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Julian Assange's celebrity supporters stake reputations on case

Image via Wikipedia The already curious case of Julian Assange took another bizarre twist yesterday when the court learned that a raggle-taggle of "household names" were prepared to stake their reputation in his case, offering sureties to the court with a total value of £180,000. Despite claiming not to know Assange, the film-maker Ken Loach and the socialite and charity fundraiser Jemima Khan stood before Westminster magistrates and offered big sums towards Assange's bail, though bail was later refused. Offering £20,000, Loach said he did not know Assange other than by reputation, but added: "I think the work he has done has been a public service. I think we are entitled to know the dealings of those that govern us."

WikiLeaks Founder in Hiding

Image by New Media Days via Flickr For Julian Assange , the WikiLeaks founder and guiding spirit, it must have been sweet. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton was trying to smooth over the embarrassment, while the White House huffed that a criminal investigation was underway. The French government was decrying "the height of irresponsibility," and Pakistan was reckoning with a rebuke from its traditional patron, Saudi Arabia. Meanwhile, the pasty-faced Assange, a self-appointed knight-errant who has been doing battle with official secrecy since 2006, was in the shadows somewhere - few knew where - undoubtedly savoring the ruckus caused by WikiLeaks' exposure of confidential State Department cables. In an uncomfortable irony, however, he had to do the savoring in a secret location, because Interpol, the international anti-crime organization, has issued a high-priority "red notice" asking member countries to arrest him. President Obama's spok...

WikiLeaks Booted From Amazon Servers

Image via Wikipedia Can WikiLeaks be gagged? A massive DDoS attack crashed the controversial site and its "cablegate" archive, forcing WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange to find new hosting. He did, thanks to Amazon. Now, after an intervention from an unlikely source--Joe Lieberman--Amazon has turned Assange away again. For a brief period, WikiLeaks was back up and running on through the Seattle-based company's servers. Amazon's A3 service offers self-serve cloud hosting, an ideal though temporary solution for the site's trove of confidential diplomatic documents. But Assange and Co. were kicked off Amazon's servers Wednesday, and again forced to find different hosting. Senator Joe Lieberman told AP that Amazon took down the site after inquiries from congressional staffers Tuesday. The company has stopped responding to requests for WikiLeaks, which reportedly has returned to a Swedish provider. According to reps for Sen. Lieberman, the issue is being handl...

Researcher cracks 'secret' code in U.S. Cyber Command logo

Panda Security researchers solved the mystery of the 32-character code in the inner gold ring of U.S. Cyber Command's logo. A security researcher said on Thursday he was the first to crack the code embedded in the seal of the U.S. Cyber Command (Cybercom), the group responsible for protecting the country's military networks from attack. Sean-Paul Correll, a threat researcher with antivirus vendor Panda Security, said that the characters visible in a gold ring on Cybercom's official seal represent the MD5 hash of the group's mission statement. MD5 is a 128-bit cryptographic hash most often used to verify file integrity. A representative of Cybercom confirmed that Correll had it right. " Mr. Correll is's a MD5 hash," said Lt. Commander Steve Curry of the U.S. Navy, in an e-mail. "It wasn't very difficult," said Correll, adding that thanks to the clue on's Danger Room blog , it took him just a fe...

Facebook unveils privacy controls

FACEBOOK overhauled its privacy controls yesterday to fend off mounting criticism that it is betraying the trust that has made it the world's biggest social network. "It's been a pretty intense few weeks for us, listening to all the feedback coming in from all the changes we've made," Facebook's 26-year-old founder Mark Zuckerberg said as he announced simplified privacy controls. "Our teams internally have been cranking for the last couple of weeks." Facebook unveiled a redesigned privacy settings page to provide a single control for content and "significantly reduce" the amount of information that is always visible to everyone. Facebook also said it is giving users more control over how outside applications or websites access information at the service. "This is a pretty big overhaul to the system we already have," Zuckerberg said while outlining the changes during a press briefing at the social network's headquarte...

Is USA Loosing Data in Cyber War?

As per US defense official, US is loosing enough data to fill Library of Congress  and authorities have failed to anticipate the threat before. The Library of Congress is the largest library in the world and it archives millions of books, photographs, maps and recordings. James Miller, principal deputy under secretary of defense for policy said that more than 100 foreign spy agencies and criminal group are trying to access the US Computer. He continued that US system have been investigated 1000 times and scanned million times a day. 'The evolving cyber threat had outpaced our ability to defend against it. We are experiencing damaging penetrations - damaging in the sense of loss of information. And we don't fully understand our vulnerabilities,' Mr Miller said. Miller's comments came when the Obama administration develops a national strategy to secure U.S. digital networks and the Pentagon is building a new military command for cyber warfare which is capable of both of...

