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Sumber "Bug" Windows Phone 7 Sudah Ditemukan

Microsoft menyebut Yahoo sebagai penyebab kebocoran paket data, yang disebut ' phantom data ', pada telepon selular yang menggunakan Windows Phone 7 sebagai sistem operasi. Permasalahan yang mulai teridentifikasi sejak awal tahun 2011 itu menyebabkan ponsel menerima dan mengirim paket data tanpa sepengetahuan pengguna. Sederhananya ponsel menggunakan paket data internet tanpa sepengetahuan pemilik ponsel. Sebagian pengguna mengeluhkan bahwa " bug " itu menelan paket data bulanan mereka. Microsoft masih mencari solusi masalah tersebut. Microsoft selama ini menolak untuk menyebutkan nama penyebab masalah.

Awal 2011, ASUS Keluarkan 4 Tablet

Kalau ditanya apa yang bakal menjadi tren komputasi pada 2011,salah satu jawabannya adalah komputer tablet.Kini banyak produsen yang beramai-ramai memproduksinya setelah keberhasilan iPad yang diikuti Samsung Galaxy Tab. Pabrikan yang ikut mencoba peruntungan adalah Asus.Tak tanggung- tanggung,mereka mengumumkan empat komputer tablet yang dirancang untuk beragam jenis pengguna dan aplikasi,yakni Eee Pad Slider,Eee Pad Transformer, Eee Pad Memo,dan Eee Slate EP121. Tipe-tipe tersebut tersedia dalam tiga ukuran layar dan pilihan sistem operasi Windows® 7 Home Premium atau Google Android®. Menjatuhkan pilihan kepada produk tablet apa sangatlah penting supaya pengguna tidak menyesal di kemudian hari.Untuk tablet, kriteria yang menjadi dasar pemilihan di antaranya,perangkat dapat memberikan pengalaman full multimedia dengan dukungan video HD,opsi konektivitas yang beragam,bahkan bermain game juga kompatibilitas media beragam dengan standar, seperti Adobe Flash . Bahasa sederhananya, se...

Serious Windows 7 Flaws Unearthed

Microsoft announced on Tuesday that its newest operating system Windows 7 can be vulnerable to users in terms of code execution and denial-of-service attacks. The vulnerability of Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 has been discussed before Microsoft issued the advisory. Although, the company claims that no attack due to this Windows flaws has been reported so far. The flaw was found in the Canonical Display Driver (cdd.dll), which is used by desktop composition to mix the Windows Graphics Device Interface (GDI) and DirectX drawing. Microsoft also thinks that chances are high if an attacker can successfully exploit this vulnerability, it can result the affected system to stop responding and automatically restart. The company assured that they are going to fix the problem once the investigation is complete. By this time, affected Windows 7 or Windows 2008 R2 users should disable the Windows Aero Theme to prevent the issue from being exploited.

Windows 7 SP1 Beta Leak

Windows 7 SP1 has been leaked ahead of the beta cycle and its available as a torrent.  It's already downloaded from a number of torrent sites. One of the working strings being 6.1.7601.16537.amd64fre.win7.100327-0053. The Service Pack 1 was announced in March for both Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2, but the release date was yet to be scheduled. According to Microsoft's Brandon LeBlanc, SP1 for Windows 7 will include minor updates along with the previous updates that have been already delivered through Windows update. The leak confirms Windows 7 SP1 will offer updated Remote Desktop client that adds RemoteFX functionality introduced in SP1 for Windows Server 2008 R2. What's unique, the Service Pack install process seems to take lesser time than service packs on Vista. If you are not to go for torrents, you can wait for Microsoft to announce the release date. For now you can catch up with the screenshots of Windows SP1 on GeekSmack

Top 10 Ways to Disinfect And Save Your Windows 7 After Virus Infection

Virus infection has always been an onus with Microsoft's Windows operating systems . Microsoft's "highly secured" Windows 7 is no exception either. Given the unsuccessful trails like Live OneCare and anti-malware Morro , Microsoft is yet to device a successful anti-virus . Having said that, Windows 7 has incurred a number of security enhancements that we had sited in our Windows 7 Security: A Comprehensive Guide . Now what if your newly adopted OS, Windows 7, suffers a virus attack. Just installing a compatible anti-virus and updating on time doesn't mean a virus free system. There is much to cover once your computer is under infected by virus. We decide to provide you a comprehensive overview of what you can do disinfect and save Windows 7 after it is infected. 1. Complete Virus Scan Once you realize Windows 7 is infected with virus snap the networks and the Internet to ensure that the bug is not spread to others.  Now run  the anti-virus software until your...

Karyawan Microsoft Sembunyi-sembunyi Pakai iPhone

Karyawan Microsoft juga manusia biasa. Sebagian mereka juga ada yang tertarik menggunakan iPhone, tapi mereka kini harus sembunyi-sembunyi. Soalnya, CEO Microsoft Steve Ballmer tak suka karyawannya memakai ponsel selain yang berbasis Windows. Microsoft memang sendiri secara resmi menantang iPhone dengan meluncurkan Windows Phone 7 da menggandeng beberapa produsen.

