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How evil is Facebook?

Image via Wikipedia How evil is Facebook? So evil! Invader of privacy , maker of billions, social network that turns us all into casual stalkers . . . In all of the articles, blogs and, er, Facebook status updates ever written about Facebook, there does seem to be universal agreement that it is, somehow, suspect – a point on which the two recent films made about Facebook, Catfish and The Social Network , predictably concur. In fact there is now an actual figure on just how evil Facebook is: $100m worth of evil, plus Oprah. The former is how much the network's founder, Mark Zuckerberg (boooooo!), announced he is donating in his company's stock to help the public school system in Newark, New Jersey on – oh crazy coincidence! – the very day that The Social Network premiered in the US. And Oprah, of course, refers to the show on which Zuckerberg announced his upcoming donation, thereby multiplying its value by about a kajillion, and also to whom the heretofore very private Zuck...

Facebok Zuckerberg Donates $100 million for Newark School

Image via CrunchBase Facebook cofounder Mark Zuckerberg gives huge donation of $100 million to Newark Public schools to improve the public education on the eve of the release of the new movie " The Social Network ". The donation will be announced on The Oprah Winfrey Show on Friday with appearances by Zuckerberg, Newark Mayor Cory Booker , and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie . He denied the allegation that he made this donation to distract the public attention of a movie that portrays him as arrogant, socially out of place, and very bright. Zuckerberg's Startup, Education foundation will get the donation, which will disburse the cash. He also wanted to get involved with many charity efforts in the forthcoming years. Newark's 40,000-plus student public school system is among the worst in New Jersey. Only 40 percent of students are able to read and write after the third grade. Although, the state took control of the schools in the mid 1990s but there was not much...

3 Situs Andalan untuk Mencari Teks Film

Koleksi film dalam bentuk digital yang disimpan di hardisk kadang tak selalu dilengkapi dengan subtitle yang diinginkan. Padahal, subtitle bisa berguna untuk menikmati film lebih lanjut, mulai dari memahami alur cerita hingga menangkap kata-kata sulit yang mungkin diucapkan pemainnya. Untungnya, ada situs-situs internet yang menyediakan subtitle untuk di-download kolektor film. Berikut adalah tiga di antaranya: AnySubs menyediakan file teks untuk film dengan format DivX secara gratis. Di situs ini pengguna bisa melihat-lihat koleksi subtitle yang ada berdasarkan urut abjad maupun melihat Top 100 judul yang paling banyak di-download. Kebanyakan file di AnySubs menggunakan format SRT. Situs itu menyediakan pencarian subtitle berbagai bahasa, termasuk Bahasa Indonesia. Namun koleksinya akan tergantung dari keaktifan komunitas karena kebanyakan subtitle yang ada disumbangkan oleh komunitas.

Facebook Siapkan Perayaan 500 Juta Pengguna

Jejaring sosial terbesar di dunia, Facebook tengah bersiap merayakan jumlah anggotanya menembus angka setengah miliar atau lima ratus juta orang. Menurut situs teknologi TechCrunch , sebagai bagian dari perayaan tersebut, Facebook meminta para karyawannya untuk mengunggah foto-foto mereka sedang merayakan pencapaian itu dan memberi ucapan terima kasih kepada para pengguna Facebook. Menurut TechCrunch , Facebook mengepul semua foto karyawannya itu pada sebuah akun situs layanan kolaborasi dan berbagi file Beberapa di antaranya ditampilkan oleh TechCrunch .   Seperti diberitakan VIVAnews sebelumnya , juga mendapat bocoran dari sumbernya, bahwa Facebook tengah menyiapkan pesta besar-besaran menyambut peningkatan jumlah pengguna yang begitu besar. Sejak beberapa waktu yang lalu, beberapa pihak memang memprediksi bahwa Facebook telah melampaui angka 500 juta. Bahkan, film The Social Network besutan sutradara David Fincher yang menceritakan a...

What Happens If People Believe the Facebook Movie?

They say history is written by the victors, but the reality is that Hollywood prefers a sexy story. The upcoming movie, “ The Social Network ,” is based on the semi-fictionalized accounts of those jilted during the founding of Facebook. Starring Justin Timberlake and Andrew Garfield (who’s about to be the next Spider-Man), written by Andrew Sorkin, directed by David Fincher, produced by Kevin Spacey, scored by Trent Reznor, and about a massive cultural phenomenon, there’s a good chance people are actually going to pay attention to this movie. “ The Social Network ,” due in theaters October 1, was inspired by “The Accidental Billionaires,” an unauthorized, dramatized account billed as a non-fiction work by Ben Mezrich, who popularized the (similarly embellished) story of MIT students taking over Vegas in “Bringing Down the House.” Mezrich’s book is told from the perspective of three early influences on Facebook who were screwed out of their roles in the company by founde...