Apple iPad blocked in Israel

The Apple iPad’s stronger signal could throw off others’ wireless connections, Israeli officials said. Photograph: Reuters Israel has banned imports of Apple 's new product, the iPad , amid concerns that its Wi-Fi signals could disrupt other devices. Customs officials said yesterday they have already confiscated about 10 of the lightweight tablet computers since Israel announced the new regulations this week. The ban prevents anyone, even tourists, from bringing iPads into Israel until officials certify that they comply with local transmitter standards. The US federal communications commission allows devices with Wi-Fi capability to broadcast at higher power levels than are allowed in Europe and Israel meaning that the iPad 's stronger signal could throw off others' wireless connections, Israeli officials said.

Osama bin Laden’s Facebook account disabled

Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden's profile on social networking website Facebook has been shut down, after a security expert raised the issue with the website's U.S. owners. According to reports, Osama had a Facebook page named "The leader of the Mujahideen, Osama bin Laden", and he used it as a platform to show videos and speeches to Islamic militants. Talking about the decision, Facebook spokesman Andrew Noyes said that the company could not ascertain if the profile belonged to Osama or was fake. "People often attempt to register fake accounts under the name of famous or infamous people, and we have a number of technical measures designed to prevent this behavior," Fox News quoted Noyes, as saying.

Osama bin Laden has a page on Facebook

Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden is reportedly using social networking website Facebook as a platform to show videos and speeches to Islamic militants. According to reports, Osama has a page named "The leader of the Mujahideen, Osama bin Laden" and his address is given as "the mountains of the world". Following the revelation, security experts have urged Facebook's US office to shut down the page.

Where Will Google Build Its Fiber Network?

Google over the next few months will be reviewing locales where it may build its experimental fiber network. The search giant in February said it would build an experimental fiber optic network in an attempt to illustrate the art of the possible in a small number of communities in the U.S. Since that news, Google has been pitched by 600 responses from communities. Individuals also chimed in. Now the requests for information are about over, Google will make a selection. Google said in a post: Over the coming months, we’ll be reviewing the responses to determine where to build. As we narrow down our choices, we’ll be conducting site visits, meeting with local officials and consulting with third-party organizations. Based on a rigorous review of the data, we will announce our target community or communities by the end of the year.

Facebook Fed Friends Go Undercover to Keep America Safe

From Wired.Com The next time someone tries to “friend” you on Facebook, it may turn out to be an undercover fed looking to examine your private messages and photos, or surveil your friends and family. The Electronic Frontier Foundation has obtained an internal Justice Department document that describes what law enforcement is doing on social networking sites.

Waspada, Serbuan Program Jahat ke Facebook dan Twitter

Perusahaan keamanan internet Kaspersky Lab memperingatkan adanya gelombang serangan Koobface, sebuah worm yang sangat produktif menginfeksi situs jejaring sosial. Sasaran program jahat ini adalah situs-situs seperti Facebook dan Twitter. Program-program jahat tersebut juga menggunakan website sah yang dikompromikan sebagai perwakilan untuk komando dan kontrol utama server. Selama dua minggu terakhir ini, para tim peneliti Kaspersky Lab telah mengamati server Koobface live C&C dimatikan atau dibersihkan rata-rata tiga kali per hari. Jumlahnya terus menurun, dari 107 pada tanggal 25 Februari, ke level 71 pada tanggal 8 Maret. Kemudian, hanya dalam 48 jam jumlah tersebut berkembang dari 71 menjadi 142, menaikkan jumlah totalnya tepat dua kali lipat, dimana semua komputer yang terinfeksi Koobface mendapatkan perintah dan update dari jarak jauh.

Movie: My Name is Khan

"Avatar" Runtuhkan Rekor 13 Tahun "Titanic"

Setelah enam pekan bertahan di posisi puncak box office, "Avatar", film arahan sutradara James Cameron, terus menambah pundi-pundi pendapatannya. Pada pekan keenamnya, jumlah pendapatan domestik yang berhasil diraihnya mencapai 36 juta dollar. Secara keseluruhan total pendapatannya pun menjadi 552,8 juta. Angka ini melampaui jumlah pendapatan yang diperoleh "The Dark Knight" yang mencapai 533 juta dollar AS.

Obama: One Year On