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J.P. Morgan Siap Gelontorkan USD450 Juta untuk Twitter

Image via CrunchBase Firma investasi J.P. Morgan Chase disinyalir akan membeli sekira 10 persen saham Twitter dengan nilai mencapai USD450 juta. Langkah ini segera mendongkrak nilai situs mikroblog itu menjadi USD4,5 miliar.   Silicon Republic , Senin (28/2/2011), melansir jika J.P. Morgan berniat membeli saham Twitter secara langsung dengan melibatkan pemegang saham dan investor saat ini, dan bukan melalui pasar.   Menurut   Wall Street Journal   dan   New York Times , langkah J.P Morgan dipicu oleh investasi baru dari Digital Growth Fund yang mencapai USD1,2 miliar, tidak terpaut jauh dari target awal, USD1,3 miliar.

Tech Giants To Invest in Social Web

Image via CrunchBase Facebook , Amazon and Zynga will invest in a fund named as sFund to develop application and services for the new generation of social web. The major share of $250m will come from venture capital firm Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers . The main focus is going to be on social start-ups for industries from consumer to enterprise and from health to mobile. It will not invest in direct competitors to Facebook, Amazon or social gaming company Zynga. “There’s going to be an opportunity over the next five years or so to pick any industry and rethink it in a social way,” said Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg. KCB partner KPCB partner John Doerr also backed the same opinion. He told BBC news “These social networks are going to go from a half a billion people to billions of people connected on the planet and so represents an extraordinarily exciting time on the internet.” sFund is similar to KPCB’s $200m iFund that invested at companies who create applications for Apple’s iP...