Demonoid site Down again in April 2010

It's a catastrophe for the regular users of as they found their favorite torrent site server down today. Many people are incessantly trying to get the torrent for their favorite MP3s, videos, movies or software updates from Demonoid, but could not find. is undoubtedly one of the best torrent websites, you can rely upon. The website provides a good interface that is less prone to offer you with malicious content. Only one out of hundred torrents might be a virus. This accounts for the immense popularity of the site among other torrent providers. Today the dedicated users of Demonoid stumbled upon The first time users who found the site through a search engine, didn't bother much at the server down, whereas those who have libraries ofsoftware on the site and collect data every day from it, found it devastating.

Picture: HQ Movie Wallpaper

In this post I will be showcasing a high quality and beautifully designed movie wallpapers. This is useful source of inspiration and of course for changing looks in your desktop. Click on the image to download the high resolution file.

The Social Network (Facebook Movie)

Genre: Drama Premise: A look at the rise of Facebook and the effect it's had on its founders. About: Aaron Sorkin was commissioned by Sony and producer Scott Rudin to write a movie about Facebook. Interestingly, Sorkin had little to no knowledge of Facebook when he got the job. He's self-proclaimed computer ignorant, which makes some of the scenes in the script all the more remarkable. It's been highly publicized that David Fincher is interested in taking over the reigns for the project. David, if you're listening to me now, you can make this film. But please make Passengers first. Writer: Aaron Sorkin (1st Draft) I think it goes without saying that as soon as Facebook supplanted Myspace as the de facto online time-wasting mechanism, the studios were looking for ways to profit off of it. So they paid Aaron Sorkin 6.2 bajillion dollars to write "the Facebook movie". An epic story that would capture the drama of late-night status updates, the power of the ...

Download Ninja Assassin Movie

Film Kain Kafan Perawan, Horror Lagi Film Indonesia!

Movie: My Name is Khan

News Corp. In Early Talks For 'Avatar' Sequel

News Corp. is in very early talks with James Cameron about a possible "Avatar" sequel. Asked about potential "Avatar" sequels, chairman and CEO Rupert Murdoch said on his quarterly earnings call Tuesday that the conglomerate is in "very early talks about it." Director James Cameron "has ideas" for a sequel, he said, adding: "We will be pushing for one." But he cautioned analysts not to "hold your breath for an early one" in a possible reference to Cameron projects often taking a long time to come to fruition.

'The Last Airbender' Posters Hit The 'Net

It's been a long time since we've heard anything about "The Last Airbender," M. Night Shyamalan's upcoming adaptation of the massively popular anime/manga series. More than six months ago, the first "Airbender" trailer arrived online, and now with six months until the film's July premiere, we get a pair of cool new posters.

Dari Mana 70% Keuntungan Avatar Didapat?

Setelah selama enam Minggu berturut-turut menduduki tangga box office, film Avatar akhirnya melewati catatan rekor pemasukan film Titanic, yang telah bertahan dan tak tergoyahkan selama 13 tahun! Film bergenre scy-fi epic itu mendapatkan pemasukan hingga kini sebesar 1.288 miliar dollar AS. Dan mencatatkan namanya menjadi film terlaris sepanjang sejarah mutakhir. Sebagaimana dirilis situs resminya, film besutan James Cameron, yang juga sutradara film Titanic itu, sudah diprediksi oleh banyak pengamat film dunia, akan mampu menyusul raihan kesuksesan film Titanic. Film Titanic sendiri mendapatkan pemasukan di seluruh dunia sebesar 1.242 miliar dollar AS. Dengan demikian, film yang baru saja dinobatkan sebagai Yang Terbaik dalam ajang Golden Globe 2010 itu, telah menggungguli pemasukan film pendahulunya sebesar 45 miliar dollar AS.

29 Avatar Movie Wallpapers And Navi Recreating Tutorials

It seems like Avatar is becoming the most popular movie ever made, everybody is buzzing about it, creating fun clubs, tutorials, recreating navi persons and so on. Of course design community with their skillset can create something really beautiful, they can explain what’s needed to recreate such effects doing simple professional research. This is most fun post – I think everybody will enjoy those beautiful Avatar wallpapers and maybe even get so excited, so they would like to recreate even Navi effects and turn his own photo into navi one! Enjoy as always -that’s why I deliver you daily inspiration and resources!

Film Dewasa 18+ Indonesia

Jika bukan horor, hantu atau kuntilanak. Indonesia menggarap dunia dewasa. Atau memang ingin mengundang kontroversi lagi. Entahlah, judulnya saja bagi ingin menonton harus bawa KTP lagi. Semoga Anda yang terjebak kesini bukan karena basa-basi atau pun lainnya. Salam :)

I wish I was Johnny Depp

There are very few men I wish I could be. The list is extremely short and includes Jesus, Zeus, Poseidon and Johnny Depp. Nobody hates him, every woman wants him and he gets to show up to awards show in torn up jeans and a jacket and people say he is classy. Amazing. I could wear a tux and people would wonder if I am a homeless person.