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33 Ways to Use LinkedIn for Business

Is your  LinkedIn  account mostly sitting idle? You can do so much more with it than simply look up contacts: find gigs, sell products, expand your networks, grow your business and gain free publicity. Here are 33 ways to use LinkedIn more effectively. Fill out your profile completely to earn trust. Use  widgets  to integrate other tools, such as importing your blog entries or Twitter stream into your profile. Do market research and gain knowledge with Polls. Share survey and poll results with your contacts. Answer questions in  Questions and Answers : show expertise without a hint of self-promotion.

32 Ways to Use Facebook for Business

Facebook’s not just for keeping tabs on friends and filling out quizzes — it can also be used as a highly effective business tool. It’s great for marketing your products, landing gigs and connecting with your customers. Here are 32 ways to use Facebook in your business. Manage Your Profile Fill out your profile completely to earn trust. Establish a  business account  if you don’t already have one. Stay out of trouble by reading the  Facebook rules  regarding business accounts. Install appropriate  applications  to integrate feeds from your blog and other social media accounts into your Facebook profile. (Although you should be careful before integrating your Twitter feed into your Faceboook profile, as a stream of tweets can seem overwhelming to your contacts.) Keep any personal parts of your profile private through  Settings .

62 Ways to Use Twitter for Business

Most of you know that  Twitter  can be used for much more than just announcing what you ate for breakfast. Many of you already know Twitter’s value in business, but you can still take it further and use it to land gigs, market your business, grow your network and gain free publicity — all in 140 characters or less. It’s true that Twitter is what you make of it. Some people publicize their daily activities, some make it about link love, some share quotes all day long. Smart people using Twitter for business mix it up. Here are 62 ways to use Twitter more effectively in your business.

Twitter Considers Raising Over $100 Million

  Russian technology investment firm DST Global is seeking to lead the funding round, which would be larger than the $100 million that Twitter raised in September 2009, according to a report on Wednesday on the blog TechCrunch. The report said that other investors are also eager to be involved. Microblogging service Twitter is considering raising funding that would value the company at $3 billion, according to a popular technology blog. San Francisco-based Twitter has 175 million users and is one of the most popular Internet social networking services. The company, which allows its users to broadcast short, 140-character messages, or Tweets, to groups of “followers,” has only recently started efforts to generate revenue through special ads that appear in certain parts of its service. Last year Twitter raised $100 million, valuing the company at $1 billion, from investors including Insight Venture Partners, Spark Capital and mutual fund giant T. Ro...

Zuckerberg Bantah 84% Saham FB Senilai Rp9 Juta

CEO Facebook Mark Zuckerberg membantah menyerahkan 84% kepemilikan situs jejaring sosialnya pada seseorang demi uang sebesar US$1.000 (Rp 9 juta). “Jika kami mengatakan kami tidak yakin, berarti hal itu di luar konteks, karena kukira kami cukup yakin bahwa kami tidak menandatangani kontrak itu yang mengatakan mereka memiliki semua hak kepemilikan Facebook,” kata Zuckerberg dalam wawancara dengan Diane Sawyer dari ABC. Paul Ceglia menggugat Zuckerberg bulan lalu mengenai apa yang disebut sebuah kontrak untuk menyerahkan 50% kepemilikan Facebook sebesar US$1,000 (Rp 9 juta). Kontrak ini mengikutsertakan sebuah ketentuan di mana akan ditambahkan 1% kepemilikan setiap 1 hari yang terlewatkan, terhitung dari 1 Januari 2004.

Jejaring Sosial Munculkan Lahan Bisnis Baru

Perusahaan yang mengandalkan keuntungan dari jumlah pelanggan dan loyalitas merek kini melirik jejaring sosial. Lahan pekerjaan baru di bidang media sosial pun kini jadi sangat dibutuhkan. Beberapa bulan terakhir seperti dikutip dari Bloomberg Businessweek, perusahaan Sears Holding, Panasonic, Citigroup, Electronic Arts, AT&T, Fiji Water dan masih banyak lagi mulai mempekerjakan ahli media sosial. Sebagai pemimpin perusahaan yang begitu mengejar perkembangan dunia digital mereka memanfaatkan kepercayaan dan emosi yang hadir di jejaring sosial. Proses perekrutan ini berazaskan kepada kepercayaan bahwa seseorang mampu memahami perilaku konsumen di internet. Pete Cashmore yang menjalankan blog Mashable menilai saat ini menjadi peluang bagi industri ini yang benar-benar meledak. “Ada lebih banyak masyarakat yang berpartisipasi saat ini. Ada banyak perusahaan menyadari ini dan menganggap bahwa mereka harus memiliki strategi media sosial,” papar Cashmore.

10 Tips to Protect Your Business from Cyber Criminals / Hackers

Several small and medium sized business have been victims of cyber crime at some point. According to the recent researches organised cyber gangs intent on cracking into corporate networks in the same way they might target a bank vault posing greater threat to business networks. The online scammers, hackers and identity thieves attempt to access your computer, personal information, finances and more. It's absolutely important to minimize your chances of becoming a victim of an internet-based crime. When online security measures are essential to protect your information, your computer and your money. We assembled a list of top 10 tips that protects your business from cyber criminals/hackers. 1. Keep Off Spammers Spammers love the unprotected computers. They constantly probe and set traps for unprotected computers that can control and use anonymously to send spam, turning them into a robot network such as "botnet" or "zombie army". The botnets are created by thous...

