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Top Ten: Game HTML5 Langsung Bisa Dimainkan

HTML5 memang masih terbilang baru dalam bahasa markah situs web. Hingga kini HTML5 masih terus dikembangkan, namun HTML5 dengan cepat mengalami peningkatan dari sisi grafis maupun animasi. HTML5 juga dimanfaatkan para pengembang untuk menciptakan game yang dimainkan melalui  browser  terkini. Tak perlu meng-install aplikasi, pengguna hanya butuh terkoneksi dengan internet dan sudah memiliki  browser , seperti Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera, atau Internet Explorer, versi terbaru. Selain di komputer desktop dan laptop, game HTML5 juga bisa dimainkan melalui perangkat  mobile  yakni  smartphone  dan tablet.

Internet Explorer 9 Beta is Due in September

According to Microsoft Chief Operating Officer Kevin Turner, Microsoft is getting ready to roll out IE version 9 in September. As per some leaked report, Microsoft is expected to release the Beta version in August. The Beta is supposed to feature more user interfaces. The Web Developers are keenly waiting for the new browser. There is a significant improvement of Internet Explorer 9 in comparison with Internet Explorer 8, with considerably improved standards compliance and functionality. The new build that Microsoft released so far is mainly targeted for the Web Developers. It includes new Microsoft Java Script Engine and the new graphic subsystem, integrated with a home page full of test sites. There is no security or no Back button. The company released three platform previews to show the IE 9 engine. However, this is a very simple interface. Perhaps the company wants everybody to wait till the release. Microsoft didn't announce any Release date for the final version. But, th...

Out Of Band Internet Explorer Security Update

Microsoft’s Security Response team just announced that they will be publishing an out of band cumulative update for Internet Explorer due to a publicly disclosed security vulnerability that is affecting Internet Explorer 6 and Internet Explorer 7. The team notes that Internet Explorer 8 installations are not affected by the security vulnerability and that the security update will be released on March 30 at approximately 10:00 a.m. PDT. The update for Internet Explorer will be provided through Windows Updates or from the usual Microsoft sites where updates can be downloaded manually. The reason for the out of band update is Microsoft’s monitoring of the vulnerability which seemed to have uncovered an increased exploitation of the security vulnerability. The update for Internet Explorer is cumulative as it contains nine additional vulnerability fixes that all were supposed to be released on Microsoft’s monthly patch Tuesday on April 13.

Get to Know Windows 7 Libraries Inside and Out

The new Libraries feature in Windows 7 makes it easier to manage your files and folders. Today we take a comprehensive look at everything you can do with Windows 7 Libraries. The Libraries feature in Windows 7 provides a central place to manage files that are located in multiple locations throughout your computer. Instead of clicking through a bunch of directories to find the files you need, including them in a library makes for quicker access. Access Libraries To access the libraries in Windows 7, type libraries into the search box in the Start Menu and hit Enter. The default libraries in Windows 7 will open up in Explorer which are Documents, Music, Pictures, and Videos.

Google Tak Lagi Dukung Internet Explorer 6

Google menyatakan diri menghentikan dukungan terhadap Internet Explorer 6 atau IE6 dan browser-browser web tua. Mulai 1 Maret 2010, situs Google dan sejumlah layanannya tidak lagi bisa tampil dengan browser-browser tersebut. "Banyak perusahaan lain yang sudah menghentikan dukungan terhadap browser lama seperti Internet Explorer 6.0, termasuk browser yang sudah tidak didukung perusahaan pembuatnya. Kami juga mulai meninggalkan dukungan kami, dimulai dari Google Docs dan Google Sites," ujar Rajen Sheth, Google Apps Senior Product Manager dalam blog enterprise Google.

Can Google's Chrome Banner Change the Course of the Browser Wars?

Google has an ad banner in their search home page for their Chrome browser. Can it eventually change the course of the browser wars? And what can happen if it does?

Internet Explorer 9, a free upgrade for the web

It shocks me as a devoted Firefox user to say this, but Internet Explorer 9 could very well leapfrog the competition in the race of next-generation of web browsers in 2010 thanks to a groundbreaking platform-wide implementation of a hardware-accelerated renderer that I think is quite literally “a free upgrade for the web”. What makes IE9’s implementation of hardware-acceleration so compelling is that it has major real-world benefits and its completely transparent to both end-user and web developers. Using the new capabilities in Direct2D instead of GDI, IE9 is able to rendering all the visual elements of websites much faster and smoother using the powers of the graphics processing unit (GPU), instead of the CPU. One example of where this functionality really shines is in the Bing Maps demo where continuously panning the map is just as smooth as navigating a map in a 3D strategy game.