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Tips: 5 Ways to Protect Your Twitter Account

Last week we discussed some  safety tips on Gmail  and how you can completely secure your email account from getting hacked. Twitter is not an exception and you should be very careful with your Twitter activity.  There are a lot of “phishing scams” spreading on Twitter and other social networking sites everyday. People use insane methods, scripts and fake login pages to gain access to your social profiles, thus causing identity theft which may cause severe outcomes. Imagine someone gets access to your Twitter account and then changes the account password and the email address associated with it. You lose the Twitter account and in the worst case, the scammer may gain personal information from your tweets, connections or Direct messages.   He/she may even hurt your online reputation by tweeting spam links, abusive language or vulgar images. Here is a list of techniques you should keep in mind to completely protect your Twitter account from unauthorized acti...

WARNING: ‘Facebook Now Has A Dislike Button’ Scam Spreading Through Facebook

For users who have been awaiting the arrival of a  Facebook  “Dislike” button , don’t believe the wall posts you see claiming to be just that–it’s a scam. This fast spreading scam appears as a Facebook status update in your News Feed that says “Facebook now has a dislike button! Click ‘Enable Dislike Button’ to turn on the new feature!” Next to the Like and Comment links at the bottom of the post it also says “Enable Dislike Button,” but please don’t click on it! Once you click the link, the message will be posted as your status (exposing all of your friends to the scam) and a JavaScript code will run on your computer. These kinds of codes are very dangerous because they bypass security settings on your computer’s browser and leave your computer exposed to malware.

Video: Twitter Exploit XSS

How to Restore Your Hacked/Deleted Twitter Account?

Oh! No! Did you get your account deleted? Was it hacked? Some kinda Phising attack? All is not lost my friend. If it hasn’t been a month to the mishap, then you might have everything in place again. Twitting is fun. As most of you already know, Twitter happens to be a free social networking site that allows users to stay up to date with friends, family and may be fans all packaged in as followers. Well, let me inform you once again, Twitter accounts come totally free of cost and you do have the liberty to leave as and when you prefer and for any reason. Now, lets come to the discussion may be for some reason, you accidentally get your account deleted or it seems to delete itself, or may there have been some sort of malicious activity totally unknown to you. Don’t worry there are chances you get back your account provided it hasn’t been 30 days. The username and email address on deactivated accounts is unavailable for use by another ...

New password from Facebook? Beware widely spread malware attack

Malicious hackers have spammed out an attack that pretends to be an email from Facebook support saying that your password has been changed. The messages, which have a variety of subject lines including "Facebook Service. A new password is sent you", "Facebook Support. Your password has been changed" and "Facebook Service. Your account is blocked", have a ZIP file attached which carries a Trojan horse.

How to Close or Archive Twitter Account of A Deceased Member Under New User Policy

Image via CrunchBase Twitter made news after the announcement of its official Tweet Button, But the microblogging ace also addressed one of the lesser discussed issues relating to ownership of user account of the ones who have expired. Those concerned about such an account needs to produce relevant information about the account owner for Twitter to take a justified action. The concerned party sends information via email or snail mail. After verifying the information Twitter either removes the account of the descended person entirely or provides archive of all that user's tweets so that the family members might access them offline. However, Twitter has introduced a new policy that every Twitter user needs to know. In case you have a family member or close-one on Twitter who has descended, here's what you need to do .

Gmail Account Being Upgraded?

It seems that Google is on its way to revamp its Gmail account services. Although the company has not announced anything in this matter officially, a leaked screenshot of the internal version of the Gmail services used by its employees have pointed out a lot of differences from the current Gmail services of Google. The screenshot that was taken from Chromium OS bug tracker and was originally intended to point at a bug that exists within Google Chromium Operating service, has turned the attention of geeks towards the latest version of Gmail that is being used by the company's employees. As per sources, the Google employees are the first to use any version of the company's services which it wants to introduce in the market. It is based on the feedback of its employees that the services are improved or modified to suit the best interest of the users. The changes that have been marked in the new Gmail account version are mostly design and navigational changes. However, all these...