Pendapatan Facebook Mencapai US$ 800 Juta

Jejaring sosial Facebook mencatat pendapatkan yang mendekati US$ 800 juta pada 2009. Menurut berbagai analis, angka ini jauh lebih besar ketimbang prediksi mereka. Sebelumnya di dalam blog Facebook memperkirakan jejaring sosial buatan Mark Zuckerberg itu akan memiliki rata-rata pendapatan sebesar US$ 700 juta. Namun, pendapatan hampir US$ 800 juta itu meleset dari perkiraan petinggi Facebook Marc Andreessen yang mengatakan penghasilan Facebook pada 2009 akan lebih besar US$ 500 juta ketimbang tahun sebelumnya. Untuk tahun 2010, Facebook menargetkan bisa memiliki pendapatan lebih dari US$ 1 miliar. Besarnya pendapatan yang diperoleh Facebook diduga berasal dari periklanan.

Twitter Bakal Jual Trending Topics?

Twitter sedang getol-getolnya mencari uang dari layanan microblogging yang luar biasa populer tersebut. Kabar yang beredar, Trending Topics pun bakal dijual. Hal itu dikemukakan Peter Kafka, blogger dan wartawan teknologi lewat, Minggu (13/6/2010). Dikatakan bahwa, selain 'Promoted Tweets' Twitter juga akan menjual 'Promoted Trends'. Diduga, program itu akan memungkinkan pemasang iklan memasukkan kalimat mereka ke dalam Trending Topic yang sedang muncul di halaman Twitter. Jika diklik, akan muncul hasil pencarian yang menampilkan 'Promoted Tweets' pada bagian atas. Nah, berapa harga iklan itu? Memang belum ada kabar pasti, namun desas-desusnya menyebutkan harganya bisa mencapai puluhan ribu dollar AS per hari.

Dituding Bocorkan Data, FB Kebanjiran IkIan

Jejaring sosial terbesar di dunia, Facebook, baru-baru ini digugat oleh penggunanya karena dituduh membocorkan data pribadi pengguna kepada para pengiklan. Salah seorang pengguna Facebook asal South Lake Tahoe California, David Gould, menuding Facebook telah mengingkari kebijakan privasinya. Yaitu dengan mengungkap data-data pengguna yang mengeklik iklan di Facebook, meliputi nama asli, kota tempat tinggal, asal sekolah, serta daftar teman-teman. Menurut Gould, kepada para pengiklan, Facebook mengirimkan referrer header setiap saat ada pengguna Facebook yang mengeklik iklan. Jadi setiap kali pengiklan menerima referrer header itu, para pengiklan bisa melihat profil pengguna spesifik yang telah mengeklik iklan itu. Apalagi, kata Gould, saat itu, kebijakan privasi yang lama memungkinkan pengiklan juga mengakses nama username maupun foto pengguna Facebook, mengingat banyak di antara mereka yang tidak mengutak-atik pengaturan privasi mereka.

The 7 Universal Laws of Social Marketing Success & Profit

Do you know how to use Social Media & Social Marketing for success in your business? You will when you read and use these 7 Universal Laws. There are lots of differing opinions about how to be successful with Social Media and Social Marketing, and whether it is worth it at all. To that end, here are the 7 Universal Laws for Social Marketing Success & Profit. The Law of Relationship – This Social Media thing is all based on relationship. Gone are the days when you could just throw up a website, get some traffic and make sales, all while hiding behind your computer. If those days were ever really here at all…Social marketing is based on the relationship you have with your followers, prospects and customers.

Bebo's UK losses revealed

Bebo's parent company, AOL, has said it will sell or shut the website. Photograph: Linda Nylind Bebo UK plunged into the red last year as post-tax profits fell 143% year on year in the 12 months to the end of May 2009, a performance that led its parent, AOL , to decide to sell or shut the struggling social networking website. The social networking website's UK business moved from a healthy post-tax profit of £2.6m in the previous year to a loss of £1.1m, a 143% year-on-year fall, according to figures for Bebo UK Ltd filed at Companies House. AOL acquired Bebo in 2008 for $850m (£550m) . Companies House figures show that turnover fell 29% year on year, from £8.8m to £6.2m, for the period, while operating profits were down 32% from £798,560 to £541,268.

Google Again Posts Big Jumps In Sales And Profits

Google’s streak of strong quarters continues: The company just posted big increases in quarterly profits and revenue. Net revenue at the search giant was up 19 percent to $5.06 billion, compared to $4.1 billion a year ago. Net income increased to $1.96 billion, up from $1.4 billion a year ago. Both figures were squarely in line with analysts’ expectations. In after-hours trading, however, the company’s stock is down slightly. The performance comes as reports have said that the search market is recovering faster than anticipated. (Even during the midst of the recession, however, Google ( NSDQ: GOOG ) continued to grow). A report earlier this week , for instance, said that search-ad spending had jumped 20 percent during the first quarter. Some highlights: — Capital expenditures : Capital expenditures were only $239 million during the quarter, up slightly from the company’s $221 million in capital expenditures last quarter. That’s much less than what analysts had expected—and ...

