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Lindungi Anak, Facebook Luncurkan "Tombol Panik"

Facebook meluncurkan aplikasi "tombol panik" pada situs jejaring sosial itu untuk melindungi pengguna golongan anak dan remaja. Tombol ini bila diklik akan melaporkan setiap upaya pelecehan seksual ke Pusat Perlindungan Eksploitasi Anak (CEOP) dan tim Facebook. Aplikasi itu juga akan muncul pada laman anak dan para remaja itu dengan menginformasikan bahwa "mereka terlindungi secara online." Peluncuran dilakukan menyusul debat berbulan-bulan CEOP dan Facebook yang awalnya menolak ide tersebut. CEOP, lembaga penegakan hukum di bawah kewenangan pemerintah, ditugaskan melacak pelaku pelecehan seks online, menuntut "tombol panik" dipasang di semua jejaring sosial sejak November lalu. Bebo menjadi jejaring sosial pertama yang menginstal "tombol panik", diikuti Myspace, namun Facebook menolak penambahan itu, dengan alasan sistem pengendalian mereka sudah cukup memadai.

Top Ten Facebook Alternatives That Keep Up Your Privacy

With the rise to top spot in social networking world, Facebook's taking advantage of its monopoly. The social networking ace is eager on controlling online identity of its members and reconfiguring the world’s privacy norms. Lately Facebook has been accused of taking advantage of users privacy. In such a situation you must be looking for Facebook Alternatives. If you are looking for alternatives, you have many but those that upkeep your privacy and offer similar features and apps as Facebook are numbered. We made an effort to queue up the 10 Facebook alternatives that doesn't compromise your privacy. 1. Friendster It is already quite popular in Asia but has also grown in popularity in the United States. The network offers quite a few features to customize your profile, offering quite a few features to customize. This is the ultimate point of a social network through. You can stay updated on people's shared information  Friendster’s privacy is stricter than what we find w...

Bebo's UK losses revealed

Bebo's parent company, AOL, has said it will sell or shut the website. Photograph: Linda Nylind Bebo UK plunged into the red last year as post-tax profits fell 143% year on year in the 12 months to the end of May 2009, a performance that led its parent, AOL , to decide to sell or shut the struggling social networking website. The social networking website's UK business moved from a healthy post-tax profit of £2.6m in the previous year to a loss of £1.1m, a 143% year-on-year fall, according to figures for Bebo UK Ltd filed at Companies House. AOL acquired Bebo in 2008 for $850m (£550m) . Companies House figures show that turnover fell 29% year on year, from £8.8m to £6.2m, for the period, while operating profits were down 32% from £798,560 to £541,268.

Social Networks That Have Failed Under New Owners

AOL’s struggle to make Bebo profitable is not the first time that a social network has brought trouble to its new owners. Both the purchase of MySpace by News Corporation and of Friends Reunited by ITV has coincided with those networks losing huge amounts of value: Rupert Murdoch paid £364 million for MySpace, while ITV paid £175 million for Friends Reunited. MySpace is now valued for “next to nothing” according to former Merrill Lynch analyst Henry Blodget, and ITV sold Friends Reunited for £25 million last year.

Joanna Shields leaves Elisabeth Murdoch's Shine to join Facebook

The former Bebo president has left Shine after just a few months to join Facebook as a vice-president of sales and business development Joanna Shields, who has joined Facebook months after signing up for digital content venture with Elisabeth Murdoch. Photograph: Linda Nylind The former Bebo president Joanna Shields has joined Facebook in a senior European role, leaving the venture she launched with Elisabeth Murdoch 's Shine production company just months ago. Shields, who was the architect of Bebo's $850m sale to AOL in 2008 , is to take the newly created role of vice-president of sales and business development for Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA). Shields, who left AOL in May last year , announced in September that she was launching a digital media content venture with Elisabeth Murdoch's Shine Group . Shields, who blazed a trail in online drama with Bebo's ground-breaking online TV series, KateModern, also had a seat on Shine's advisory board. ...

Facebook Fuelling Divorce, Research Claims

The social networking site, which connects old friends and allows users to make new ones online, is being blamed for an increasing number of marital breakdowns. Divorce lawyers claim the explosion in the popularity of websites such as Facebook and Bebo is tempting to people to cheat on their partners. Suspicious spouses have also used the websites to find evidence of flirting and even affairs which have led to divorce.

Hati-hati Upload Foto di Facebook

Online Social Networking seperti Facebook memang sedang mendunia tetapi ini ada satu hal yang perlu anda ketahui, khususnya bagi yang suka men-share foto di web. Sebuah penelitian yang dilakukan oleh University of Cambridge menemukan bahwa foto-foto yang telah anda hapus sebelumnya di online soscial networking tersebut sebenarnya tidak benar-benar dihapus atau dengan kata lain masih tersimpan di server mereka untuk beberapa waktu. Penelitian dilakukan kepada 16 website social networking dengan cara mengupload foto kemudian menghapusnya. Tetapi sebelum menghapus foto tersebut, mereka telah mencatat alamat URL dimana foto tersebut berada.