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How To Recognize Valid URL from Text

Twitter and host of Twitter clients as well as tons of other programs have to recognize valid URL's (protocol defined in RFC 1738) from plain text and hyperlink them. Unfortunately dues tyo lazyness (or lack of knowledge) of the programmers such URL detection schemes are often hare-brained and fails torecognize valid URL's properly. URL can use a wide variety of characters and you need to recognize all of them to properly identify and isolate an URL from surrounding text. Here is a simple guide for programmers (based on RFC 1738 obviously): In general, URLs are written as follows: : A URL contains the name of the scheme being used ( ) followed by a colon and then a string (the ) whose interpretation depends on the scheme. Scheme names consist of a sequence of characters. The lower case letters "a"--"z", digits, and the characters plus ("+"), period ("."), and hyphen ("-") are allowed. For resiliency...

How To Use Twitter Correctly

Well, that’s quite easy. Since Twitter is free to use and available in every country in the world, you can just register and post tweets, engage in superficial internet relationships which require little or no investment. However, there’s more than that in Twitter. In this article, we’ll try to have some insight on how to use the famous 140-character micro blogging service correctly, as well as introduce you to basic vocabulary every Twitter should know. Before you start Tweeting, here’s the basic vocabulary of Twitter: To ‘follow’ someone means to subscribe to another users’ tweets, or follow to subscribe from them. You may want to follow only followorthy users as they give you more valuable content than the others. To Retweet or RT means to re-tweet tweets tweeted by other twitters, this can help you a lot, as it shows that you don’t care to put yourself in front of others. You can also send Direct Messages (DM) to other users; they can only be seen by the users you send them to....

10 Most Common Girls' Passwords

Personal security and privacy are issues of extreme sensitivity for women. So its a bit of a mystery that when it comes to passwords, they tend to be really open-minded. Most of them possess supernatural abilities of having their passwords stolen and getting hooked by highly unskilled phishermen. Here are ten reasons why:    1. 123456/abcdef/aaaa/1111 This is like delivering a low blow to the whole concept of “password”. Yeah they are really easy to remember but then they are among the very few combinations that every tom, dick and harry hacker will try before scratching his bottom. ...