Google CEO Schmidt Says 'high quality journalism will triumph'

The newspaper business has been absolutely decimated over the past decade as many news organizations adapted slowly to the changes brought forth by the Internet. But one of the men partly responsible for helping to usher in the new era of digital media (and advertising) is hopeful about the future of news. And he actually believes companies can make money off it. Google CEO Eric Schmidt -- speaking at the American Society of News Editors annual meeting in Washington D.C. -- reportedly said that high-quality journalism will prevail. Politico's Jake Sherman has a detailed report on Schmidt's remarks, including the high-tech executive's advice for making money off content on the Web. As has become a common refrain in the news media business, Schmidt also noted that there's more of a business model problem than a news problem facing the industry.

Top 500 Valuable Brands in Business World

List of Top 500 valuable brands in business world. 1. Walmart 2. Google 3. Coca-Cola 4. IBM 5. Microsoft 6. GE 7. Vodafone 8. HSBC 9. HP 10. Toyota

Top 10 Payroll Software

Payroll is a major administrative hassle for every business, especially those running on small scale. It takes hours in calculating withholdings, completing government reports, depositing tax money in various accounts, and writing and signing checks. Apart from that there are other quarterly filings and tax-payment requirements that needs to be addressed on time. In case there are inaccuracies in processing it might result in legal repercussions. A hassle free payroll requires efficient payroll software that allows employers to pay the employees with ease, and manage payroll essentials like tax, insurance, holidays, absence and online year-end submissions to HMRC. For an easy selection we conducted an extensive research to sort out the top 10Payroll software. 1. Intuit Payroll This is one of the favorite payroll software packages for small business for its simplicity and ease-of-use. Clients can easily manage their payroll online anytime, anywhere. Intuit automatically fills in the ...

Steve Jobs, CEO Paling Disegani di Dunia

Steve Jobs pantas berbangga hati karena disebut sebagai Chief Executive Officer (CEO) paling disegani di dunia. Apa alasannya? Bos Apple itu memuncaki daftar '30 CEO Paling Disegani' yang dilansir majalah finansial Amerika, Barron. Daftar ini dibuat dengan mengidentifikasi kekuatan CEO dalam membawa perusahaan bertahan di tengah gonjang-ganjing keuangan dan bahkan sukses melakukan ekspansi bisnis. "Sepertinya CEO yang paling berharga di dunia adalah Steve Jobs dari Apple. Hal ini tampak dari gejolak harga saham saat pemberitaan tentang masalah kesehatannya," tulis Barron. "Apple baru-baru ini mencetak rekor, dengan nilai pasar mencapai US$200 miliar, cerminan kepercayaan diri bahwa kesehatan Jobs mampu membawa Apple menjadi pemimpin permainan," tambah Barron.

Where Will Google Build Its Fiber Network?

Google over the next few months will be reviewing locales where it may build its experimental fiber network. The search giant in February said it would build an experimental fiber optic network in an attempt to illustrate the art of the possible in a small number of communities in the U.S. Since that news, Google has been pitched by 600 responses from communities. Individuals also chimed in. Now the requests for information are about over, Google will make a selection. Google said in a post: Over the coming months, we’ll be reviewing the responses to determine where to build. As we narrow down our choices, we’ll be conducting site visits, meeting with local officials and consulting with third-party organizations. Based on a rigorous review of the data, we will announce our target community or communities by the end of the year.

Internet Marketing Laws

One constant on the internet is that it never stays the same, changes in the technological features of the internet and the rules on how to best use those features to ones own advantage are constantly evolving. The same can be said about the laws of internet marketing. These laws can successfully be broken down into simple, but important key components that when executed together provide the springboard for internet marketers to jump beyond the distance of competitors and to net higher proceeds that are being made by internet frontrunners. A prominent presence on the internet, a multi-faceted approach, powers behind well designed business websites that have been search engine optimized, submitted to search engines, directories, link exchanges, and more, in an effort to achieve positioning within the search engines and to build a recognizable name for the internet marketer. When this is combined with online marketing that is prominently displayed in as many areas of the internet that ...

11 Ways to Promote Your Facebook Page to Get Great Results

You can figure yourself that Facebook represents a huge and tremendous source fo traffic. Most of your friends, business partners, potential friends and clients are already there or will be in the nearest future. The social networking is also accessible on mobile devices so it is always there! A Facebook page will not only help you gain more traffic for your website, blog or both but will also gain more credibility for you and the brand you represent. Basically, this social network has more that 400 million users and in average, everyone of them spends 55 per day connected. Also the average user has 130 friends and fans 2 pages per month. Also the Fan Box is becoming more pervasive. If you feel that the page you built to promote something like a product or an idea using this social network doesn’t perform, don’t delete it because there are ways to make it better!