Google Web History is a Personal Choice

One item I find amusing is how the same product can be loved and hated by people. Perhaps, this is truer when the product is free such as Google’s Web History. Web history is a nice and useful feature, but it may not be for everyone. If not, we include instructions to erase your Google history . When I mention Google web history to people, they think of web cookies and the items they typed in the search box. Many people are comfortable with their browser storing this information. If not, they delete their browser cookies and cache . However, Google can capture a lot more than those info nuggets. In fact, they can use that data to refine your future search results. This is all part of Google’s effort to deliver personalized search. To start, Google web history is only available for people who have a Google account. Some common properties that require an account include Gmail, Google Reader, and Google Analytics to name a few. Other Google services such as their search engine or Goo...

Resiko Terkait Portal Jejaring Sosial

Saat ini, situs jaringan (jejaring) sosial yang digunakan oleh hampir setiap pengguna Internet. Tidak peduli jika bos Anda, tetangga, pacar atau pacar - mengkomunikasikan semua orang melalui setidaknya satu situs jaringan sosial. Sebagai portal untuk menarik banyak orang, yang sebagian besar tidak menyadari kebutuhan untuk melindungi web, mereka tidak tetap acuh tak acuh terhadap para penjahat, yang menunggu, sesegera mungkin untuk mendapatkan uang dengan mengorbankan pengguna. Risiko yang menunggu untuk mencakup iklan peselancar spam biasa, yang dapat ditemukan dalam kotak surat mereka, dan penipuan yang lebih canggih untuk mencuri data akses ke account untuk situs jaringan sosial atau infeksi Trojan pada komputer Anda. Hal ini dapat menyebabkan hilangnya informasi pribadi Anda atau uang, belum lagi eksposur orang dari lingkaran teman-teman Anda. Anda harus memahami bahwa ketika Anda adalah korban kejahatan ini, tidak hanya membahayakan diri mereka sendiri tetapi juga orang lain, ...

Empat Info 'Haram' Dibagi di Facebook

Perkembangan teknologi memudahkan manusia melakukan komunikasi dengan banyak orang di seluruh dunia. Melalui sejumlah situs jejaring sosial seperti Facebook, Twitter, atau MySpace, kita dengan mudah saling bertukar informasi dan berhubungan dengan kawan baru. Namun, merebaknya kejahatan di dunia maya, ada baiknya selalu mawas diri. Jangan sembarangan mengumbar informasi pribadi lewat jejaring sosial. Jangan sampai informasi yang kita bagi justru mengundang aktivitas penjahat. Seperti dikutip dari laman Shine , berikut empat informasi pribadi yang sebaiknya tidak dipublikasikan lewat akun jejaring sosial. Tempat dan Tanggal Lahir Informasi yang lengkap tentang tempat dan tanggal lahir bisa saja dicuri oleh orang tak bertanggung jawab. Sebuah studi yang dilakukan oleh Carnegie Mellon menunjukkan bahwa tanggal dan tempat kelahiran dapat digunakan untuk memprediksi angka rahasia untuk menarik uang dalam sejumlah rekening. “Bahkan bisa digunakan pencuri identitas untuk menguras keu...

Activate Facebook Feature to Notify You If Others Log in Your Facebook Account

Despite the increasing complexity of security measures to prevent, detect and remove malicious programs, spyware, viruses, etc, computer crime is hot on their heels and becoming more sophisticated and prevalent. Popular social networking sites such as Twitter, Friendster, Facebook, etc are common targets for cyber criminals. They provide a rich treasure trove for phishers and hackers as personal information is readily available and guards are lowered in these social websites. Hence it is always a good idea to fully capitalize and utilize the security features which are available to minimize hackers’ attack and invasion. Some Facebook enthusiasts are probably not aware that this site offers a pretty good feature which can inform users of logins to their Facebook accounts from mobile devices or other computer systems. With a simple activation, users will be notified when hackers or others access their Facebook account from other devices. To configure and activate this notification of u...

