Taqwa.me provides users one of the most powerful engines to educate, search and research. Users are given the ability to determine whether websites or content within a site is “haram” or “halal”, and are encouraged to discuss their views and opinions in a social manner, as content cannot be dictated on the basis of what one person solely believes. By interacting in this social forum, we are helping one another to understand and consider why certain things are halal or haram. About Taqwa Taqwa is the Islamic concept of constant awareness of Allah (God). In the Qur’an Taqwa is explained as “right conduct”, “piety”, “guarding oneself”, “guarding against evil”(Q 2:197 and 22:37), and “piety of hearts” (Q 22:32). Taqwa, therefore, is an attribute of a believer inspired by Allah.