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Ini Dia Rata-rata Gaji Pekerja IT di Indonesia

Banyak faktor yang bisa menjadi penyebab kenapa rata-rata gaji para pekerja teknologi informasi (IT) di Indonesia terendah dibandingkan dengan Malaysia , Thailand , atau Filipina . Namun, hasil survei IT Salary Benchmark yang dilakukan ZDNet Asia dari September 2009 hingga November 2010 setidaknya bisa menjadi acuan. Sudah layakkah gaji yang Anda terima sekarang? Apakah masih rata-rata, terlalu rendah, atau sudah jauh lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan sesama pekerja IT lainnya? ZDNet Asia melaporkan hasil survei gaji rata-rata pekerja IT berdasarkan  skill  IT dan jenis pekerjaan sesuai pengalaman kerja dan jenis industrinya. Survei dilakukan terhadap 1.269 pekerja IT di berbagai sektor dengan jenis pekerjaan dan kemampuan bermacam-macam. Di antara mereka, seorang pekerja yang menduduki jabatan IT management  di industri media,  marketing , dan  sales  menduduki posisi tertinggi dengan gaji rata-rata Rp 144,3 juta per tahun.

Google Lebih Dipercaya Ketimbang Facebook

Para peneliti di Amerika menemukan sebuah fakta baru yang menyebutkan, saat ini orang lebih percaya kepada perusahaan teknologi atas seperti Google, Microsoft, dan Apple ketimbang situs jejaring sosial seperti Facebook atau Twitter. Survei yang dilakukan oleh Zogby Internasional menyebutkan 49 persen dari 2.100 orang dewasa yang diwawancara sangat meyakini tiga perusahaan teknologi papan atas tersebut. Sedangkan Facebook hanya dipercayai oleh 13 persen orang, dan Twitter sebanyak 8 persen. Dilansir melalui Telegraph, Rabu (23/6/2010), menurut Chief Executive Zogby International, John Zogby, Google, Apple dan Microsoft jauh lebih berpengalaman dalam mengemas nama merek, ketimbang Facebook dan Twitter yang belum memiliki identitas perusahaan. Kendati demikian, kedua perusahaan ini diberi nilai lebih tinggi dari media tradisional, penelitian ini menyimpulkan satu dari lima orang dewasa muda, yang berusia antara 18 dan 29, memiliki tingkat kepercayaan yang lebih tinggi kepada Faceboo...

99% of Stories Blogs Link To Are Published By Mainstream Media

Bloggers like to think they now control the nation's news agenda--but they don't. 99% of the stories blogs link to are produced by mainstream media, according to the latest study from the Pew Research Center's Project for Excellence in Journalism . Pew's findings—based on a year's worth of data analyzing the top stories on millions of blogs and social media pages, Twitter and YouTube—does show how new media websites can influence the overall impact of news stories, and the ways in which new media news storylines differ from the traditional press. For instance: Newspapers and broadcast networks generated more than 99% of the stories linked to by bloggers , and 87% of those stories were news reports rather than Op/Ed pieces. But there were only 13 times when blogs and the mainstream press had the same top story , the most-overlapping of which was "the U.S. economic crisis (five weeks in all)." Others were H1N1, the protests in Iran last June and S...

Google CEO Schmidt Says 'high quality journalism will triumph'

The newspaper business has been absolutely decimated over the past decade as many news organizations adapted slowly to the changes brought forth by the Internet. But one of the men partly responsible for helping to usher in the new era of digital media (and advertising) is hopeful about the future of news. And he actually believes companies can make money off it. Google CEO Eric Schmidt -- speaking at the American Society of News Editors annual meeting in Washington D.C. -- reportedly said that high-quality journalism will prevail. Politico's Jake Sherman has a detailed report on Schmidt's remarks, including the high-tech executive's advice for making money off content on the Web. As has become a common refrain in the news media business, Schmidt also noted that there's more of a business model problem than a news problem facing the industry.

Google CEO Says Newspapers Can Make Money Online

Google Inc. Chief Executive Eric Schmidt told a group of editors Sunday that he is confident that newspapers will find new ways to make money online by harnessing the vast reach of the Internet. Media executives have accused Google of draining readers and advertising from newspapers' Web sites. But in a speech to open the annual conference of the American Society of News Editors, Schmidt said Google recognizes that newspapers are vital to democracy and provide a critical source of online content. "We understand how fundamental your mission is," he said. Schmidt predicted that the news business will find a new model, based on a combination of advertising and subscription revenue. He said Google hopes to facilitate that, but he offered no specifics.

UK Politicians 'Social Media Reputation' Assessed Through Facebook, Twitter

A rating for British party leaders' online popularity has been made available with the use of social networking websites such as Twitter and Facebook. MPs and candidates were said to be turning to the popular social forums as part of their campaign to test the political waters. And one company, Yomego, has assessed their "social media reputation scores" (SMRs), based on the "noise" and "sentiment" surrounding the politicians, The BBC reported. British Prime Minister Gordon Brown was said to have a popularity score of 68.20, out of 100, while that of Lead of the Opposition David Cameron's was 58.98, compared to leader of the Liberal Democrats Nick Clegg's 68.49, which was the highest.

Penggunaan Kata Teroris Aceh di Media dikritik Wagub Aceh

Seminggu belakangan ini pemberitaan mengenai teroris aceh lagi hotnya. Dan frase Teroris Aceh pun menjadi headlines di berbagai media baik elektronik maupun cetak. Namun bagi Wakil Gubernur (Wagub) Aceh, Muhammad Nazar sangat tidak sepakat. Beliau menilai bahwa penggunaan kata Teroris Aceh dapat merusak citra provinsi yang ia pimpin tersebut. "Menggunakan kata ` teroris Aceh ` yang setiap kali diberitakan media massa itu telah merusak citra Aceh sendiri. Apa maksudnya penyebutan `teroris Aceh` itu," katanya di Banda Aceh, Rabu (10/3). Hal ini disampaikan ketika memimpin apel khusus yang dihadiri ribuan Pegawai Negeri Sipil (PNS) dan Kepala Satuan Kerja Perangkat Aceh (SKPA) provinsi tersebut. Kepada media massa, beliau menghimbau agar dalam penggunaan bahasa atau nomenklatur harus sesuai, jangan terus menggunakan "teroris Aceh".

Blog Tandzim Al Qoidah Indonesia Serambi Makkah

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Blog Al Qaidah Aceh

Mabes Polri sedang mendalami blog bernama (suspended), yang memuat pernyataan bahwa ada kelompok yang mengaku sebagai Tandzim Al Qoidah Indonesia Serambi Makkah yang menyinggung soal jihad di Aceh. Belum diketahui secara pasti apakah kelompok ini terkait dengan kelompok bersenjata yang kini sedang diburu polisi. "Keterlibatan atau merupakan jaringan dengan kelompok di Aceh masih kita cek. Masih didalami siapa yang buat blog itu, apakah serius atau sekedar iseng," ujar Kepala Divisi Humas Mabes Polri Inspektur Jenderal Edward Aritonang, Sabtu 6 Maret 2010. Penelusuran VIVAnews, Sabtu 6 Maret 2010, blog bernama itu terakhir diposting pada 5 Maret 2010. Yang menarik adalah postingan 2 Maret 2010. Postingan tersebut merupakan pernyataan resmi mereka terkait aksi di Aceh. Berikut pernyataan kelompok ini: