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Menampilkan postingan dengan label Burglars, The New Facebook for Burglars

A new satirical website,, is making the point that it might not be the best idea to tell the world, via the internet, every time your home is left empty. The site is jokingly aimed at the web-savvy burglar, with its mission statement: “Listing all those empty homes out there”. But anybody who makes the list has only themselves to blame: it is drawn entirely from Twitter and Facebook updates posted by users of Foursquare is a social network that makes use of the GPS technology many people now carry in their mobile phones. When users are out and about, and arrive at a new location – a bar, a shop, a friend’s house - they ‘check in’ with Foursquare, which publishes their exact location with a short message. The site can be configured to put the same message out via users’ Facebook and Twitter feeds. The point of Foursquare, which only works in certain cities, is to connect with other users visiting the same places as you – and to build up ‘points’ by vi...