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World Cup Art 2010

Top Ten VPS Web Hosting Provider in 2010

We have already done with the top 10 shared web hosting .  VPS web hosting solution edges over shared web hosting in several areas . This time we decided to focus on VPS web hosting . VPS web hosting is the most significant move in server virtualization technology. Virtual private servers have increasingly bridged the gap between shared web hosting service and dedicated hosting services . VPS web hosting is an ideal choice for businesses looking for reliability, flexibility, security and scalability. It the most feasible option for high resource web applications that require more power and resources than shared hosting. VPS hosting solution are not only highly scalable and powerful compared to dedicated servers, but also low budget hosting solution . Each virtual server can run its full-fledged operating system and each server can be independently rebooted. VPS has been developed by hosting companies to satisfy the need of an increasing number of web hosting users that requires...

Kunci Jawaban UN 2010 Beredar di Lamongan

Ujian Nasional (UN) masih sekitar dua pekan lagi, namun uniknya bocoran jawaban soal UN telah beredar di masyarakat. Bocoran dimaksud antara lain beredar di Lamongan, Jawa Timur. ''Informasi bocoran kunci jawaban UN dipastikan tidak benar dan menyesatkan. Berdasarkan pengalaman unas tahun lalu, ada sekolah di beberapa daerah yang hampir seluruh siswanya tidak lulus unas gara-gara mempercayai kunci jawaban unas yang beredar secara umum,'' kata Kepala Dinas Pendidikan Lamongan, Mustofa Nur Ahad (14/3) Menurut dia, soal maupun kunci jawaban unas dipastikan dalam kondisi aman dan rahasia serta tidak mungkin bocor. Sebab, sejak pembuatan soal, pencetakan sampai pengiriman ke sekolah-sekolah selalu di bawah pengawalan polisi.

Peringkat dan Ranking Universitas Dunia dan Indonesia 2010

Ranking dan Peringkat Universitas versi Webometrics Januari 2010. Ini dia peringkat atau ranking Universitas di Indonesia versi Webometrics untuk periode Januari 2010. Adakah Universitas kalian masuk dalam daftar? Di posisi pertama diduduki oleh Universitas Gajah Mada, disusul Institut Teknologi Bandung dan seterusnya. Untuk Memperjelas Gambar..silahkan di klik Gambarnya...

New 9-11 Photos Bring Fresh Perspective to Tragedy

Sensational yet harrowing new photos depicting the collapse of New York’s Twin Towers in the 9/11 terrorist attacks have been obtained by ABC after it requested the images under the Freedom of Information Act last year.

Top Ten Technology 2010

1. Apple’s Tablet Suara-suara dan spekulasi terlalu tinggi untuk mengabaikan kehadiran Apple Tablet. Jika semua desas-desus itu otentik dan, jika dengan segala cara, Apple meluncurkan iSlate pada tanggal 25 Januari, maka itu akan menjadi hal untuk dibicarakan di tahun 2010. Kita harus mengakui bahwa tablet adalah sebuah konsep yang telah di sekitar kita untuk waktu yang sangat lama. Tapi masih belum perangkat konsumen bahwa orang akan mati untuk. Namun setelah kenaikan penjualan dan tuntutan dari Amazon Kindle dan Nook, pasar sangat yakin bahwa tablet segera menjadi perangkat untuk memiliki. Jadi pada saat ini, jika Apple dapat membawa perangkat dengan antarmuka yang orang mencari kemudian itu saja - Kami punya iPOD baru kami. Ini bukan pernyataan bias, tetapi suatu kebenaran dalam beberapa cara.

