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Tips: 5 Ways to Protect Your Twitter Account

Last week we discussed some  safety tips on Gmail  and how you can completely secure your email account from getting hacked. Twitter is not an exception and you should be very careful with your Twitter activity.  There are a lot of “phishing scams” spreading on Twitter and other social networking sites everyday. People use insane methods, scripts and fake login pages to gain access to your social profiles, thus causing identity theft which may cause severe outcomes. Imagine someone gets access to your Twitter account and then changes the account password and the email address associated with it. You lose the Twitter account and in the worst case, the scammer may gain personal information from your tweets, connections or Direct messages.   He/she may even hurt your online reputation by tweeting spam links, abusive language or vulgar images. Here is a list of techniques you should keep in mind to completely protect your Twitter account from unauthorized acti...

Twitter Bakal Jual Trending Topics?

Twitter sedang getol-getolnya mencari uang dari layanan microblogging yang luar biasa populer tersebut. Kabar yang beredar, Trending Topics pun bakal dijual. Hal itu dikemukakan Peter Kafka, blogger dan wartawan teknologi lewat, Minggu (13/6/2010). Dikatakan bahwa, selain 'Promoted Tweets' Twitter juga akan menjual 'Promoted Trends'. Diduga, program itu akan memungkinkan pemasang iklan memasukkan kalimat mereka ke dalam Trending Topic yang sedang muncul di halaman Twitter. Jika diklik, akan muncul hasil pencarian yang menampilkan 'Promoted Tweets' pada bagian atas. Nah, berapa harga iklan itu? Memang belum ada kabar pasti, namun desas-desusnya menyebutkan harganya bisa mencapai puluhan ribu dollar AS per hari.