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Verifying Ownership of a Facebook Page

Facebook now requires its users to verify ownership of Facebook Pages that have a ‘large number’ of fans. Our records indicate that you are currently the admin of a Facebook Page with a large number of fans, Digital Inspiration . To ensure a positive user experience, we require admins of large Pages to confirm their affiliation with the brand, business, person, or entity that their Page represents. To authenticate your Facebook page, you need to add a Facebook Fan widget or a Facebook Badge to your website home page and link it to your main Facebook page. If that’s not an option since you don’t control the website, there’s another way for you to authenticate a page. You can add a second email address to your Facebook account that is officially affiliated with the brand that your Facebook Page represents.

5 Things That Don’t Work on Facebook Pages

Should you have a Facebook Page ? Before integrating Facebook Pages (sometimes called “Facebook Fan Pages”) into your social media marketing mix, you need to think strategically. Georgina provided a basic overview of the need for strategy in “ Businesses and the Social Media Trap ,” and I ranted about the problem of not understanding strategy in the first place in “ It’s the Social Media Strategy Struggle .” This week, I want to discuss why people become fans of Facebook Pages in the first place. I’ll follow that with some thoughts on what doesn’t really work on Pages. After that, I’ll list some things that I believe do work, based on personal and professional experience, industry news and anecdotal information. I am surprised by the number of Facebook Pages that are popping up marketing what I would consider to be pretty “unmarketable” things for a Facebook audience. Let’s face it: Not everything should be marketed using every new cool tool on the block. Facebook Pages have spec...

Facebook CommentsTNG

Facebook CommentsTNG is a plugin for your Wordpress blog that will spider your notes page and find imported Wordpress blogs and bring the comments back into Wordpress. This is a complete rewrite from the original but I did borrow some ideas from it. Kudos to the original authors for their initial effort and for their plugin giving me the motivation to write this one! Features: Will recursively scan through all notes and bring in comments Test mode to see what would be imported without risking the database Uses simple html dom which means it’ll be easier to fix if Facebook changes Limit option to limit how far it goes back Timed automatic scanning Set what note you want it to start on E-mail field for setting a custom e-mail, The default is facebook at philtopia dot com which has a Gravatar set up with a Facebook picture Plugin can crawl your notes despite language set Plugin can get accurate post time from Facebook Auto approval of comments (make sure the plugin works for ...