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Situs Di-hack, Anggota Dewan Saling Tuding

Serangan terhadap situs di Amerika Serikat kembali terjadi, bahkan korban yang jatuh mencapai 49 situs milik anggota dewan AS. Dan pelaku yang bertanggung jawab terhadap aksi meretas tersebut adalah hacker asal Brasil. Ke-49 situs milik anggota dewan AS (House of Representative) dibobol peretas asal Brasil, setelah pidato kenegeraan pertama Presiden Barack Obama di depan anggota dewan selesai dibacakan. Para pembobol sukses mengubah tampilan situs tersebut dengan latar belakang putih dan sebuah pesan yang ditujukan kepada Obama karena kebijakan yang diambilnya.

War Protesters Storm Facebook Before the State of the Union Address

An organization called Rethink Afghanistan has executed a widespread war protest on the White House’s Facebook page. It began with a drive for 20,000 signatures at Rethink Afghanistan’s website, but folks who added their signatures were also given instructions for participating in the Facebook protest. Hundreds of people have posted the following message or something very close to it to the White House page: “President Obama, I am one of more than 20,000 signers of this petition from Rethink Afghanistan: ‘In your State of the Union address on January 27, 2010, I want you to provide a concrete exit strategy for our troops in Afghanistan that begins no later than July 2011 and which completes a withdrawal of combat troops no later than July 1, 2012.’ Petition:“

Obama: One Year On