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Wabah Bunuh Diri di Era Komunikasi Social Media

Ini bukan tulisan panjang tentang bunuh diri, tapi ini hanya tweet beberapa hari lalu di bulan Mei saat saya membaca sekilas tentang wabah bunuh diri yang semakin hari tanpa kita sadari muncul begitu saja. Inilah beberapa tweet yang saya arsip, dan barangkali berguna untuk Anda pahami.

5 Ways to Use Twitter for Good

I’m a big fan of  Twitter , and have been using it heavily since the outset. For those of you not yet using it, Twitter is a communications gateway that asks the question: “What are you doing now?” Users can answer and hear their friends’ answers via SMS, via IM, or on a webpage. Updates have to be under 140 characters. Think somewhere between IRC and IM and that’s Twitter. Twitter is a constant pulse product, meaning it can really sap your attention span. That seems antithetical to life-hacking, or at least to Getting Things Done. So how is it useful? Here are my tricks. Use Twitter for Good Quick Human Answers - Ask folks on your friend’s list which digital  camera  to buy for under $300 US, and you’ll get back a stream of responses. Conference / News Briefings - The last several major tech events were covered by Twitter. I heard about the Apple iPhone faster through Twitter than I would via blog surfing. Similarly, I’ve watched people in San Francisco report earthqua...

Hugo Chávez embraces Twitter to fight online 'conspiracy'

Hugo Chávez on his TV show, Alo Presidente. Photograph: Prensa Miraflores/EPA Think of a camel passing through the eye of a needle, or an irresistable force meeting an immovable object, or a giant round peg in a tiny square hole, and you get the idea: Hugo Chávez meets Twitter. Venezuela 's prolix president, a leader who does not speak so much as bathe in words, thousands of them at a time, is embracing the microblogging site, which caps utterances at 140 characters. Chávez opened a Twitter account yesterday, using the tag "cadanga", which in Venezuelan Spanish means daring or rebellious.

Avoid “Man-in-the-Middle” Attacks With Perspectives

The Perspectives Firefox Extension is a useful free add-on for Firefox that improves the usability of the browser and provides an additional layer of security when connecting to sites using SSL. When you use a protocol like SSL to connect to a secure web site, your communication with that site is vulnerable to a “ man-in-the-middle ” attack unless you’re able to identify the remote server in a secure manner. Most sites can be securely identified because they buy a certificate from a Certificate Authority like VeriSign. Unfortunately, as certificates can be expensive and tricky to administer, some sites prefer to self-certify, and some have expired certificates. Attempting to connect to one of these sites will lead to Firefox issuing the “Website Certified by Unknown Authority” warning that you’ve probably seen many times: Have you ever just clicked “OK” to accept a certificate without checking it out? Most of the time, it’s probably fine, but you could be leaving yo...

5 Things That Don’t Work on Facebook Pages

Should you have a Facebook Page ? Before integrating Facebook Pages (sometimes called “Facebook Fan Pages”) into your social media marketing mix, you need to think strategically. Georgina provided a basic overview of the need for strategy in “ Businesses and the Social Media Trap ,” and I ranted about the problem of not understanding strategy in the first place in “ It’s the Social Media Strategy Struggle .” This week, I want to discuss why people become fans of Facebook Pages in the first place. I’ll follow that with some thoughts on what doesn’t really work on Pages. After that, I’ll list some things that I believe do work, based on personal and professional experience, industry news and anecdotal information. I am surprised by the number of Facebook Pages that are popping up marketing what I would consider to be pretty “unmarketable” things for a Facebook audience. Let’s face it: Not everything should be marketed using every new cool tool on the block. Facebook Pages have spec...

