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Foto: Server Opera Mini

Tak ayal lagi, opera mini merupakan mobile browser terbanyak yang dipakai para surfer mobile di Indonesia (didunia mungkin). Tapi taukah anda bahwa semua yang anda browsing berasal dari sini? Ya, server opera mini tentunya. Sebenarnya banyak server opera mini yang tersebar ke segala penjuru dunia, namun yang server utama cuma satu. Server ini letaknya di oslo (tempat lahir opera mini sendiri..... :D) makanya setiap pengunjung yang browsing lewat opera mini selalu diidentifikasi berasal dari oslo, norwegia. Berikut beberapa cuplikan foto-foto server opera mini beserta fakta-faktanya:

Is Bill Gates’ New Website Really Running On Linux?

Sometimes tips come in that seem too good to be true. Take today, for example. I got a tip that Bill Gates’ new site, The Gates Notes, was running on a Linux-powered server. This would be ironic since Gates is of course the founder of Microsoft, which is Linux’s biggest competitor in the server market. It would be the equivalent of catching Gates or CEO Steve Ballmer being caught using (and not just signing) a MacBook at a conference. So is it true? A quick search on Netcraft shows that sure enough looks to be running on the Linux OS. But wait. The results also say that web server is Microsoft-IIS/7.0. That doesn’t sound right, so what gives? Well, it turns out that because Gates is using Akamai to mirror his sites’ content in the event of massive traffic (or more specifically, something like a DDoS attack), this data is being filtered through there. Akamai uses Linux for its servers, so that’s what OS is being passed back to Netcraft. But at the same time, to make...