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Foto: Alat Pipis Berdiri Bagi Wanita

Mungkin alat ini cocok bagi wanita usia lanjut? atau memang dirancang khusus bagi cewek-cewek yang ingin disamakan dengan derajat lelaki. Toh, alat pipis ini tidak pernah menjadi bahan dalam rumusan HAM bagi kaum wanita atau dalam persamaan gender. Dunia ini memang kreatif, sekreatif para pencari peluang untuk bisnis.

Ashley Tisdale Fixed Her Side Face

It’s no secret that Ashley Tisdale got a nose job a little while back and before it I would say she was a cute girl. Rarely do nose jobs work out well for people, but seeing this side angle of Ashley makes me think she made the right decision. Sure she is going against the thing God created, but isn’t that how it works? We are all gods in our heads and therefore we like to think we can make our own decisions about the bodies that we believe our own.

Kakek Tewas di Pelukan PSK

Meski usianya sudah renta, tapi nafsu seks Mistar (58), warga Desa Wonoayu RT 2 RW 4 Wonoayu, Kecamatan Wonoayu pudar. Sayangnya, dia kalah sebelum bertanding dengan PSK di lokalikasi liar Pasar Sapi Krian.

Photo: It’s been an odd Australian Open

I think its fair to say its been a strange Australian Open thus far. We’ve had player/fan fights , arrests, F-bombs , and of course underwear-gate. So although we’re only in Day 4, here is a photo essay of some of the weird, odd, and perhaps voyeuristic scenes from this year’s Australian Open. Are there slits in that thing to breathe?

Photo: High Speed Photography

Shower Cap

Eva Mendes Topless, in Lingerie For Calvin Klein

A lingerie-clad and then topless Eva Mendes is all over shirtless model Jamie Dornan in a racy new Fall 2009 campaign for Calvin Klein jeans and underwear. Shot by world-renowned photographer Steven Klein, the ads will appear in billboards as well as in magazines as Jeans ad inserts, four-page ad units and covers of Lucky, Elle, GQ, Vanity Fair, W, Nylon, Details, Interview and InStyle .

British Couple has Black & White Twins Again

A mixed-race couple has wowed Britain with a set of twins, one black and one white – for the second time. Their older siblings Lauren and Hayleigh, born in 2001, also have strikingly different skin tones and eye colors.

Photo: The Strongest Woman In Sweden

Female bodybuilding is the female component of competitive bodybuilding. It began in the late 1970s when women began to take part in bodybuilding competitions. Irene was born in Denmark in 1966, she moved to Sweden at the age of 2 with her parents. Raised in Malmo but moved to Gothenburg when she was 20. Irene spent years in gym, worked hard to build this, for the funs of bodybuilding, wonderful body. Beautiful or odd you have to admit that she deserve name “the strongest woman in Sweden” and maybe wider?

Photo: Miss Rusia 2009

Small, Private Funeral for Brittany Murphy

Actress Brittany Murphy will be laid to rest at a small, private funeral on Christmas Eve, while a larger memorial service may be held early next year. Family spokesman Alex Ben Block said the Thursday funeral for the "Clueless" and "Girl, Interrupted" actress will be by invitation-only at Forest Lawn Memorial Park, Hollywood Hills. The 32-year-old actress died after collapsing at her Hollywood Hills home on Sunday.

Lilo's In a Mesh Again

She's been in a few scrapes in her time, but this is the biggest mesh Lindsay Lohan has ever got her self into - and the sauciest, too! The Mean Girls actress donned a sexy see-through fishnet body stocking (and very little else) for a photoshoot and video that almost melted the camera lens. Keen-to-shock Li-Lo chose to pose in the doorway of a bathroom, toilet bowl in full view. In one shot she is seen, cig in mouth, with a half-naked male model falling at her feet and clutching her thigh. You can watch a video from the photo-shoot above ... and don't forget to click on the icon at the top of the page to see all the photos in their full glory. Not bad for a star who has just given up being a lesbian!

