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Jejaring Sosial Munculkan Lahan Bisnis Baru

Perusahaan yang mengandalkan keuntungan dari jumlah pelanggan dan loyalitas merek kini melirik jejaring sosial. Lahan pekerjaan baru di bidang media sosial pun kini jadi sangat dibutuhkan. Beberapa bulan terakhir seperti dikutip dari Bloomberg Businessweek, perusahaan Sears Holding, Panasonic, Citigroup, Electronic Arts, AT&T, Fiji Water dan masih banyak lagi mulai mempekerjakan ahli media sosial. Sebagai pemimpin perusahaan yang begitu mengejar perkembangan dunia digital mereka memanfaatkan kepercayaan dan emosi yang hadir di jejaring sosial. Proses perekrutan ini berazaskan kepada kepercayaan bahwa seseorang mampu memahami perilaku konsumen di internet. Pete Cashmore yang menjalankan blog Mashable menilai saat ini menjadi peluang bagi industri ini yang benar-benar meledak. “Ada lebih banyak masyarakat yang berpartisipasi saat ini. Ada banyak perusahaan menyadari ini dan menganggap bahwa mereka harus memiliki strategi media sosial,” papar Cashmore.

Twitter Bakal Jual Trending Topics?

Twitter sedang getol-getolnya mencari uang dari layanan microblogging yang luar biasa populer tersebut. Kabar yang beredar, Trending Topics pun bakal dijual. Hal itu dikemukakan Peter Kafka, blogger dan wartawan teknologi lewat, Minggu (13/6/2010). Dikatakan bahwa, selain 'Promoted Tweets' Twitter juga akan menjual 'Promoted Trends'. Diduga, program itu akan memungkinkan pemasang iklan memasukkan kalimat mereka ke dalam Trending Topic yang sedang muncul di halaman Twitter. Jika diklik, akan muncul hasil pencarian yang menampilkan 'Promoted Tweets' pada bagian atas. Nah, berapa harga iklan itu? Memang belum ada kabar pasti, namun desas-desusnya menyebutkan harganya bisa mencapai puluhan ribu dollar AS per hari.

Google CEO Says Newspapers Can Make Money Online

Google Inc. Chief Executive Eric Schmidt told a group of editors Sunday that he is confident that newspapers will find new ways to make money online by harnessing the vast reach of the Internet. Media executives have accused Google of draining readers and advertising from newspapers' Web sites. But in a speech to open the annual conference of the American Society of News Editors, Schmidt said Google recognizes that newspapers are vital to democracy and provide a critical source of online content. "We understand how fundamental your mission is," he said. Schmidt predicted that the news business will find a new model, based on a combination of advertising and subscription revenue. He said Google hopes to facilitate that, but he offered no specifics.

Chinese ‘Cyber Lover’ Cheats Internet Girlfriend of Two Million Yuan

he Chinese Police has detained an 18-year-old man suspected of defrauding his Internet girlfriend of more than two million yuan (307,064 dollars) in Qianan city of Northeast China's Hebei province. The jobless young man surnamed Qiu got to know the girl surnamed Bi through QQ, the most popular Chinese instant messenger, in July 2009. He called himself Guo Xingchen and told the girl that he was a pilot and that his family ran an iron and steel company, the China Daily reports. Bi, who was impressed by Qiu's seemingly rich lifestyle, kept sending money in the following months to Qiu when he lied repeatedly, such as telling her about a car accident and organ transplant.

Top 10 Payroll Software

Payroll is a major administrative hassle for every business, especially those running on small scale. It takes hours in calculating withholdings, completing government reports, depositing tax money in various accounts, and writing and signing checks. Apart from that there are other quarterly filings and tax-payment requirements that needs to be addressed on time. In case there are inaccuracies in processing it might result in legal repercussions. A hassle free payroll requires efficient payroll software that allows employers to pay the employees with ease, and manage payroll essentials like tax, insurance, holidays, absence and online year-end submissions to HMRC. For an easy selection we conducted an extensive research to sort out the top 10Payroll software. 1. Intuit Payroll This is one of the favorite payroll software packages for small business for its simplicity and ease-of-use. Clients can easily manage their payroll online anytime, anywhere. Intuit automatically fills in the ...

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Ning's Infinite Ambition

It isn't just a site where users can build their own social networks -- Ning is a model of how to create a perpetual growth machine. Here's something you probably don't know about the Internet: Simply by designing your product the right way, you can build a billion-dollar business from scratch. No advertising or marketing budget, no need for a sales force, and venture capitalists will kill for the chance to throw money at you.

12 Alasan Selebriti Bugil di Playboy

Semua model yang menghiasi sampul depan majalah Playboy pasti akan berpose panas, bahkan rela tampil bugil. Di balik pose syur yang dilakukan para model tersebut, selalu ada alasan menarik yang pantas Anda ketahui. Ketika seorang bintang rela difoto telanjang, biasanya ada salah satu alasan dari dua hal. Pertama, mereka ingin berada di Oprah Show, atau berpose untuk majalah milik Hugh Hefner itu. Jika ingin tahu jajaran model yang rela berpose bugil dan menanggalkan seluruh pakaiannya untuk majalah pria ternama itu, Zimbio membocorkannya untuk Anda: