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Ketika WordPress dkk Dibobol

Image via Wikipedia Judul tulisan di blog itu "Insiden Keamanan". Penting, sebab penulisnya adalah   Matt Mullenweg , pendiri WordPress, dan   ditulis di blog resmi WordPress . Singkatnya, server , yang menyimpan data sejumlah layanan seperti WordPress, dibobol dan Mullenweg memutuskan untuk jujur kepada publik. Di blog itu, kata Mullenweg, pembobolan ke sejumlah server Automattic terjadi pada Rabu (13/4). Menurut dia, pembobolan itu berkategori " low-level (root) break-in ". Artinya, ada potensi apa pun yang ada di server itu diakses oleh si pembobol. Bagi pengguna WordPress, ini tentu bukan hal menggembirakan. Selain WordPress, server-server Automattic juga menyimpan kode-kode dan data partner seperti Akismet , Gravatar , dan lain-lain. Automattic sudah mempelajari bagaimana pembobolan itu dilakukan, dan sejauh apa informasi yang terekspos ke si pembobol. Dan, "Kami sudah mengamankan jalan masuk yang dipakai si pengakses," kata ...

Why Google Won't Give Twitter or Facebook a Buzz Cut Tomorrow

OK, I’ve given you the reasons why Google will be successful this time, but why won’t what they announce tomorrow give Twitter or Facebook a buzz cut? Funny aside, I found this photo of Matt Mullenweg (the entrepreneur behind Wordpress) getting a buzz cut by using Google’s Social Circles search.

WordPress 2.9, Now with Built-in Image Editor and Delete Undo

The latest version of the world most popular self-hosted blogging platform, WordPress 2.9, is now out and available for everyone to download and install. It's been quite a while since the last major update, more than six months actually, and the latest version comes with a few big new features and a bunch of smaller ones as well as updates, bug fixes, the works. The biggest feature is likely the new image editor which allows users to do basic photo editing inside the post editor without having to rely on third-party tools. “I’m here on behalf of the entire WordPress development team and community to announce the immediate availability of WordPress version 2.9 “Carmen” named in honor of magical jazz vocalist Carmen McRae (whom we’ve added to our WP release station),” Matt Mullenweg, Automattic founder, the company behind the open-source WordPress platform and the blog hosting service, wrote.