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Top Ten Reasons To Hate Apple iPad

There are loud talks in this Grammy - Stephen Colbert has an iPad. Does it make any difference to his talent. The political satirist had a point to contemplate, when he said what kind of pocket did that come out of. This sounded like a chaffing on the Cupertino men who had always boasted about their near-perfect creations. But this time they landed on the wrong Foot. Apple's iPad could do what Vista did for Microsoft. With an unprecedented hype and rumors, Apple's tabled seemed to be something close to the gadget of the millennium.  But, then you don't need to buy a gadget only because it has Steve Jobs associated with it.  We decided to pick out the top 10 reasons to hate Apple iPad. 1. Based on the OS of iPhone At the first glimpse it appears that iPad is a stretched version of iPhone.  However, the OS and interface is the same. What's the big deal in using the same phone features in a bigger device. What irks most is that you have drag-and-drop feature. 2. No multi...

Tips Ampuh Menjaga Account Facebook Dari Tangan Jahil

Saat ini pencurian pasword facebook sudah sangat gencar dilakukan baik dengan memasang software tertentu atau dengan cara cara lain sehingga sudah banyak  sekali korban berjatuhan akibat aksi nyeleneh bandit alam maya ini. tujuan pencuriannya sangat sederhana hanya untuk mencuri chip pocker para pengguna lain. Untuk sedikit mengantisipasi aksi bandit maya ini, berikut tips yang mungkin akan sangat berguna untuk menghindari hacking account facebook, baik itu dilakukan oleh virus atau tangan jahil lainnya.

What's Your Fastest Text Input Tool?

Designer and blogger Phil Gyford spends a lot of time with six different text input gadgets, ranging from low-tech (pen and paper) to more high tech (full keyboard, iPhone keyboard, etc.) His question: Which gadget provided the quickest means of input?

Benarkah Keyboard QWERTY Standar Internasional?

Pernahkah agan bertanya, mengapa susunan huruf dalam keyboard mesin ketik, komputer, hingga PDA kita berupa “QWERTYUIOP” dan seterusnya? Mengapa tidak dibuat saja berurutan seperti “ABCDEFGH” dan seterusnya? Mungkin sebagian dari agan sudah tahu ceritanya, tetapi kalau-kalau agan belum tahu ane copas di sini.

HTC Snap Saingan BB-kah?

Inner Circle = Quick Connections Life seems to be speeding up. And with more to organize and less time to do it, your phone should help prioritize the people who matter most to you. HTC Inner Circle keeps you connected to your exclusive few. With the touch of a button, e-mails from your “inner circle” rise to the top for quick access and streamlined communication. In Sync. In Step. In Tune. The HTC Snap offers a simple set of features, designed to keep your life running smoothly. Update your calendar, manage your contacts and emails and stay totally organized with the familiar experience of Windows Mobile. Even texting is faster than ever with the friendly QWERTY keyboard.

Ponsel iPhone Bisa Pakai Keyboard

Sekarang papan ketik (keyboard) bluetooth dapat disatukan dengan ponsel pintar Apple, iPhone. driver keyboard iphoneSolusi penyatuan antara keyboard bluetooth dengan iPhone terletak pada sebuah driver yang dapat diunduh melalui btstack project. Driver itu, bahkan, dapat beroperasi di iPhone 3GS. Saat ini driver keyboard itu masih dalam bentuk demo. Dalam waktu dekat driver keyboard itu bisa didapatkan di Cydia Store.