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Boediono: Kondisi Bank Century dan IFI Berbeda

Wakil Presiden Boediono mengatakan bahwa kondisi dan waktu Bank Century dan Bank IFI mengalami masalah berbeda sehingga penanganan berbeda. Saat dipanggil oleh Panitia Angket Century, Selasa (22/12), seorang anggota Panitia dari Gerindra, Ahmad Muzani, mempertanyakan mengapa Bank Century diselamatkan sedang Bank IFI dan Indovers ditutup. Menurut Boediono yang saat keputusan dibuat sedang menjabat sebagai Gubernur Bank Indonesia, Bank Century diputuskan dibantu karena dunia sedang dalam puncak krisis ekonomi. "Bank Century itu kolaps pada puncak krisis global," katanya seperti yang tampak dalam siaran langsung di TVOne.

Support for Boediono and Sri Mulyani grows

Vice President Boediono and Finance Minister Sri Mulyani may find themselves in the hot seat for their alleged decision-making mistake concerning the Bank Century debacle. But public support grows. Boediono and Mulyani are considered the most responsible regarding the decision to bail out the ailing bank at a meeting they led in November last year. Boediono was Bank Indonesia governor when the bailout, said to have cost the country Rp 6.76 trillion (US$716 million), was issued. Their key role in the bailout was shown in an audit report on the debacle from the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) submitted to the House of Representatives late last month. Pressure grew for Boediono and Mulyani to resign.