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Mengatasi Mozilla Firefox Crash Report

Kali ini saya kana berbagi tips ,yaitu mengatasi  Mozilla firefox crash report, yang tentunnya sangat menggangu kitas saat sedang asyik browsing...tiba-tiba muncul pesan error yang mengharuskan kita merestart atau keluar dari mozilla. Perintah tersebut dinamakan Mozilla firefox crash report.

A Bad Week for Google?

By some accounts, this week hasn't been so great for Google. The first bit of bad news concerns sales of Google's Nexus One phone. On Tuesday, the market analytics firm Flurry released a report saying initial sales of Google's Nexus One phone have been slim compared to the Droid and the iPhone. The firm compared sales of those those phones over the first 74 days they were on the market. In a blog post , Flurry says it chose that time period because that's how long it took the original iPhone to sell 1 million handsets when it was released in 2007.

Dear Google Buzz: 4 Features You Need to Add Now

GMAIL USERS: We hope you’ll join the discussion over on Mashable’s Google Buzz account . Earlier today, we posted a buzz asking our followers : “What features would you like to see in Google Buzz ( ) ?” We received just shy of 500 responses over the course of the afternoon, and we saw both big trends and unique ideas. Here are a few of the biggest and best responses. Some are obvious — some not so much. We think they’re all great ideas, though, except maybe the last one! But some 75 million people might disagree with us. Keep reading to find out what we (or rather you) are talking about, and be sure to add your own ideas to the comments here or over on our Google Buzz . The #1 Request: Collapsible Comment Threads Far and away, the most requested feature is the ability to collapse comments. By our count, 197 of the 492 comments that we read before writing this requested this feature. The issue is that posts are sorted on the main interface chronologically by the most recent commen...