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Facebook Hacker Cup

"Penyihir" Muda dari Keluarga Yahudi

Di tengah gempuran soal tuntutan perbaikan privasi pengguna, Facebook siap menggelar pesta besar-besaran beberapa pekan mendatang. Jika tak ada aral melintang, kemungkinan 25 Juni 2010, Facebook akan mengumumkan berita besar: "Jumlah pengguna tembus 500 juta orang." Itu berarti populasi Facebook lebih besar dari penduduk Indonesia sebanyak 230 juta orang atau penduduk Amerika Serikat 300 juta orang. Bahkan, pengguna Facebook adalah terbesar ketiga di dunia, setelah penduduk China yang berjumlah 1,6 miliar orang dan India 1,1 miliar orang. "Kami seringkali menahan pengumuman pertumbuhan Facebook dan menyatukannya dengan pengumuman penting lain seperti misalnya peluncuran produk," demikian pernyataan Facebook Kepada situs Search Engine Land, 19 Mei 2010. "Jadi, jumlah pengguna Facebook sebenarnya, seringkali lebih besar daripada yang kami umumkan saat itu." Sungguh luar biasa. Hanya dalam tempo enam tahun sejak didirikan, Facebook telah masuk jajaran w...

How to Alert Connections of a Social Network Hack

Twitter has rapidly become one of the most popular social media and microblogging services on the internet. Unfortunately, in the Web world, popularity often leads to increased security concerns. Twitter has also become a popular tool with cyber criminals, who are increasingly using it as a vessel to spread malware. This past weekend, Twitter users were hit with a phishing scam that caught many off guard. (Attacks on social networks tripled in 2009, read more here)The innocuous sounding message included a link that, if clicked, led to a spoofed Twitter login page. Anyone who logged in via that page would have had their Twitter account credentials stolen. Those victims then had the same message tweeted out to their contacts, thus causing exponential spread of the phishing attack. The messages sent were similar to the following: Lol , this is funny Lol. this is me?? Lol. this you??

Facebook Urged to Act After Memorial Sites Defaced

Cyber attacks on Facebook pages set up to pay tribute to two murdered Australian children has prompted calls for the social networking site to be more accountable for its users. Social media experts say it is natural that people who use sites such as Facebook or MySpace as a major form of communication should turn to these sites with personal tragedies. These memorial sites often attract thousands of friends and well-wishers, as in the case of the pages set up after the deaths this month of Elliott Fletcher, 12, and Trinity Bates, 8.

List of Best 10 Facebook Hacks

In my last previous post How to hack facebook password ,I told you a method to hack a facebook password, i now though to continue the series of facebook hacks. As you know Facebook has become very famous in last 1 year. Orkut which was considered to be the best Social networking website has been sidetracked by emerging Social Networking Websites like Facebook and Twitter. Considering the popularity of Facebook we have collected the Most Essential Hacks of Facebook and presented them to you.

Riset: Otak Facebooker Hanya Sanggup Berteman 150 Orang

Warga Facebook alias facebooker sering 'menimbun' jumlah teman, kadang sampai ribuan banyaknya. Namun menurut seorang peneliti, manusia sesungguhnya tidak mampu mengingat atau mengendalikan hubungan sosial dengan lebih dari 150 orang saja. Adalah Robin Dunbar, profesor Evolutionary Anthropology di Oxford University yang mencetuskan klaim itu. Sang profesor pernah mengembangkan teori bernama 'Dunbar's number' yang jadi basis pernyataannya tersebut. Teori itu mengklaim bahwa ukuran neocortex--bagian otak untuk berpikir sadar dan berbahasa--membatasi manusia untuk mengurus lingkungan sosial hanya dengan sekitar 150 teman, tak peduli betapapun besar sikap sosial seseorang.

Facebook Retweets As Twitterfication Continues

This evening Facebook began testing what appears to be their version of Twitter’s retweet feature: “via”. On any article shared by your friend, you can click on “Share” and when you post the article to your profile, Facebook will now automatically say who the article came from. While the “via” content only currently works on shared articles, I’d assume that this feature would be extended to other stream stories if initial user testing proves successful. We’ve written extensively about the Twitterfication of Facebook , and this appears to be one more step in that process.

Social Network and Kids

Status updates, photo tagging and FarmVille aren't just for adults or even teenagers anymore. Researchers say a growing number of children are flouting age requirements on sites such as Facebook and MySpace, or using social-networking sites designed just for them. Facebook and MySpace require users to be at least 13. But they have no practical way to verify ages, and many young users pretend to be older when signing up. Some scientists worry that pre-adolescent use of the sites, which some therapists have linked to Internet addiction among adults, could be damaging to children's relationships and brains.

Facebook Ideal Alami Serangan Dunia Maya

McAfee melaporkan jejaring sosial akan menghadapi eskalasi serangan peretas pada 2010. Penegakan hukum diharapkan membuat gebrakan memerangi kejahatan dunia maya itu. “Ledakan aplikasi Facebook dan layanan lainnya akan menjadi ranah ideal bagi kejahatan dunia maya yang akan mengambil keuntungan sesama teman yang saling percaya untuk mengklik link yang potensial mengandung ancaman berbahaya,” ujar McAfee.

Social Networks for Adults

Whil­e adults have joined online social networks that have been previously dominated by teens like MySpace and Facebook, adult users are also joining online social networks targeted at adult members. Adult social networks don't specialize in "adult" content (although those certainly exist), instead they're social networks for professionals rather than purely for friends. With over 15 million members, LinkedIn is the largest online social network for business professionals. On LinkedIn, profile pages read more like resumes, citing professional experience and education and leaving out personal tidbits like favorite books and bands. Not until recently did LinkedIn even allow users to post a profile picture for fear that it would turn the strictly business site into yet another excuse for online dating.

Information Technology Social Networks

Information technology professionals and amateur geeks have been gathering online since Usenet fi­rst launched in 1979. For people who spend their workday in front of a computer facing new technology challenges, it's natural that IT professionals took quickly to online forums, newsgroups and discussion boards. IT social networks are the latest extension of these virtual communities.

Hacking and Social Networks

When people talk about hacking and social networks, they're not referring to the com­mon definition of hacking, which is using malicious code or backdoors in computer networks to damage systems or steal proprietary information. Hacking into social networks requires very little technical skill. It's much more of a psychological game -- using information on personal profiles to win a complete stranger's trust. This second type of hacking is called social engineering. Social engineering uses persuasive psychological techniques to exploit the weakest link in the information security system: people [source: ]. Examples of social engineering scams could be: Calling a systems administrator posing as an angry executive who forgot his password and needs to access his computer immediately. Posing as a bank employee and calling a customer to ask for his credit card number. Pretending to lose your key card and kindly asking an employee to let you into the office...

Ning's Infinite Ambition

It isn't just a site where users can build their own social networks -- Ning is a model of how to create a perpetual growth machine. Here's something you probably don't know about the Internet: Simply by designing your product the right way, you can build a billion-dollar business from scratch. No advertising or marketing budget, no need for a sales force, and venture capitalists will kill for the chance to throw money at you.