Hukum Khitan Perempuan

Ajaran Islam (syari’ah Islamiyah) yang diturunkan Allah SWT adalah merupakan bentuk dari kasih-sayangNya kepada umat manusia. Ajaran tersebut pada umumnya sesuai dan sejalan dengan fitrah umat manusia. Salah satu contohnya adalah ajaran tentang khitan, yang sangat sejalan dengan fitrah manusia, sesuai sabda rasul SAW. خَمْسٌ مِنْ الْفِطْرَةِ الْخِتَانُ وَالِاسْتِحْدَادُ وَنَتْفُ الْإِبْطِ وَتَقْلِيمُ الْأَظْفَارِ وَقَصُّ الشَّارِبِ “Lima perkara yang merupakan fitrah manusia : 1. sunat (khitan), 2. al-Istihdad (mencukur rambut pada sekitar kemaluan), 3. memotong kumis, 4. mencukur bulu ketiak, dan 5. menggunting kuku. (HR Jama’ah dari Abu Hurairah r.a.). Khitan yang juga sebagai salah satu syi’ar agama Islam mempunyai banyak hikmah; misalnya dari sisi medis, khitan bisa membersihkan organ tubuh kita. Daerah kemaluan yang cenderung lembab dan ‘rawan tidak bersih’ karena kemungkinan tertinggalnya sisa air kencing, dapat diminimalkan dengan dikhitan, sehingga bisa lebih bersih, dan d...

Bahaya Celana Ketat

Kalau kamu termasuk pencinta celana, khususnya bahan celana ketat, perhatikan dulu aturannya. Ada bahaya yang mengancam bila kamu sering mengenakannya bahkan bisa bisa menyebabkan kemandulan. Walaah...Coba kamu perhatikan deh celana model apa yang tidak pernah ketinggalan jaman hingga saat ini? Bisa dipastikan jawabannya dalah celana jeans ketat. Hanya saja yang menjadi masalah adalah si pemakainya kerap tidak mematuhi aturan kesehatan yang disarankan oleh para ahli, kiususnya pakar kesehatan kulit dan kelamin. Karena tanpa disadari ada bahaya yang mengintai apabila kamu sering memakai celana jeans ketat. Loh kok bisa? Kenapa? Alasannya karena celana jenis ini tidak mudah menyerap keringat

Lady Gaga’s Free Kiddy Peepshow

Lookin’ like the hugest asshole ever sporting massive shoulder pads for dress, Lady Gaga helped further clog traffic along Santa Monica Blvd. last night outside West Hollywood’s Best Buy, attracting hordes of fans for the release of her latest album “Monster.” Psychotic screamers flailed and clawed for any glimpse of Lady G, those lucky folk also scoring an autographed sleeve.

Megan Fox Kembali Jadi Yang Terseksi

Mungkin nama Megan Fox selalu menduduki peringkat atas di daftar aktris paling seksi di dunia. Yup, sekali lagi bintang 'Transformers' itu pun dinobatkan sebagai Bintang Film Paling seksi oleh majalah film Empire. Seperti dikutip dari Empire, Selasa (20/10/2009), Megan Fox dipilih karena penampilan fisiknya yang sempurna, mulai wajahnya hingga lekuk tubuhnya. Tapi bukan hanya itu, Megan punya kemampuan akting yang cukup mumpuni ditambah dengan kepribadiannya yang memang apa adanya.

Club Promotes Polygamy in Indonesia

It is a scene of peaceful serenity. Rows of men kneel in deep prayer inside a large hall on the outskirts of Jakarta. The women sit just behind them, their heads bowed in quiet contemplation. It could be afternoon prayers anywhere in Indonesia, a vast Muslim-majority archipelago, but this scene happens to be inside the sprawling headquarters of Jakarta's newest club - the "Global Ikhlwan" polygamy club. Tucked away in a leafy suburb a few hours out of Jakarta, the club was set up in Indonesia earlier this year, but has its origins in Malaysia.