Ini Dia, Selebriti Internet 2010

Majalah Forbes merilis daftar tahunan berisi para pesohor internet. Mereka jadi selebritas bukan karena sering nampang di depan kamera, namun karena pengaruhnya di jagad maya. Untuk daftar berikut, Forbes melibatkan Google guna mengukur sosok yang paling sering dirujuk di website, Alexa untuk melihat ranking trafik homepage mereka, serta Factiva untuk memantau penyebutan nama di TV atau radio. Kemudian, penghitungan terakhir dilihat dari jumlah follower di Twitter. Hasil yang didapat, pendiri blog gosip Mario Lavandeira ada di posisi puncak. Situsnya bernama Perez Hilton yang ia juluki sebagai "situs paling dibenci di Hollywood" memang menjadi situs yang kontroversial.

Astronomy Picture of the Day

Annular Solar Eclipse of 2010 January 15

Top 10 Hot Technology Trends for 2010

Enterprise Social Networking Social networks will spread further in the workplace, taking collaboration to a new level. As the lines between professional and personal communications become increasingly blurred, IT leaders will need to incorporate enterprise social networking into their overall unified communications and collaboration strategy. Enterprise-grade versions of Facebook, Twitter and Wikis in the workplace will begin to be as common as e-mail and will change the way business is conducted. As a result, the decision-making process will be accelerated, customers will receive immediate answers and workers will be more empowered. Aiming for the ‘Clouds’ Cloud computing – whether public or private – is enabling businesses to move to a new and more efficient IT model. It is allowing enterprises to use computing resources (network, server, storage) on–demand and to serve applications centrally. With security and performance enterprise-ready, the ‘cloud’ is enabling businesses to ...

Adobe To Surpass Microsoft As Hacker Target

Adobe Reader and Flash will surpass Microsoft Office applications as favorite targets of cybercriminals, a security vendor predicted Tuesday. In unveiling its 2010 Threat Predictions report, McAfee said the growing popularity of the Adobe products has attracted the attention of cybercriminals, who have been increasingly targeting the applications. Adobe Reader and Flash are two of the most widely deployed applications in the world. As a result of Adobe's success in client software, McAfee Labs believes "Adobe product exploitation will likely surpass that of Microsoft Office applications in 2010."

Ramalan Isu Kejahatan Dunia Maya

Kejahatan dunia maya di tahun 2010 akan terjadi pergeseran jenis-jenis serangan terhadap pengguna. Kalau sebelumnya serangan melalui situs web dan aplikasi akan bergeser ke serangan yang berasal dari jaringan file sharing. Demikian ramalan isu kejahatan yang diramu Kaspersky Lab tentang isu kejahatan dunia maya di 2010. Dalam siaran pers yang diterima, Rabu (16/12), pada tahun 2008, analis perusahaan memperkirakan kenaikan jumlah epidemi global. Ramalan tersebut terbukti akurat. Tahun 2009 didominasi oleh program-program jahat yang canggih dengan fungsi rootkit, worm Kido (yang dikenal juga sebagai Conficker), serangan web dan botnets, SMS penipuan dan serangan pada jaringan sosial.

2010 New Year’s Resolutions According to Women

New Year's Eve

A young woman celebrates New Year's Eve in Vienna, Austria with some sparklers. Georg Hochmuth/EPA

Be A Better Man In 2010

It isn’t just the end of a year; it’s the end of a decade. And a pretty significant decade at that. Ten years ago, it was New Year’s Eve 2000! You were dancing to Prince and laughing off the threat of Y2K (even if you were secretly a little apprehensive about it) and the party rocked all night long. Then you woke up into a hangover and a Bloody Mary and a fresh new year. Then that year flew by, and nine more years after it, and now here we are: New Year’s Eve 2010. We live in a culture that prizes youth, and because of this, we’re conditioned for nostalgia. We see the time that’s behind us as time lost, full of opportunities that are now lost too. And at the end of a decade, we feel it tenfold. Well, at AM we say: Enough! Enough sniffling over what could have been. It’s time for a mind-shift. And here’s how we’re going to initiate it: take the closest piece of paper and on it write down three things that you’ve accomplished since that New Year's Eve party 10 years ago. Maybe you ...