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Top Ten Facebook Alternatives That Keep Up Your Privacy

With the rise to top spot in social networking world, Facebook's taking advantage of its monopoly. The social networking ace is eager on controlling online identity of its members and reconfiguring the world’s privacy norms. Lately Facebook has been accused of taking advantage of users privacy. In such a situation you must be looking for Facebook Alternatives. If you are looking for alternatives, you have many but those that upkeep your privacy and offer similar features and apps as Facebook are numbered. We made an effort to queue up the 10 Facebook alternatives that doesn't compromise your privacy. 1. Friendster It is already quite popular in Asia but has also grown in popularity in the United States. The network offers quite a few features to customize your profile, offering quite a few features to customize. This is the ultimate point of a social network through. You can stay updated on people's shared information  Friendster’s privacy is stricter than what we find w...

Hi5 Social Network Gets Game

Hi5 is getting in touch with its inner gamer. After a multiyear struggle to keep users from defecting to rivals, the social network is reinventing itself as a social gaming and entertainment site. Founded in 2003, hi5 will keep letting users interact with friends and family. It will also place greater emphasis on such games as pool, bingo, and Demolition City, which involves blowing up buildings around the world. Many of the pastimes include purchasing so-called virtual goods, in-game products that help a player accomplish tasks and graduate to higher levels.

Pingdom: Facebook is killing it on page views

Facebook is completely dominating the rest of the social-media world when it comes to page views, according to these numbers. (Credit: Pingdom/Google Ad Planner)

About hi5

Being bored can inspire. Some bored people are inspired to pick up a hobby. Some bored people volunteer for the greater good of the community. Some bored people spend every free night thinking of ridiculous things to do and videotape. The Hi5 falls mainly into the second catergory... oh wait, I mean the one about ridiculous things. It's all about doing something that will cause a laugh and hopefully not be too boring to watch on video later. The ideas usually start off simple... for instance, one day we decided to go to the park and feed the ducks. We ended up duct taping slices of white bread onto every visible spot on Scottys body and sent him to mingle with the ducks.

Hati-hati Upload Foto di Facebook

Online Social Networking seperti Facebook memang sedang mendunia tetapi ini ada satu hal yang perlu anda ketahui, khususnya bagi yang suka men-share foto di web. Sebuah penelitian yang dilakukan oleh University of Cambridge menemukan bahwa foto-foto yang telah anda hapus sebelumnya di online soscial networking tersebut sebenarnya tidak benar-benar dihapus atau dengan kata lain masih tersimpan di server mereka untuk beberapa waktu. Penelitian dilakukan kepada 16 website social networking dengan cara mengupload foto kemudian menghapusnya. Tetapi sebelum menghapus foto tersebut, mereka telah mencatat alamat URL dimana foto tersebut berada.