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8 Things that Netbook can Learn From iPad

Video is one of the important features for any portable computer. Netbook doesn't handle Video that good. Netbook works pretty well with downloaded video files–but for Flash-based video like YouTube or Hulu, there is an issue for full screen HD. iPad doesn't support Flash. But, Netflix apps are loaded very quickly on iPad and the pic is crystal clear. 2. Netbook is not that portable like iPad. iPad is very thin and weighs half of the 10″ Netbook. The power adapter of Netbook looks awkward, but, the power chord of iPad is just like smartphone. 3. You can turn your iPad ON instantaneously without rebooting. But, Netbook has boot time similar to Laptops. 4. Netbooks can't play most of the games. The 3D engine on an iPhone plays games better than most Netbooks, but the gaming experience gets better with ipad. Apple's App Store makes sure that all games are compatible.

5 Produk Keren Google yang Mungkin Tidak Anda Ketahui

Google telah membuat kehidupan seseorang di Internet lebih mudah. Apakah agan sedang berbicara tentang perusahaan satu juta pound gorila, Google Search Engine atau Gmail, Google Documents, Google Reader, Picasa, atau Google Calendar, masing-masing produk ini memainkan peranan besar dalam kehidupan kita sehari-hari. Google memungkinkan kita menemukan hal-hal baru, mengirimkan email, mengatur barang-barang kami, berbagi foto, dan banyak lagi. Itu hanya mencakup arus utama produk Google. Google selalu bereksperimen dan mencoba hal-hal baru. Jika saya meminta agan untuk menyebutkan nama semua produk Google, Agan mungkin akan kehilangan beberapa dari produk yang kurang terkenal. Artikel ini akan memberitahu Anda kira-kira 5 besar layanan Google yang tidak sangat terkenal.

2010 Predictions: The Year Ahead in Tech

Well, it's that time of the year again. Time to enjoy the glow of a nice LED backlit display and huddle with the warmth that only an overclocked PC can produce. Yep, it's time to take a look at what's going to happen in technology in 2009. Here are my five predictions for the new year. This is the year of Vista - I mean Windows 7 - Yes, it's real and it's coming in 2009. Don't expect to hear a lot of Vista cheerleading going forward, other than Microsoft telling you how much better Windows 7 will be. Between Microsoft and all its partners, close to a billion dollars will be spent on beating the Windows 7 drum and trying to get the market beyond Vista and back to Windows at the same time. The good news for IT departments is that there won't be much of end-user demand for the new operating system, so they can take their time to deploy.