SSL tunnel was to seamlessly provide a way for me to connect and administer the content from anywhere (like a coffee shop I frequent) wit...

TweetDeck, Mudahkan Cari Kerja di Twitter

TweetDeck meluncurkan aplikasi anyar bagi para pencari kerja. Dengan aplikasi ini, pengguna TweetDeck bisa mengakses lusinan lowongan yang bersliweran di Twitter dalam satu tampilan. Dinamakan JobDeck, aplikasi ini merupakan hasil kerjasama TweetDeck dengan mesin pencari pekerjaan TwitJobSearch. Seperti dikutip detikINET dari Clickz, Selasa (25/1/2010), pengguna TweetDeck yang dilengkapi JobDeck akan mendapatkan dua kolom tambahan 'Job Search Experts' dan 'TwitJobSearch'. Cara kerja aplikasi ini sama dengan situs 'induk'-nya, yakni mengindeks lowongan pekerjaan di dunia Twitter. Para perekrut yang ingin memastikan tweet mereka terindeks tinggal mengikuti beberapa langkah sederhana.

Social Networks for Adults

Whil­e adults have joined online social networks that have been previously dominated by teens like MySpace and Facebook, adult users are also joining online social networks targeted at adult members. Adult social networks don't specialize in "adult" content (although those certainly exist), instead they're social networks for professionals rather than purely for friends. With over 15 million members, LinkedIn is the largest online social network for business professionals. On LinkedIn, profile pages read more like resumes, citing professional experience and education and leaving out personal tidbits like favorite books and bands. Not until recently did LinkedIn even allow users to post a profile picture for fear that it would turn the strictly business site into yet another excuse for online dating.