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Yahoo’s Email Account in China Was Hacked

According to a Beijing-based press association, the email accounts of foreign journalists in China and Taiwan got hacked. Recently, Google got into a row with Chinese authorities because Gmail accounts based China have been hacked. The Foreign Correspondents' Club of China (FCCC) reported eight cases of hacking of Yahoo Email accounts in China. The company condemned this Cyber attack. A reporter of Irish Times complained that he got an error message while he tried to log into Yahoo. FCCC charged Yahoo for not giving the user about the information of possible cyberattack. Yahoo has not answered the FCCC's questions about the attacks, nor has it told individual mail users how the accounts were accessed," a spokesman told the news agency.

The Reign Of Facebook: Will It Ever End?

Facebook can be called an internet phenomenon. Its rapid growth since it was introduced as a service made exclusively for Harvard students in 2004 is a spectacular example of a successful social media project. While its closest competitor, MySpace, is stagnating and struggling to sustain its user base, Facebook continues to attract new users. In this article, we’ll try to look to the reasons behind the tremendous success of Facebook. Brief history: Facebook was founded in February 2004, by Mark Zuckerberg and his roommates – Dustin Moskovitz and Chris Hughes. It received its first large investments 2005, while Facebook was still not available for the whole public. Facebook was opened to anyone aged 13 and above only in late 2006. It is currently valued somewhere between $1.3 and $10 billion and is the leading social network in the world with more than 200 million registered users.