Microsoft Pins Hopes on Windows Mobile 7

Microsoft Corp. is expected to announce a major revamp of its phone software Monday, in an attempt to regain momentum in a crucial market where it has been overshadowed. CEO Steve Ballmer will be speaking at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Spain, the world's largest cell phone trade show, and analysts expect him to reveal Windows Mobile 7. The software could be in phones by late this year. The new software comes as Microsoft, dominant when smart phones were young, has taken a back seat to Research in Motion Ltd.'s BlackBerrys among corporate users and Apple Inc.'s iPhone among consumers.

Top 11 Windows 7 Hacks You Must Know

If you are looking for Windows 7 hacks, I am sure you can finds loads of them on web. What matters is, how many of them are really important. Do you think unlocking the Taskbar in Windows 7 is something very exciting? Obviously, not for the majority of users its nothing cool. Instead if you are interested in Windows 7 Hack that can help you to get rid of expiry date, remove watermark, or disable send feedback link then my article can surely help you out. I organized a set Top 11 Windows 7 Hack You Must Know. This list includes some of the handy posts on Windows 7 hacks in our blog. I have also provided the sources where you can find the hacks.

Most Popular Add-on Collections Firefox

Firefox collections are groups of related add-ons assembled for easier sharing.  This idea was launched from the Firefox Add-ons site several months ago.  Since some time has passed, I thought it might be interesting to check back in with this online Mozilla feature to see which collections are the most popular out there. Here are the most popular add-on collections for the Firefox browser: Windows 7 Theme for Firefox 3.5 32430 subscribers – This collection of add-ons were gathered to help you make Firefox 3 more seamless in the Windows 7 operating system.  Not only do you get the nice theme and tweaking add-ons, but you also get some great time conserving tools too! Web Developer’s Toolbox 7934 subscribers – Speed up the development process by using add-ons to troubleshoot, edit, and debug web projects without ever clicking away from Firefox.

Get to Know Windows 7 Libraries Inside and Out

The new Libraries feature in Windows 7 makes it easier to manage your files and folders. Today we take a comprehensive look at everything you can do with Windows 7 Libraries. The Libraries feature in Windows 7 provides a central place to manage files that are located in multiple locations throughout your computer. Instead of clicking through a bunch of directories to find the files you need, including them in a library makes for quicker access. Access Libraries To access the libraries in Windows 7, type libraries into the search box in the Start Menu and hit Enter. The default libraries in Windows 7 will open up in Explorer which are Documents, Music, Pictures, and Videos.

Microsoft Selidiki Masalah Windows 7 dengan Baterai

Microsoft mengatakan akan menyelidiki laporan yang masuk ke mereka, mengenai problem di Windows 7 yang berpengaruh pada baterai di laptop konsumen. "Kami tengah melakukan penyelidikan mengenai isu ini bersama mitra hardware, termasuk masalah di firmware-nya," tulis pernyataan Microsoft, yang dinukil dari BBC, Rabu (3/2/2010). Peringatan juga dilakukan agar konsumen mengecek baterai di laptop mereka, jika ada masalah. Khususnya pengguna komputer basic input output system (BIOS). "Pasti kita memberikan informasi terbaru jika memang sudah ada temuan terbaru," tambah Microsoft.

Microsoft Confirms 17-year-old Windows Bug

Microsoft late yesterday issued its second advisory of the last week, warning users that a 17-year-old bug in the kernel of all 32-bit versions of Windows could be used by hackers to hijack PCs.

Firefox 4 Slips to 2011

Mozilla has admitted the next point release of its Firefox browser, slated for release this month, won't appear until some time in Q1 2010 and the next major release, originally targeted for the middle of next year, is likely to slip into 2011. The news comes as some embarrassment for Mozilla, coming just a few days after it boasted Firefox 3.5 was the 'most popular browser' though some creative market share analysis.

Security in Windows 7: User Account Control (UAC)

People who bought computers with Vista preinstalled tend to be a lot happier than those who upgraded from XP, especially those who failed to run the upgrade advisor. The same is true of Windows 7. Even after following all advice from the Windows 7 Upgrade Advisor, I still had to jump through hoops to re-enable my connection to PCMag's Virtual Private Network after upgrading from Vista. Even the biggest Vista fans, the ones who've never experienced any upgrade tribulations, have to admit that User Account Control (UAC) can be a pain in the neck. Fortunately Microsoft made some significant improvements in it for Windows 7.

2010 Predictions: The Year Ahead in Tech

Well, it's that time of the year again. Time to enjoy the glow of a nice LED backlit display and huddle with the warmth that only an overclocked PC can produce. Yep, it's time to take a look at what's going to happen in technology in 2009. Here are my five predictions for the new year. This is the year of Vista - I mean Windows 7 - Yes, it's real and it's coming in 2009. Don't expect to hear a lot of Vista cheerleading going forward, other than Microsoft telling you how much better Windows 7 will be. Between Microsoft and all its partners, close to a billion dollars will be spent on beating the Windows 7 drum and trying to get the market beyond Vista and back to Windows at the same time. The good news for IT departments is that there won't be much of end-user demand for the new operating system, so they can take their time to deploy.

Mozilla Firefox 3.7

Here is an excellent news for Mozilla Firefox users. Almost all Firefox users complain about its look which is not good compared to other browsers like Google Chrome, IE8, etc. IE8 provides Aero Glass under Windows Vista and 7 but Mozilla Firefox doesn't.