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Indonesia 'Surga' Bagi Pengembang Aplikasi Mobile

Tingginya penetrasi kepemilikan ponsel di Indonesia membuat negeri ini menjadi tempat potensial bagi para pengembang aplikasi untuk memasarkan produknya. Indonesia, hingga akhir tahun 2009 lalu, diketahui berada pada peringkat enam dunia sebagai negara dengan jumlah pengguna ponsel terbanyak, sekira 150 juta pengguna. "Indonesia menjadi hotspot area bagi pengembang," ujar Andy Zain, pendiri Mobile Monday, di sela Kuliah Perdana bertema Peluang Industri Kreatif di Era Mobile Lifestyle di Universitas Multimedia Nusantara, Serpong, Tangerang, Senin (23/8/2010). Dikatakan Andy, jika pengembang-pengembang Indonesia ingin bersaing dengan pemain besar, ada beberapa hal yang harus diperhatikan. Salah satunya adalah tidak membuat aplikasi yang berat dalam hal kapasitas maupun fungsi.

Facebook privacy hole 'lets you see where strangers plan to go'

Facebook: released new Graph API last Friday. Photograph: Linda Nylind Facebook's new system for connecting together the web seems to have a serious privacy hole, a web developer has discovered. Some people report that they are able to see the public "events" that Facebook users have said they will attend – even if they person is not a "friend" on the social network. The discovery was made by Ka-Ping Yee, a software engineer for the charitable arm of Google, who was trying out the search query system known as the " Graph API " released by Facebook last Friday. In some cases – though not all – it will let you see the public events that people have said they will attend, or have attended.

Your Google Password Might have been Compromised

In cyberattack December last year Google had intruders stealing vital information from its computer. However, the Mountain View company didn't reveal the exact nature and extent of the theft that involved closely guarded company secret. According to the latest reports in NYT, one of the Google's password system that controls access by millions of users worldwide to almost all of the company's web services including the email and business applications. Google's program code named Gaia was attacked in a lightning raid taking less than two days last December. Actually, Gaia allows users to sign in using their password for a range of services compromises during a two-day attack last December. However, it's a relief for Gmail users that their passwords have not been stolen.Google initiated the security changes to its networks. The intrusion began when Google employee in China clicked on a link sent in an instant message, which took the visitor to a corrupted website....

PC Maker, Inspiration for Microsoft Dies in Ga.

Dr. Henry Edward Roberts, a developer of an early personal computer that inspired Bill Gates to found Microsoft, died Thursday in Georgia. He was 68. Roberts, whose build-it-yourself kit concentrated thousands of dollars worth of computer capability in an affordable package, inspired Bill Gates and his childhood friend Paul Allen to come up with Microsoft in 1975 after they saw an article about the MITS Altair 8800 in Popular Electronics. Roberts, an ex-military man, later went on to careers as a farmer and a physician, but continued to keep up with computer advances: He recently told Gates he hoped to work with new, nanotechnology-enhanced machines, according to son David Roberts. "He did think it was pretty neat, some of the stuff they're doing with the processors," said David Roberts, who confirmed Gates rushed to Georgia Friday to be with his mentor. Roberts died in a Macon hospital after a long bout with pneumonia, according to his family.