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TweetLouder, Aplikasi Pencari Akun Musisi di Twitter

Baru diluncurkan TweetLouder, sebuah aplikasi yang bisa men-scan akun iTunes , Pandora , dan SonicLiving pengguna, untuk menemukan akun Twitter dari musisi favorit.

iTunes - sometimes "free' isn't always good.

A few weeks ago iTunes 9.2 recently came out to mark the release of iOS4 and prepare itself for the updates all over the world. Although I love my iPod Touch, I don't like iTunes - not one bit, in fact I believe it is so user-unfriendly it makes me cringe at times. My decision to post on this issue has been sparked from my recent frustration over attempting to use it when to sync it and back up my iPod, so I could update to iOS4 if I wanted to, in the end I spent the better half of two days getting angry, uninstalling, reinstalling, removing all traces and then reinstalling again, only to get 4 different error messages and no good results, which just annoyed me more. Ironically, it almost seemed like a blessing in disguise with some iPod Touch users not enjoying iOS4 as much as 'expected'.

Apple's iPad war on Adobe and Flash

Last week's announcement by Apple that the UK launch of the iPad will be delayed by a month was the headline news for consumers, but for geeks a more significant development came on Thursday with some changes in the 21,000-word "agreement" that you have to sign if you are going to develop applications for Apple's iDevices. Section 3.3.1 of the document stipulates that "Applications must be originally written in Objective-C, C, C++, or JavaScript as executed by the iPhone OS WebKit engine, and only code written in C, C++ and Objective-C may compile and directly link against the documented APIs (eg, applications that link to documented APIs through an intermediary translation or compatibility layer or tool are prohibited)." Incomprehensible, eh? An API is an application programming interface – ie the protocol that programmers must follow if their software is to work with the iDevice. The really interesting clause, though, is the one enclosed in brackets. T...

Apple Reveals Many Apps for iPad

You can see different iPad apps at Apple iTune store before the release of the Tablet PC on this Saturday. According to Steve Jobs, you can take a quick preview of the iPad apps and learn how to use them. The listing of thousand apps belong to different categories ranging from entertainment and education to news and sports. iTune store has already many apps that is compatible with iPhone and iTouch type of devices. The prices of the apps range from 99 cents and $9.99 for different programs like Thesaurus XL, Hanoi Street Maps, Aki Mahjong, Stickies, Sex Offenders Search and ESPN Pinball.The popular apps such as USA Today, AP and NPR, Netflix, ebay, and Yellow Pages are still free. The other expensive apps includes The Lonely Planet Publications' 1,000 Ultimate Experiences that costs $19.99, MLB At Bat which is priced at $14.99 and the diagramming program OmniGraffle that costs at $49.99. Jobs further added that the 1.5 lbs. tablet PC is half-inch thick, it has a 1 GHz processor...

Top Ten iPhone Hacks You Never Knew

As they say "you have an iPhone app for everything you can think of", still there's much that the smartphone can't do. While we are not unsatisfied with iPhone, its inherently that we keep craving for more. Most of you would love to see your iPhone perform what it never does. It requires nimble work around to get an extra edge from your iPhone. What you need to do is go for some cool iPhone hacks. We decided to provide you with top 10 iPhone hacks that you've never heard of. Our hacks doesn't involve much intricacies, and they are safe. With iPhone's announcements of two new CDMA iPhones for Verizon and Sprint we are expecting some better prospects than AT&T's impotent network However, for now, let's go through the hacks. 1. How to reduce the size of iPhone app icons Do you have dozens of iPhone Apps installed in your iPhone? Shifting through the pages when you need one immediately, it can be really frustrating. One of the ways to reduce ...

What is AppleScript?

AppleScript is a scripting language that is very much based on English. That means that AppleScript is astonishingly easy to pick up. You can use AppleScript to manipulate files in the Finder, and to interact with and control many applications that support AppleScript. You can even manipulate the same file with a series of applications via AppleScript. If you are hesitant about learning AppleScript, you can use Automator. Automator enables you to create simple tasks that are performed by dragging and dropping pre-made scripts called Actions into a particular order. A collection of Actions creates an Automator Workflow. Once you've create a Workflow, you can name it, save it, and reuse it whenever you want. You can even attach a Workflow to a folder and then process whatever you drop into that folder with the Workflow, automatically. Or you can associate an Automator Workflow with a function key, and invoke it from the keyboard. Automator, AppleScript, and AppleScript Editor are all...

Apple Trying to Store Your Video in The Cloud

(Credit: Greg Sandoval/CNET) Apple's plans for cloud computing go beyond music. The company's representatives have recently spoken with some of the major film studios about enabling iTunes users to store their content on the company's servers, two people familiar with the discussions told CNET. That's in addition to streaming television shows and music. Apple has told the studios that under the plan, iTunes users will access video from various Internet-connected devices. Apple would, of course, prefer that users access video from the iPad, the company's upcoming tablet computer, the sources said. Apple spokesman Tom Neumayr said Apple doesn't comment on rumors or speculation. The news comes a month after Apple spoke to the major record companies about a similar plan involving music. Apple's vision is to build proverbial digital shelves where iTunes users store their media, one of the sources said. "Basically, they want to eliminate the hard dr...

Google and HTC Working On a Chrome OS Tablet

Everyone is clamoring about tablets these days— ourselves included —so it's not too surprising that Google and HTC are set to join the fray. They are reportedly working together on a Chrome OS Google Tablet. Smarthouse, an Australian publication, reports that HTC and Google have been collaborating "for the past 18 months" and have produced "several working models of a touch tablet," including one outfitted with Google's  Chrome OS.  We wrote why a  Google Tablet would be a good idea  last month, and with the Apple Tablet discussion reaching a fever pitch, it's harder and harder to get excited about a  Chrome OS netbook  from Google. Having collaborated on the  Nexus One , a smart phone that  impressed us  with its design as well as its hardware, HTC and Google partnering on a tablet seems like a promising prospect. But will it "compete head on" with Apple's tablet as Smarthouse claims? Probably not.