FBI Using Phony Profiles on Social Networks to Track Criminals Online

The FBI and other federal agencies are going undercover on Facebook, LinkedIn, MySpace and other social networks with phony profiles to gather information and communicate with suspects, according to an internal Justice Department document. FBI agents, for example, have used Facebook to determine the whereabouts of a fugitive. Other investigators can check alibis by comparing stories a suspect tells police with their tweets sent at the same time . A civil liberties group, The Electronic Frontier Foundation, obtained the 33-page document after suing the Justice Department. It makes the document public today on its website. Specifically, the 33-page confidential document says undercover operations are helpful for communicating with suspects and targets of crime, gaining access to private information, and mapping social networks. However, the presentation expresses concern that undercover use may be complicated by the court’s decision in the trial of Lori Drew, who was acquitted o...

List of Best 10 Facebook Hacks

In my last previous post How to hack facebook password ,I told you a method to hack a facebook password, i now though to continue the series of facebook hacks. As you know Facebook has become very famous in last 1 year. Orkut which was considered to be the best Social networking website has been sidetracked by emerging Social Networking Websites like Facebook and Twitter. Considering the popularity of Facebook we have collected the Most Essential Hacks of Facebook and presented them to you.

Top Ten Ponsel-Ponsel Extreme Saat Ini

10. Motorola Renegade V950 flip-phone Ponsel ‘kulit kerang’ Motorola ini desainnya bisa dibilang gak gitu ‘manis’, tapi cukup slim dan sudah di test standar militer US dan mendapat sertifikat spesifikasi 810F yaitu, tahan goncang dan getaran, tahan debu, dan anti percikan air (hujan). Ponsel ini sudah dilengkapi 3G, PTT (push to talk), kamera 2 mp dan bluetooth.

Jejaring Sosial Genjot Trafik Data Seluler

Lima tahun ke depan, layanan data memang disorot industri. Adapun saat ini, industri sudah mulai fokus pada ekosistem antara device, konektivitas, konten. “Di segi device, ponsel murah berbasis 3G, seperti merek lokal, data card, netbook, iPhone, Android, dan Windows 7 yang lebih terjangkau, akan menggeber pasar hingga trafik datanya semakin tinggi,” kata Hasnul Suhaimi, Presiden Direktur XL pada wartawan, 22 Februari 2010. Hasnul menyebutkan, maraknya device yang semakin terjangkau akan menggairahkan trafik XL sebagai salah satu operator selular dengan pengguna layanan data terbesar di indonesia.

Google Buzz Not a Twitter or Facebook Killer, Says Google Exec

  GMAIL USERS: You’re welcome to join the discussion over on Mashable’s Google Buzz account . Google Buzz is not a rival to Facebook or Twitter, says Google exec Bradley Horowitz — instead he sees it as a platform for conversation, and hopes other services will be able to flow in and out of Buzz. In an eWeek interview earlier this week, Horowitz, Google’s VP of product management, was asked whether Buzz was intended as a challenger to Twitter and Facebook. He replied:

FBI’s Most Wanted: Your Browsing Activity

FBI Director Robert Mueller wants ISPs to track “origin and destination information” about their customers’ browsing habits and store them for authorities’ use for two years, according to a CNET report. That would mean monitoring the IP addresses, domains and exact websites users visit, and then storing that information for months. If officials who support this measure get their way, federal, state and local law enforcement would be able to access the information via search warrant or subpoena. Access to exact URLs would require deep-packet inspection, which could be a violation of the Wiretap Act. The courts would end up having to make a ruling one way or the other if authorities try it.

How Campus Communication Technology Works

Today's generation of college students is among the first to take technological innovations such as e-mail, text-messaging and wireless Internet capability for granted. Entering freshmen in 2007 anticipate that they'll be connected in the dorms, in the classroom and across campus. © Yellow Dog Productions/Photodisc/ Getty Images Tech-savvy students expect WiFi connections. As university administrators try to keep pace with the expectations of these students who've grown up using the Internet, they're transforming the college campus into a wireless environment that integrates the latest communication technologies into the classroom and into student life. Some of the changes simply enhance the student lifestyle; others strike at the very root of timeworn notions of how learning should take place in higher-education institutions. A 2007 University of Virginia survey found that 67 percent of incoming freshman owned an iPod. Among students who came to school with a co...