10 Ways to Protect Your Facebook Account from Facebook Hackers

Facebook suffers from a number of security issues. Users can run into serious risk in case they are not careful. What's more important is that users should be able to protect his/her own profile form these viruses than that for Facebook developers itself has some of the viruses or an attempt to hack your profile. The number of facebook account hacking seems to be on the increase and this page is in response to a friend who asked what to do after her account is hacked. Any online account is in danger of being hacked. With its unique features the risk of hacking aggravates. To help you out in protecting your Facebook account we have assembled a list of top 10 Facebook accounts from Facebook Hackers. 1. Proper Facebook login Avoid clicking on any URL in email or other documentation to open Facebook Login page. Go to the Facebook page and enter login details to access the account. Try to redirect clicks in most common way to hack Facebook account and it might be easily avoided. 2. V...

Cara Mendapatkan Password Facebook Yang di Retas

Bagaimana cara mendapatkan kembali akun Facebook kamu yang di hack?. Nah, bagi orang yang punya akun Facebook dibobol password dan email-nya alias kena hack, bisa menggunakan halaman Facebook help center security . Dari situ kamu akan dituntun cara mendapatkan kembali akun FB yang di hack sama orang lain. Ada 3 jenis form yang diberikan sebagai cara mengembalikan Facebook yang di hack: 1. My Account Has Been Hacked And I Have Access To My Login Email Form ini digunakan jika akun FB kamu dibobol tapi email yang digunakan untuk login Facebook masih bisa befungsi, dan emailitu masih bisa diakses untuk menerima dan mengirim pesan.

"Penyihir" Muda dari Keluarga Yahudi

Di tengah gempuran soal tuntutan perbaikan privasi pengguna, Facebook siap menggelar pesta besar-besaran beberapa pekan mendatang. Jika tak ada aral melintang, kemungkinan 25 Juni 2010, Facebook akan mengumumkan berita besar: "Jumlah pengguna tembus 500 juta orang." Itu berarti populasi Facebook lebih besar dari penduduk Indonesia sebanyak 230 juta orang atau penduduk Amerika Serikat 300 juta orang. Bahkan, pengguna Facebook adalah terbesar ketiga di dunia, setelah penduduk China yang berjumlah 1,6 miliar orang dan India 1,1 miliar orang. "Kami seringkali menahan pengumuman pertumbuhan Facebook dan menyatukannya dengan pengumuman penting lain seperti misalnya peluncuran produk," demikian pernyataan Facebook Kepada situs Search Engine Land, 19 Mei 2010. "Jadi, jumlah pengguna Facebook sebenarnya, seringkali lebih besar daripada yang kami umumkan saat itu." Sungguh luar biasa. Hanya dalam tempo enam tahun sejak didirikan, Facebook telah masuk jajaran w...

Tiga Kebohongan Facebook Tentang Privasi

Berikut ini tiga kebohongan yang diungkapkan oleh Vice President for Public Policy Facebook, Elliot Schrage, sperti di kutip berita lampung dari vivanews saat menanggapi pertanyaan-pertanyaan hak-hak privasi konsumen, dikutip dari PC World dan New York Times. 1. Saat ditanya kenapa Facebook tidak membuat semua setelan privasi di Facebook sebagai 'Opt-in' alias seluruhnya 'private' kecuali pengguna menginginkan dan mengubahnya menjadi 'public', Elliot memberikan jawaban dan argumen yang 'memukau'. "Semuanya opt-in di facebook. Bergabung ke Facebook adalah pilihan. Kita ingin agar orang-orang terus menggunakan Facebook setiap hari. Menambah informasi, mengunggah foto, memposting status baru, menyukai sebuah laman. Semuanya Opt-in. Silakan jangan berbagi informasi, bila Anda tidak nyaman." Padahal, saat bergabung ke Facebook, sebagian besar data-data pengguna baru seperti biografi, interest, postingan, friend, family, relationship, lokasi, e...

Facebook Accepts Government’s Friend Request

Got a beef with the USDA? Want to send a message to the U.S. Postal Service? Do you “like” the National Nuclear Security Administration? Now you can let them (and all of your digital friends) know how you feel. The popular social networking site Facebook launched its “Congress on Facebook” page Thursday, which they bill as a one stop shop for members’ official pages. A “Facebook and Government” page connects citizens to the official pages of state, local, and federal agencies. The pages bill themselves as a source for sharing ways that the government can best use Facebook to communicate. More and more lawmakers and government agencies are using the popular site to reach constituents. And as an unintended bonus for journalists, we’ll now be able to disguise our non-work Facebook browsing with the click of a button. Thanks Facebook!

Five hidden dangers of Facebook (Q&A)

Facebook claims that it has 400 million users. But are they well-protected from prying eyes, scammers, and unwanted marketers? Not according to Joan Goodchild, senior editor of CSO (Chief Security Officer) Online . She says your privacy may be at far greater risk of being violated than you know, when you log onto the social-networking site, due to security gaffes or marketing efforts by the company. Facebook came under fire this past week, when 15 privacy and consumer protection organizations filed a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission , charging that the site, among other things, manipulates privacy settings to make users' personal information available for commercial use. Also, some Facebook users found their private chats accessible to everyone on their contact list--a major security breach that's left a lot of people wondering just how secure the site is. In two words, asserts Goodchild: not very. On "The Early Show on Saturday Morning," Go...

Chavez rockets to No. 1 on Twitter Venezuela

President Hugo Chavez is tops on Twitter in Venezuela less than 2 weeks after launching his account, surpassing Internet-savvy foes who dominate the social networking site and use it to oppose him. Chavez's account, "chavezcandanga," had racked up more than 237,000 followers as of Saturday morning — besting the 234,000 who receive tweets from Globovision, the only TV channel that remains critical of the socialist leader. In recent televised appearances, Chavez has trumpeted the meteoric rise of his Twitter popularity while downplaying the critical, often disparaging messages he receives. "Some criticize me, others insult me. I don't care," he said. "It's a form of contact with the world." The president joined Twitter on April 27 in an attempt to counter adversaries who have actively used the site to make accusations of human rights violations, organize protests and — above all — ridicule Chavez. He urged supporters to join as well, ca...

Facebook location feature to track your whereabouts

Facebook is to roll out its location based features later this month, according to the Advertising Age. It's a move that could have serious repercussions for businesses as well as end users. Firstly, in terms of the general public, users will be given the option to check in at locations such as bars, restaurants and shopping centres. Sound a bit like what Foursquare and Gowalla do now? That's because it is. The trouble for those fairly new start-ups is that Facebook already has a huge user base. Foursquare has about a million users, Facebook has over 400 million. There will, of course, be concerns with privacy and security. Facebook won't just go ahead and start posting geo-data, users will presumably have to opt in or out. The issue is, not all users will understand what they may be agreeing to.

Top Ten Reasons You Should Quit Facebook

After some reflection, I've decided to delete my account on Facebook. I'd like to encourage you to do the same. This is part altruism and part selfish. The altruism part is that I think Facebook, as a company, is unethical. The selfish part is that I'd like my own social network to migrate away from Facebook so that I'm not missing anything. In any event, here's my "Top Ten" reasons for why you should join me and many others and delete your account. 10. Facebook's Terms Of Service are completely one-sided Let's start with the basics. Facebook's Terms Of Service state that not only do they own your data (section 2.1), but if you don't keep it up to date and accurate (section 4.6), they can terminate your account (section 14). You could argue that the terms are just protecting Facebook's interests, and are not in practice enforced, but in the context of their other activities, this defense is pretty weak. As you'll see, there'...